
Terms for subject Economy containing 值... 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一定成本的最高产值maximum output for a given cost
一盎司黄金或白银的货币值coining value of an ounce of gold or silver
一笔款项与序列款项的时间价值time value of sums and series
上述该国政策被迫将它的货币贬值The government of the abovementioned country was forced to devalue its currency
不可计值的资产inadmitted assets
不同使用价值的组合composition of different kinds of use values
不均衡的套期保值imperfect hedge
与价值有联系的储蓄value-linked savings
与受益价值相等的报酬valuable consideration
为提高该公司的商业信誉的价值,做这类广告很有必要In order to enhance the value of the goodwill of the company, such advertisements are needed
产品的价值value volume and range of product
产品的价值、数量和种类value, volume and range of product
产权平均值的减低equity dilution
产权平均值的降低equity dilution
产生的经济价值economic value created
人力资本的价值value of human capital
人均计算的总值per capita gross product
他买了比票面价值高的股票He has bought shares above par
他们按照当时的折旧资产账面价值向我方出售了工厂机器They sold us the machinery of the factory at the then depreciated book value of such machinery
他是一项有价值的房地产的租借人He is the leaseholder of a valuable property
以官方价格表示的价值mercurial value
以官方价格表示的价值official price value
以旧换新的旧物价值trade-in value
以特别提款权计值的辛迪加贷款Special Drawing Right denominated syndicated credits
以特别提款权计值的辛迪加贷款SDR denominated syndicated credits
以现行货币表示的国民净产值current money NNP
以现金计的价值cash value
以美元计算的国民生产净值dollar NNP
千元a used car good for (1000 yuan, 旧车)
值的储藏store of value
值的共同标准common denominator of value
值的划分the apportionment of valuation
值的原始成本original cost value
值的变动the disturbance of value
值的变动disturbance of values
值的外在表现external expression of value
值的成本学说cost theory of value
值的扩展形式expanded form of value
值的承担者deposit of value
值的效用论utility theory of value
值的曲折途径tortuous channels of value
值的最终效用理论final utility theory of value
值的矛盾the paradox of value
值的简单形式elementary form of value
值的自行增值self-expansion of value
值的货币形式monetary form of value
值的货币表现the expression of value in money
值的转化形式modified form of value
价值, 净当前的present worth
价值, 净当前的net present value
价值是生产费用对效用的关系value is the relation of production cost to effectiveness
价值理论的基本方程式fundamental equation of value theory
估算价值的方法an imputation methodology
估计的价值estimated value
值的股票cats and dogs
低于面值发行的股票stock issued at less than book value
低估价值的保单an undervalued policy
作业时间的期待值expected elapsed time
你们没有从精美的工艺来衡量而低估该产品的价值You undervalue the product without considering it's excellent workmanship
使用价值的转换exchange between use values
使用价值与交换价值的关系relations of use-value and exchange-value
使用价值与交换价值的关系relation of use-value and exchange-value
使用价值与交换价值间的关系relations of use-values and exchange-value
例外非常的价值exceptional value
例外的价值exceptional value
保守的净值conservative net worth
保险统计算出的等值equivalent actuarial value
信息完整的期望值expected value of perfect information
值... 的worth
值钱的东西value's worth
允许的最大值maximum allowable
允许的账面价值减低数额the writing down allowance
充分就业下的产值full employment output
全部货物库存的总价值估计约为五万美元The entire stock of goods is valued at about $50.000
具有历史价值的国家文物national treasure of historic value
农业的价值中所占的份额增加agricultural policy indicator
决定后进先出计算中的币值原则dollar-value principle to determine LIFO computation
决定后进先出计算中的美元币值原则dollar value principle to determine LIFO computations
净现金流量的现值present value of net cash flow
净的国内产值 NDPnet domestic product
净的国民产值 NNPnet national product
减去折旧后的资产价值written down value
分配的利益及价值contributing interests and value
利润对净产值的百分比profit percentage of net output
到…时的价值value as on ...
