
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
一次数first-order numerical solution
一次近似first approximation
三差分triple difference
三线插tri-linear interpolation
下标subscript value
不可达inaccessible value
不赋not assigned
"与"门真truth table for AND gate
两点近问题two point boundary value problem
median value
定理intermediate value theorem
滤波median filtering (遥感图像数据处理的一种方法)
滤波器tukey filter
选择median selection
逻辑mid-value logic
中差插interpolation by central difference
临界闪光融合阈critical flicker fusion threshold
临界闪融阈critical flicker fusion threshold
变量binary-state variable
two-state picture (每一像元只有两种灰度状态的图像)
图像binary image (每一像元只有黑、白两种灰度状态的数字图像)
图形binary pattern (由像素点为 1,背景点为0构成的图形)
质心跟踪binary centroid tracking
二分点平均equinox mean
二次平均quadratic mean value
二阶数second-order numerical solution
五分钟额定放电five-minute rating
亚当斯一巴会福思数积分Adams-Bashforth numerical integration
亚当斯一莫尔顿数积分Adams-Moulton numerical integration
交叉点差crossover difference
从最大到最小值peak to peak
优选preferred values
伪等线地图pseudo-isoline map
估计误差error of estimation
低屈服lower yield value
低极限定义规定low limit definition
低热low heating value
低热lower heating value
作战operational duty
保证指标guaranteed rating
信号与平均signal to mean (ratio, 比)
信号存在估计signal presence estimation
Q 检测器Q detector
班雷达on-duty radar
Y 偏Y-bias (GPS 卫星轨道计算的一个待估参数)
误差bias error
重复性bias repeatability
偏差数amount of deviation
全局最优global optimum
全局最大global maximum (在整个定义域中,其函数值为最大者)
全局最小global minimum (在整个定义域中,其函数值为最小者)
冲击加速度耐受限impact acceleration tolerance limit
净等温度net equivalent temperature
准峰检波器quasi-peak detector
准确度预期accuracy expectation
几何插geometrical interpolation
几何插geometric interpolation
分区量地图choroplethic map
分段常系统piece-wise constant system
分配allocated value
20 分钟放电额定20-minute rating (蓄电瓶放电从最大到零在 20 分钟内需要的电流值)
分钟额定twenty-minute rating 20 (蓄电瓶的)
initial value
方法initial-value method
问题initial value problem
初估first guess field
初始公式starter formula
初调preset value
剂量率等线dose rate contour line
功率比power ratio method
加权算术平均weighted arithmetic average
包络线峰功率peak envelope power
厚度half value thickness (吸收体的)
半定量估semi-quantitative assessment
半峰全宽度full width at half maximum
半峰全带宽full width at half maximum
半峰振幅的全宽度full width at half peak amplitude
半衰期half-time value
函数single-valued function
操作monadic operation
测向sense finding
非线性single value nonlinearity
单倍长实single length real value
单步数积分single-step numerical integration
单赋语句single assignment language
压力计相当manometer equivalent
参数parameter value language
参数真true value of parameter
精度double-precision value
双峰double amplitude
双幅peak to peak value
双幅double amplitude
双幅度峰double amplitude peak
反射reflectance value
反射属性reflect attribute values
变位数amount of deflection
变址域index field value
变换transformed value (of a measurand, 被测量的)
可救生暴露限survival exposure limit
名义]nominal value
吸气力峰peak inspiratory force
吸气峰peak inspiratory flow
周期图峰peak value of periodogram
嗅阈odor threshold value
噪声峰noise peak
噪声、峰及瞬值noise,spikes and transients
噪声计加权psophometric weighted value
噪声阈noise threshold
噪声额定noise rating number
回路阻loop resistance value
在轨服务价value of on-orbit servicing
地面气象测量surface weather measurements
地面真ground truth
估计器mean estimator
函数mean function
定理mean value theorem
的标准误差standard error of mean
业务value-added services
复合处理composite value processing
复数加权complex weight
复特征问题complex eigenvalue problem
依赖multivalued dependency
决策multivalued decision
相移键控multiple PSK
模糊跟踪ambiguous tracking
跟踪ambiguous tracking
逻辑multiple-valued logic
逻辑模拟multivalued logic simulation
多元最优插multivariate optimum interpolation
多普勒周数累积accumulation of Doppler cycles
多阈模数转换器multi-threshold A-D converter
