
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一之现present value of 1
一之现定期付款periodic payment with present value of 1
一般价general value
上市总价total market value
美俚钱的股票cats and dogs
不劳增unearned increment
不变价constant value
不变美元价constant-dollar values (real-dollar values)
不同种类货物价划分different species
不在市场买卖而按成本计的投资investments not traded in the market which were valued at their cost
不定保险单unvalued policy
不承认其的资产unadmitted asset
不规定发行价格的无面true no par stock
世界制成品出口单位价指数unit value index of world exports of manufactured goods
世界货币重新订world monetary realignment
个人交易价personal exchange value
中、长期资本净medium-term and long-tenn capital, net
为保而买hedge buying selling
主要出口货物的数量与价quantity and value of principal exports (imports)
买期卖期hedge buying (selling)
买期货以保buying hedge
买进保期货hedge buying
交换价exchange value
交易价value in exchange
交易价commercial value
产品价produce value
人均国内生产总per capita gross domestic product
以特别提款权计的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits
以特别提款权计的辛迪加贷款SDR-denominated syndicated credits
以美元时表示expressed in current United States Dollars
以黄金定value in gold
持有人holder for value
指数value index number
企业继续经营价enterprise value
企业顶受价enterprise cost
优惠贷款和赠款的净net concessional loans and grants
value of assessment
偏低货币undervalued currency
估定价assessed value
估定价value of assessment
估定价appraised value
估算价的方法imputation methodology
估算资本imputed capital value
估计成本价estimated cost value
估计的价estimate value
废料low-value scrap
低于票面价值,低下面below par
低于票面价-有贴水par below-at a discount
低估价under valuation
低估价的保单undervalued policy
低估折旧价under-appreciated value
变率折旧depreciation changing percentage of cost less scrap
使用价value in use
maintenance of value
maintain value
债务maintenance of value obligations
保税货bonded value
保险价insured value
保险价value of insurable interest
保险价value of insurance
保险价insurance value
人身保险保险现金解约价cash surrender value
信用比rate credit
信贷价credit worthiness
债券价bond value
债务偿还占国民生产总的%debt service as a % of GNP (gross national product)
得用电报要求增值warrant cabling for an increase
偿债价redemption value
储囤价carrying value
充分就业下的产full-employment output
保险full value insurance
公允价sound value
公共价public value
公平价fair value
共同海损分摊价contributory value
关栈货bonded value
其它资产/净miscellaneous assets to net worth
再生产价reproduction value
农业增加value added of farm
农业总产total value of farm product
农业销售farm market sales
农场产权的价value of equity in the farm
与负债比率ratio of net worth to liabilities
与资产总额比率ratio of net worth to total capital
交易事项equity transaction
周转率turnover ratio of net worth
总额total equity
收益率return on net worth
equity method
净产net output
净变现价net realizable value
净收益对资本比例ratio of net income to net worth
净残net salvage
净现指数net present value index
decrease in value
账户reduced-value (of acquired property)
分摊价contributory value
分摊价contribution value
到期maturity value
到货净net arrived value
制造增value added by manufacture
剩余价rate of surplus value
加权相对weighted relative values
加权综weighted aggregates of value
劳力价labor value
劳工价labor value
货币upward revaluation
准备reserve by revaluation
协定价承运人与托运人互相协定的货物价值agreed valuation
税收tax unique
单位价指数unit value index
卖出保期货hedge selling
卖期保selling hedge
原始价original value
发票价invoice value
取消赎回权的担保品价foreclosure value
受损后价damaged value
受益benefit value
年金variable annuity
变现价realization value
可估股票assessable stock
可保价insurable value
可变估variable evaluation
可变现价realizable value
可收回价recoverable value
可能达到的国民生产总充分就业下的产值potential gross national product full-employment output
合并溢consolidation excess
同一黄金same gold value
商业进口总value of merchandise imports
商品出口总total merchandise exports
四分之三价保险条款three-fourths value clause
回收价returned value
因货币贬或升值而进行的某些货币换算调整certain translation adjustments as a result of currency depreciations and appreciations
在国民生产总中所占比重share in GNP
地位价place value
increase in value
increase of value
保险increased value insurance
指数value-added index
生产能力productivity of added value
added value tax
tax on value added
duty on value added
add value tax
税制value added system
用涂改等欺骗手法增加了票面价的支票raised cheque
增殖价added value
备忘价memorandum value
复制价reproduction value
外国价foreign value
外国市场价foreign market value
外国资产净net external assets
多种价multi values
多种价条款multi-values clause
存货价inventory value
完好价sound value
