
Terms for subject Business containing 值... 的 | all forms | in specified order only
不确定条件下的期望值expected value under uncertainty
与价值相应的保险insurance to value
两次付息期间的债券估值bond valuation between interest dates
为避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施hedge against inflation
交换价值的物质担当者指货币depository of exchange-value
产品的价值,数量和种类value, volume and range of product
人的价值human worth
人的价值human cost
以权益或资产净值作为证券计价的依据equity basis of valuation of securities
值的物质担当者depository of value
值的生产成本论cost of production theory of value
价值可疑的票据或账款doubtful notes and accounts
价值有问题的礼品gift horse
价值货币表现的商品价格commodity price as a monetary expression of value
低于市场价格的基础价值value less than market price basis
低于账面价值发行的股票stock issued at less than book value
低估价值的保险单undervalued policy
1 便士价值的东西pennyworth
F值的F-valued place
值钱的东西money's worth
允许的账面价值减低数额writing down allowance
公平价值的公平报酬fair return on fair value
具有增值性的有价证券aggressive portfolio
剩余价值的转化conversion of surplus-value
剩余价值至利润的转化conversion of surplus-value into profit
单一方案的净年值net annual worth for single project
占国民生产总值的百分比as percentage of gross national product
即将出现的值forth coming value
可变现的价值realizable value
可按面值收取的票据par item
可能达到的国民生产总值potential gross national product
国民生产总值的估计estimation of GNP
国民生产总值的支出expenditure on gross national product
实际无面值的股票actual no-par value stock
工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross industrial output
工作时间的均值与标准差mean and standard deviation for activity time
已拨款债务占国民生产总值的…%disbursed debt as a... % of GNP
带来资本增值的证券aggressive portfolio
平均值的平均数mean of the means
应收票据的现值摊提present value amortization on note receivable
开办费的资本化值capitalized syndication fees
成本与账面价值的差异difference between cost and book value
成本与账面价值的差额difference between cost and book value
抬高资产、货物等的账面价值write up
拆散出售的资产总值breakup value
按人口计算的总产值per capita gross product
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值at constant prices
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price
按实值计算的保险费pro rata premium
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
按现值核算的土地价值land value under current value accounting
按生产者价值计算的增值额value added at producers' value
按美元计值的后进先出法LIFO dollar-value method
按要素价值计算的增值额value added at factor value
按要素成本计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值at factor costs
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
〈法〉按货的价值计算的运费freight by ad valorem
收益的自然增值概念accretion concept of income
无价值的no account
无价值的small beer
无实际价值的财产dead assets
无形资产价值的减记或销账write-down or write-off of intangible
无票面值股份的设定价值stated value of no par stock
无面值股份的设定价值指股份如无面值则由董事会公布每股的价值stated value of no par stock
无面值股票的宣布面值no-par stock with stated value
暗隐贬值的汇率depreciated implicit exchange rate
有价值的持有人即持有汇票或有价证券者holder for value
有开采价值的矿石pay dirt
有票面价值的股票stock with par value
有账面价值的无面值股票no-par stock with stated value
未完结交易的资产净值open trade equity
未来销售额总和的折现值discounted sum of future sales
极大似然估计值的大样本理论large sample theory of maximum likelihood estimation
每期一元的现值present value of one per period
每百元产值占用的固定资产fixed assets employed per 100 yuan output
每百元工业总产值占用的流动资金current fund employed per 100 yuan of gross industrial output
每股股票的账面值book value of per share of stock
派生的统计值derived statistics
特别提款权计值的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits
特征值的渐进分布asymptotic distribution of eigenvalue
特征根的极大值maximum characteristic root
值1的定期付款periodic payment with present value of 1
用因素成本表示的国内净产值net domestic product at factor cost
用特别提款权计值的影响effect of valuation in terms of the SDR
相互抵销的价值opposing value
相对值的直观观点intuitive approach to relative value
硬推销不值钱股票的客share pusher
确定条件下的期望值expected value under certainty
移动均值的移动均值moving average of the moving average
紧的时间值tight time value
终值为 1 元的年金annuity that will amount to 1
绝对值总体中的最小值minimization of the sum of absolute values
缴纳资本超过设定价值的溢价additional paid capital excess of stated value
股东资产净值的盈利return on equity
虚构的价值fictitious value
表现为价值的劳动labor represented by value
观测值的平均值mean of observation
调整的国民生产总值adjusted GNP (gross national product)
负债总额与净值的利润率profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
货币价值的生产成本论cost of production theory of the value of money
资产价值与销货额的比率ratio of asset value to sales
资金的时间价值观念idea of the temporal value of funds
超过设定价值的缴入资本paid-in capital in excess of stated value
超过面值的实缴资本paid-in capital in excess of par value
超过面值的缴入资本paid-in capital in excess of par value
超面值出售股票的盈余paid-in surplus
近似价值的价格approximation of prices to value
钱币的实在含金价值intrinsic value of a coin
除去管理费的净值net of administrative expense
随机项的初始值initial value of the random term
非工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross nonindustrial output
面值25美元的股票quarter stock
高于账面价值发行的股票stock issued at more than book value