大地测量边问题geodetic boundary value problem
大型数问题large-scale numerical problem
太阳活动极大solar maximum
头损伤标准head injury criterion
奇异singular value
子样均subsample mean
存取access value
标准物质的certification (of a reference material)
指令constant value command
控制fixed value control
控制fixed set point control
调节constant value control
宾汉姆屈服Bingham yield value
局部local value
工作极限operating limits
块串编码differential block truncation coding
迟延differential delay
差拍频率基准beat frequency basis value
差波束零深度null depth of difference beam (差波束峰值电平与零值电平之比,通常用 dB 表示)
差波瓣零深度null depth of difference pattern
布式硬度Brinell hardness number
前置角法guidance with a constant angle of prediction (又称广义追踪法)
前置角法constant lead angle method
漂移率fixed drift rate
漂移率constant drift rate
误差constant error
调节问题constant regulating problem
amplitude domain
控制amplitude control
裕度amplitude margin
平均检波器average detector
平均的高斯试验Gaussian test of the mean
平差adjusted value
广义本征问题generalized eigenvalue problem
应力强度因子阈threshold of stress intensity factor
应急暴露限emergency exposure limit
开环权预测open-loop weight prediction
异常exceptional value
引力补偿gravitational compensation value
当前current value table
当量比equivalent ratio
彩色比合成color-ratio composite
径向报警极radial alarm limit
径向速度测量radial velocity measurement
循环初参数initial parameter of DO
性能的样本均sample mean of performance
性能赋评估单元performance evaluation element
控制系统constant value control system
调节constant value control
扩充extended value
燃油的抗爆knock rating
抗爆knock rating
燃料的抗爆antiknock rating
指数插exponential interpolation
指示indicating value
earned value
技术earned value technique (一种测量工作绩效的技术)
捕获时间中median acquisition time
损伤危险等线damage risk contour
接收机阈receiver threshold
多项式interpolation polynomial
操纵品质额定handling qualities ratings
收听listening watch (无线通信)
放电峰电流discharge peak current
故障率观测observed failure rate
故障诱导fault-induced value
散列hashed value
不稳定性numerical instability
估计numerical estimate
地型digital terrain matrices
地型digital terrain model
天气预报numerical weather forecast
宇宙学numerical cosmology
控制语言处理机NC language processor
推进系统仿真numerical propulsion system simulation
数据库numerical data bases
校准曲线文件numeric calibration curve file
比较nonnumeric comparison
气流仿真numerical airflow simulation
积分法numerical integration method
计算误差error in numerical calculation
误差numerical fault
近似numerical approximation (法)
numerical term
数字digital number
数字数digital number
integral value
整倍数多integer ambiguities (各值相差某量的整数倍)
方位零zero-azimuth set constant
无人守中继站unattended relay station
无人守地基传感器unattended ground sensors
无人守地球站unattended earth station
无人守地球站unattended earth terminal
无人守雷达unattended radar
无人守雷达站unattended radar station
无人班的unmanned aerial vehicle
无因次dimensionless value
无色阈achromatic threshold (产生暗适应的眼所能觉察到的最小光刺激)
无量纲dimensionless value
日均daily means
日极daily extremes
日际变化平均mean interdiurnal variability
星图阈starmap threshold
卫星星座constellation value (反映星座整体性能的一个重要参数)
最低可接受minimum acceptable value
最佳估算best estimate
最佳估算optimum estimated value
最佳加权optimal weight
最佳近似best approximation
最大最小extreme value
最大似然序列估maximum likelihood sequence estimation
最大限threshold limit value
最小valley point
最小保证guaranteed minimum
最终end value
最近均分类法nearest mean classification rule
最高容许maximum permissible value
有价的目标object of interest
有价的重要项目item of interest/importance
有效天线增益等线effective antenna gain contour (卫星天线波束的)
有效峰速度effective peak velocity
有理分式插ration-fraction interpolation (法)
期望标准expected value criterion
未扰动流free-stream value
本征characteristic value
条件均conditional mean
extreme value
度量extremal metric
控制系统extremum control system
标准normalized value
