
Terms for subject International trade containing 值... 的 | all forms | in specified order only
美俚不值钱的股票cats and dogs
不在市场买卖而按成本计值的投资investments not traded in the market which were valued at their cost
不承认其值的资产unadmitted asset
不规定发行价格的无面值股true no par stock
主要出口货物的数量与价值quantity and value of principal exports (imports)
以特别提款权计值的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits
以特别提款权计值的辛迪加贷款SDR-denominated syndicated credits
值的分割apportionment of valuation
值的相对边际relative margin of value
优惠贷款和赠款的净值net concessional loans and grants
估算价值的方法imputation methodology
估计的价值estimate value
低估价值的保单undervalued policy
债务偿还占国民生产总值的debt service as a % of GNP (gross national product)
充分就业下的产值full-employment output
农场产权的价值value of equity in the farm
取消赎回权的担保品价值foreclosure value
可能达到的国民生产总值充分就业下的产值potential gross national product full-employment output
因货币贬值或升值而进行的某些货币换算调整certain translation adjustments as a result of currency depreciations and appreciations
固定资产对净值的比率fixed assets to net worth
固有的价值indigenous value
国内储蓄总量对总产值的比率ratio of gross domestic saving to the gross product
国民生产总值和人口实际增长率的估计数estimates of the real rates of growth of GNP and population
用涂改等欺骗手法增加了票面价值的支票raised cheque
值的基础basis of valuation
对偿还货币订有保值条款的债务debt which has a provision for maintenance of value of the currency of repayment
就业的弹性值value of elasticity of employment
已拨款债务占国民生产总值的disbursed debt as a % of GNP
影响实际国民生产总值的物价降低率G.N.P. deflator
总投资对国民总产值的比率ratio of gross investment to gross national product
承付贷款的票面值face value of loan commitments
承诺贷款的实际值real value of loan commitments
投资证券的市值market value of investment securities
按人口平均的总产值per capita gross product
按人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita gross domestic product
按人口平均计算的国民生产总值per capital gross national product (GNP)
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值G.N.P. at constant prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值G.N.P. at market prices
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值G.N.P. at factor cost
推销不值钱股票的掮客share pusher
收回的价值recovery value
无票面价值的股票no-par-value capital stock
无面值股票的宣称价值no par stock with stated value
有价值的服务valuable service
未来各期偿付本金和利息的折现值discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest
未来的政府因素值future values of government factor
未申报的价值undeclared value
法定资本对负债总额及净值的比率ratio of vested capital to total liabilities and net worth
燃料在商品贸易总值中所占的比重share of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade
特别提款权按美元的贬值和升值depreciation and appreciations of the SDR in terms of the Unites State doUar
生产毛值的增加gross value added
用特别提款权计值的影响effect of valuation in tenns of the SDR
相对的边际价值relative marginal value
稳定的但可调整的票面价值stable but adjustable par values
竞争性的非升值competitive non-revaluation
股东拥有的资产净值主权资本shareholders' equity
股东的财产净值stockholder's equity
规定发行价格的面值股stated value no par stock
负债总额与净值的利益率profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
货币的对外价值external value of currency
资本化的价值capitalized value
避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施hedge against inflation
防止公司债价值减少的条款anti-dilution clause
非固有的价值extrinsic value
非本来的价值extrinsic value
预防通货膨胀所造成的损失的套购保值inflationary hedge