制造商未实现的定货值the manufacturer's unfilled order
制造商的装运值manufacturer's shipments
剩余价值的承担者bearer of surplus-value
剩余价值的流通circulation of surplus value
剩余价值的转化conversion of surplus value
剩余价值到利润的转化conversion of surplus-value into profit
剩余价值到利润的转化conversion of surplus value into profit
剩余的价值转化为货币monetization of surplus value
劳动力的交换价值exchange-value of labour-power
劳动力的日价值daily value of labour-power
单位产品的价值per unit value of a product
博弈的货币值monetary value of the game
取最相近整数的较高值round up
受限的极大值constrained maximum
受限的极大值constrained maximization
可变的现净值net realizable value
可增加的净现值incremental net present value
可按面值转换股票的公司信用债debenture convertible at par
合理的期望值rational expectations
售价与原始价值之间的差额acquisition adjustment
商品价值的变形transformation of commodity value
商品总值的等分值value of the equally divided units of the total value of commodities
商品的个别价值individual value of a commodity
因该国的货币贬值,公司的财产得重新估价The company's properties have to be revalued since the currency of that country has been devalued
固有的价值indigenous values
固有的价值intrinsic value
国民总产值中的消费支出consumption expenditure in GNP
国民生产总值的估算estimation of GNP
国民生产总值的平衡水准equilibrium level of GNP
在出口点的美元价值dollar value at point of exportation
在确定此类公平价值时,不应考虑企业的商业信誉价值In determining such fair value, one can't take into consideration any value for goodwill of the concern
值的生产率productivity of added value
增值法的长期率long-range rate of appreciation method
增加 1%的数值number of 1% increment
外国资产的净值net external assets
完成工作的价值线line of the value of work performed
完整信息的期望值expected value with perfect information
定值过高的货币the overvalued currency
实值低于账面的资产watered assets
客户的经济价值economic value for the customer
就你方提及的因装载不足索赔一事,我方同意赔偿总值的7%We agree to compensate you for the claim on short shipment by 7% of the total value
已鉴定的价值the appraised value
币值不变的假定the stability of monetary unit assumption
币值稳定的假设the stability of monetary unit assumption
平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GHP scale
平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GNP scale
年金因子的现值present worth of an annuity factor
年金因子的现值present worth of 1 per annum
年金因子的现值discount factor for a stream of income
年金的复利值compound value of annuity
应收票据的现值摊提present value amortization notes receivable
应纳税的价值taxable value
应纳税的价值value for duty
当前的价值present value
形成价值实体的量the value-creating substance
总和的价值形式total form of value
总投资的现值present worth on total investment
总的国内生产值 GDPgross domestic product
总的国民产值 GNPgross national product
我们希望能很快回收我们的保值投资We hope our safe investments can be recouped quickly
所得财产的减值reduced value of acquired property
扩大的价值形态expanded form of value
扩大的价值形态the expanded form of value
找出投资的最高值maximize the investment
抉择资本支出标准的现值法present value method as criterion for capital expenditure decision
投资帐面值的年收益average income on book value of an investment
…日期的价值计算value as on... (the date)
按不变价格计算的价值price adjusted value
按人口平均的国民生产总值per capita gross national product
按人口平均计算的全国总产值gross national product per capita
按人口平均计算的国内总产值gross domestic product per capita
美国按发货国出口价格计算的进口商品的价值export value of imported merchandise
美国按发货国国内价格计算的进口商品的价值foreign value of imported merchandise
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price GNP at constant price
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at constant price
按固定出率递减净值的方法fixed percentage of decreasing net value method
按实值支付的矿区使用费royalty in value
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price GNP at market price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at market price
按成本要素计算的国民生产总值gross national products at factor costs
按现值计算的投资the time-adjusted investment
按现值计算的收人time adjusted revenues
按现值计算的收入time-adjusted revenue
按现值计算的现金流量discounted cash flow
按现行价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
按用途分类的物质产品净值net material product by use
按…的价值according to one's merit
按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值gross domestic product by kind of economic activity
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值GNP at factor cost
按购买者价格计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product in purchaser's values
按购置价格计算的价值historical value
按面值全部缴清的股票fully paid shares (stocks)
接近标准的数值a value approximate to the standard
提供等值服务的方案alternatives providing service of equal value
值的误差公式error formula in interpolation
支付这些年金,显然会减少结算的表面价值These annuity payments will obviously reduce the face value of the settlement
收益的资本化值capitalized earnings
放弃的生产价值value of production foregone
数量上值得开采的石油economical quantities oil
无价值的small bear
for, on, about 无价值的queer
无价值的东西small beer
无价值的假设low hypothesis
无升值的固定价fixed price without escalation
无形资产价值的销除the write-off of intangibles
无票面价值的公债券no par certificate of stock
无票面价值的股票等no-par certificate of stock
无面值股票的宣告价值no-par stock with states value