完好货到达价arrived sound value
完整无损价undamaged value
完税价duty paying value
官方英镑结存保guarantees of official sterling balance
保险单value policy
保险单valued policy
的基础basis of valuation
美元constant dollar
定率减折旧depreciation fixed percentage of diminishing value
宜用preferred value
实际产real output
实际价real value
实际价actual value
实际国民总产real gross national product
实际现金价actual cash value
实际美元价real dollar values
客观价objective value
客观使用价objective value in use
客车换算passenger car equivalent
就业的弹性value of elasticity of employment
工业产value of industrial output
工业总产value of gross output
工业生产总value of total output of industry (gross value of Industrial output)
工时产output per man
已实现增realized appreciation
已拨款债务占国民生产总的%disbursed debt as a % of GNP
已消逝专利权价expired patent value
value of money
升降currency depreciations and appreciations
变动currency fluctuation
调整因素currency adjustment factor
市场价marketable value
市面价market value
平衡价equilibrium price
年增加价value added annually
年金现present value of annuity
应计增资产accrued assets
废料价scrap value
废料价junk value
开始成本价original cost value
影响实际国民生产总的物价降低率G.N.P. deflator
总产total output
总产gross product
总和价aggregate value
总平均general average
总投资对国民总产的比率ratio of gross investment to gross national product
总资本构成对国民总比率ratio of gross capital formation to gross national product
成本估基础cost valuation basis
托收价value in collection
承付贷款的票面face value of loan commitments
承保总aggregate cost of coverage
承诺贷款的实际real value of loan commitments
投资价investment value
投资证券的市market value of investment securities
折价物价trade-in value
折余价undepreciated value
折余价depreciated value
邮件mail matter with value declared
抵押品价value in pledge
挂牌上市股票总total market value of listed share
挂牌股票总total market value of listed shares
及按量计税法compound duties
ad valorem duty
按不变美元价计算in constant dollar value
按人口平均的总产per capita gross product
按人口平均计算的国内生产总per capita gross domestic product
按人口平均计算的国民生产总per capital gross national product (GNP)
按固定价格计算的国民生产总G.N.P. at constant prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总G.N.P. at market prices
按总比例加权法proportion of total value methods of weighting
按要素成本计算的国民生产总G.N.P. at factor cost
按账面价per books
挡扰价nuisance value
推销不钱股票的掮客share pusher
提高票面价increase the par value
收回的价recovery value
收益现present value of earnings
收益能力价earning-capacity value
效用价utility theory of value
无价汇票non-value bill
无商业价no commercial value
无形价intangible value
无没收价non-forfeiture values
无没收价nonforfeiture values
无票面no par value
无票面价的股票no-par-value capital stock
无票面价股票no par value stock
无面股份non-par stock
无面股票shares: no par value
无面股票no par stock
无面股票non par value stock
无面股票no-par-value stock
美国无面股票"no par value" shares
无面股票的宣称价值no par stock with stated value
美元current United States dollars
时间价因素time value factor
易新价trade-in value
暂定保债务notional maintenance of value obligations
更新价replacement value
更新价保险replacement value insurance
最后价ultimate quantity of value
最大部分全般变异greatest portion of overall variance
有价的服务valuable service
有形资产价tangible value
有效价effective value
未折旧价undepreciated value
未来各期偿付本金和利息的折现discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest
未来的政府因素future values of government factor
未申报的价undeclared value
机会成本opportunity cost value
款项之保maintenance of value
salvage value
junk value
残损价salvage value
每人平均国民生产总GNP per capita
每日价daily reference value
每月一之现present value of 1 per period
relative value
毛比gross appreciation
汇积增cascade tax
法定贬official devaluation
法定资本对负债总额及净的比率ratio of vested capital to total liabilities and net worth
流动负债与总负债及净比率ratio of current liabilities to total liabilities and net worth
海关估估价customs valuation
清理价realization value
清算价liquidation value
价格premium price
燃料在商品贸易总中所占的比重share of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade
特别价special value
特别提款权估valuation of SDR
特别提款权按美元的贬和升值depreciation and appreciations of the SDR in terms of the Unites State doUar
present value (worth)
present value method
美元current United States dollars
现场交货价,当地交货条件loco terms
现存价carrying value
现时资本价present capital value
现行价going value
现行价current value
现金价surrender value
现金等money equivalent
生产价productive value
生产毛的增加gross value added
生金银价bullion value
用特别提款权计的影响effect of valuation in tenns of the SDR
申报价value declared
申报价declared value