日劳动的价值value of a day's labour
暗中贬值的汇率depreciated implicit exchange rate
最适当的时间值most many, much 的最高级 likely time estimate
有… 价值的worth
有价值的对偿物valuable consideration
有工业价值的油藏储量commercial deposits
有开采价值的铁矿床promising iron deposit
有正值的储蓄positive saving
服务价值的研究value-of-service consideration
未申报的价值the undeclared value
未贬值的价值the undepreciated value
未贬值的货币the undepreciated currency
材料的价值materials value
值的形态pattern of salvage values
残余的价值salvage value
每年1的现值present worth of an annuity factor
每年1的现值present worth of 1 per annum
每年1的现值discount factor for a stream of income
每期间 1美元的现值the present worth of $1 per period
每次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美元The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000
每百元固定资产原值实现的利润profit realized from every 100 yuan of the original value of fixed assets
每股股票的账面价值book value per share of stock
没价值的half penny
潜在的信贷价值农民potential creditworthiness of farmers
潜在的国民总产值potential gross national product
潜在的国民生产总值potential gross national product
潜在的国民生产总值gross national product potential
特别提款权对美元的贬值或升值depreciation and appreciation of the SDR in terms of US dollar
现值会计下的土地价值land value under current value accounting
现值基础上的比较present worth basis for comparison
生产的价值new value produced
生产的谷值the valley in production
用价值来核算对外贸易的经济效果use value to measure the economic effects of foreign trade
用过的价值second-hand cost
由投入的劳动决定价值的理论labour embodied value theory
申报的价值declared value
相对形式的商品价值relative form of commodity value
真正无面值的股票true no-par value stock
真正的价值sterling worth
破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
确定维护资源的经济价值determining economic quantities of maintenance resources
租赁财产的公平价值fair value of leased property
等价形式的商品价值equivalent form of commodity
等价形成的商品价值equivalent form of commodity
等差序列的时间价值time value of arithmetic series
等量交换价值的支付能力pay for it by means of an equivalent exchange value
纯利与净值的比率net profit to net worth ratio
纸币代表的单位价值量unit value represented in paper currency
综合时间价值的系统system of synthetic time values
股东为了估算本人拥有的股票的价值,必须阅读公司的年度财务报表Stockholders must read the annual financial statement of a company in order to evaluate their own holding
股东的财产净值the stockholder's equity
股票增值收入相连的保障stock appreciation income-linked security
股票的市场价值shares market value
股票的票面价值shares nominal value
股票的票面价值share's nominal value
自愿劳动的货币价值monetary value of voluntary labour
自然的劳力消耗价值natural labor-expenditure price
自行增值的价值self-expanding value
西方世界的一些主要货币的价值急剧下跌There has been a sharp fall in the value of some of the leading currencies in the west
认缴资本已贷出,但尚未到期款项的保值maintenance of value of capital subscription outstanding on loan, not yet due (金)
证券计价的经济价值制economic basis of valuation
该公司中标签定承建价值1500万英镑的一座新桥的合同The company has won a contract worth £ 15m to construct a new bridge
财产该纳税的价值the rateable value
调整后的账面价值adjusted book value
货币价值的生产费用说cost of production theory of the value of money
货币价值的生产费说cost of production theory of the value of money
货币化的剩余价值realized surplus-value
货币的价值形态money form of value
货币的增值appreciated value
货币的增值the multiplication of currency
货币的增值multiplication of currency
货币的对内价值internal value of money
货币的对外价值external value of money
货币的对外价值external purchasing power of money
货币的时间价值the time value of money
货币的现值观念the concept of present value of currency
货币的相对价值relative value of money
货市的对外价值external value of currency
值的美元cheap dollars (money)
贴现率为15%的现值present worth at discount rate of 1 5%
资产的名义价值asset value
资本与产值的比率capital-output ratio
资本价值的边际收益marginal yield on capital value
资本价值的边际效益marginal yield on capital value
资本的价值构成the value-composition of capital
资本的价值构成value-composition of capital
资本的剩余价值capitalized surplus value
资金成本的增值incremental cost of capital
超过票面值的证券premium bond
转化了的剩余价值converted surplus value
运输劳动的价值追加adding value through the labour performed in transport
运输工具的价值转移transferring value from the means of transportation
这个股票的市价已跌破面值The current price of the share is below its face value
这些机器的实际价值大大超过5000英镑The actual worth of the machines is well over £ 5000
这家公司租借了一些有价值的房地产The company has some valuable leaseholds
追加投资的现值present worth on incremental investment
耗资产的发现价值discovery value for Wasting assets
递耗资产的发现价值discovery value of wasting asset
通货的贬值depreciation of the currency
避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施a hedge against inflation
防止公司债价值减少的条款an anti-dilution clause
难以估量的价值inestimable value
非一致序列的时间值time values of nonuniform series
非定额序列的时间价值time values of nonuniform series
非金钱上的价值nonmonetary values
面值 100元以下的小额债券a baby bond
面值每股50美元的股票half stock
面值100美元一股的股票full stock
项目价值的未贴现措施undiscounted measures of project worth
项目的比值ratio of element
预防通货膨胀造成损失的套购保值inflationary hedge
高于面值发行的股票stock issued at more than book value
黄金或白银的货币值monetary value of gold or silver