盈余对资本比率ratio of surpluses to net worth
盈利经营价going concern value
直接以美元计公开买卖债券straight dollar-denominated public offerings
sterling worth
真正价true value
短期价short period value
硬币贬debasement of coinage
票面par-value method
票面价par value of stock
票面价face value (face amount)
票面价face value of a note
票面价denomination value
稳定价sound value
稳定币会计Stabilized accounting
稳定的但可调整的票面价stable but adjustable par values
竞争性的非升competitive non-revaluation
竞争性贬competitive depreciation
第二次美元贬second devaluation of the dollar
收入parity income
曲线或等成本线isocost curve
货币common dollar
精算估actuarial evaluation
约定价commitment value
约定价agreed value
约定价.,协议价值agreed value
约定保险价agreed value
约定损失价租赁保险应负责任stipulated loss value insured value
纯正价sterling worth
class value
组中class value
组织价organization value
结存价carrying value
绝对净net absolutely
继续营业价going value
美元对黄金贬devaluation of dollar in terms of gold
美元时current dollar value
美元相当dollar equivalents
美元等dollar equivalents
美元贬U.S. dollar devaluation
美元贬devaluation of dollar
美国价U.S. value
股东拥有的资产净主权资本shareholders' equity
股东的财产净stockholder's equity
股本value of capital stock
股本与净比率ratio of capital stock to net worth
股本面par-value capital stock
股权价value of stock rights
股票:市场价shares: market value
股票:票面价shares: nominal value
股票票面价par value of stock
股票票面价face value of share
船舶实际价sound value of the ship
船舶残骸价wrecked value
船舶残骸价wreckage value
表面价nominal value
被救价salved value
装运价value of shipments
要求偿还汇票价recover the value of the bill
规定发行价格的面stated value no par stock
解约价termination value
共同标准common denominator
认缴价subscription price
认缴资本业已贷出尚未到期款项之保maintenance of value of capital subscriptions outstanding on loans, not yet due
记录价recorded value
设定价stated value
设定价declared value
负债与净比率ratio of liabilities to net worth
负债与资产净比率debt equity ratio
负债净比率debt-to-net-worth ratio
负债净比率debt-net-worth ratio
负债总额与净周转率turnover ratio of total liabilities and net worth
负债总额与净比率ratio of total liabilities to net worth
负债总额与净的利益率profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
负债总额及净total liabilities and net worth
账面净net book value
提单ad valorem bill of lading
运费ad valorem freight
货到时净net arrived value
货币价money's worth
货币价value of money
货币价monetary value
货币升currency revaluation
货币升currency appreciations
货币含金价intrinsic value
货币存额保所需之暂定款项notional amounts required to maintain values of currency holdings
货币本位贬折旧depreciation of monetary standard
货币的对外价external value of currency
货币贬devaluation of the currency
货币贬depreciation of a currency
货币贬depreciation of money
货币贬currency depreciations
货币贬和货币升值currency devaluation and currency revaluation
货物估valuation form
货运价shipping value
depreciation of value
时期period of depreciation
货币depreciated currency
通货depreciated currency
购买力价purchasing power value
购进者套期保buyers hedging
购进者套购保buyers hedging
资本capital value
资本一产比率capital-output ratio
资本净owners equity
资本净net capital
资本化的价capitalized value
资金价value of resources
赎回价redemption value
运价value surcharge
载运货物价value of shipment
输入价value of import
输出价value of export
口净net import export value
进出口贸易value of import and export
进口import value
进口净net import value
进口总gross import value
进口货物国别价value of imports by country of origin
迫卖价forced sale value
人身保险退保现cash surrender value
退还汇票价return of the value of the bill
递减价定率折旧法fixed percentage of diminishing value method
通货升currency revaluation
通货溢overvaluation of currency
通货贬depreciation of a currency
通货贬currency devaluation
遗产本estate corpus
避免通货膨胀损失的保措施hedge against inflation
重售resale value
重建价reinstatement value
重置价折旧depreciation on replacement value
金价升increase in the price of gold
鉴定价appraisal value
销售value of shipments
销售价sales value
销售价sales value method
销货净额对资本比率ratio of net sales to net worth
长期价long period value
闭市后价after value
防止公司债价减少的条款anti-dilution clause
阻碍价nuisance value
附加价added value
除税净net of tax
零售价存货估retail inventory method
非固有的价extrinsic value
非本来的价extrinsic value
face amount (or value)
证书face-amount certificate
预期expected value
预防通货膨胀所造成的损失的套购保inflationary hedge
轻量货物high value low weight cargo
高于票面价above par
高于票面价-有升水par above-at a premium
黄金价gold value
黄金价条款gold value clause
黄金保条款gold guarantee clause
黄金升upward revaluation of gold
黄金存gold tranche
Showing first 500 phrases