标准物质的标准certified value of reference material
标定calibration value
标称电阻rated resistance
标记token value
输入sample input
样本中sample median
样本均的方差variance of the sample mean
样本平均sample mean
样条边spline boundary value problem
正交模初normal mode initialization
正常normal value
正规赋语句normal assignment statement
变换ratio transformation
彩色合成影color-ratio composite image
影像ratio image
控制器ratio controller
检验ratio test
ratio method
测量ratio measurement
ratio meter
比例插interpolation by proportional parts
气象要素等线isometric line
拟合evaluation fitting
环境evaluation environment
汇集平均assembly average
测试限制checkout limits
测量measured value
测量修正模型correct measurement models
满度full-scale value
满度endscale value
满标full-scale value (仪表的)
激光阈laser threshold value
灰度级插grey levels interpolation
灰度级插grey level interpolation
dot method
特征摄动eigenvalue perturbation
特征起始characteristic initial value
状态的条件均conditional mean of the state
环境背景environmental background value
环氧epoxide number
环路阈loop threshold
现行current value
生理耐受限physiological tolerance limit
生理阈physiological threshold (人体对不良环境可耐受的限度)
电压峰脉冲传导试验voltage spike conducted test
电子束密度beam density value
电流调节current setting
电解质electrolyte number
电负electronegativity value
电阻resistance value
盈利profit margin
目标价分析target value analysis
目标威胁threat value of target
proper value
表计算机truth table computer
真平均true mean value
瞬态transient value
瞬时momentary value
矩阵特征matrix eigenvalue
短期使用额定short time rating
短路峰电流short-circuit peak current
code value
硬极限hard limit
indicated value
神经阈激励仪neuron-threshold stimulator
离散数滤波器discrete numerical filter
科学价science value
科学价axiology of science
空定位符变量null locator value
空间等space equivalent
窄巷道观测narrow lane observation
窗式中复原median window restoration
端点特征end eigenvalue
第一近似first approximation
区域图choroplethic map
宽度equivalent width
标准空气漏率equivalent stan dard air leak rate
灰度尺equal value gray scale
焦距equivalent focal length
线magnitude contours
线图isopleth map
线图contour map
线图偏移contour map migration
线地图isoline map
等效音量equivalent volume
简单赋simple assignment statement
粒度平均particle size average
精密自动噪声数指示器precision automatic noise figure indicator
精确共校accurate co-alignment
红外高价目标探测infrared high-value target acquisition (制导系统)
量的约定真conventional true value (of a quantity)
纬度采用adopted latitude
纸面paper value
线圈 Q Q factor of a coil
线性数滤波器linear numerical filter
经度采用adopted longitude
结果end value
给定commanded value
给定datum (data 的单数)
给定command value
绝对absolute value
绝对计算机absolute-value computer
绝对门限absolute threshold
统计估计statistical estimates
统计期望statistical expectation
老化前性能数unaged property values
脉冲峰功率pulse peak power
脉冲峰检波器pulse peak detector
自动班接收机终端automatic guard receiver terminals
自动峰限制器automatic peak limiter
自动阈调整automatic threshold adjust
自定义self-defining value
自由流free-stream value
自由空气异常free-air anomaly
自适应差块串编码adaptive differential block truncation coding
色差colour differential value
规定commanded value
规定specified value
规定command value
计算机化数控制computerized numerical control
设定setting value
访问access value
误差error figure
误差均error mean
误差均方error mean-square
象元直方图histogram of pixel values
负载峰load peak
质量灵敏mass-sensitive quality
向量valuation vector
符号assignment symbol
valuation theory
语句块block of assignment statement
起始问题initial-value problem
超过最大over maximum (常用 O/M)
距离等线isorange contour
距离计数range count
距离零zero-range set constant
距离零测量zero range measurement (应答机的)
轨道数积分法numerical orbit integration
转向赋语句Go To assignment statement
软极限soft limit
输入input value
输入限定input limit value
输出output value table
辛烷试验octane test
问题boundary value problem
边界技术boundary value technique
过程输入procedure value input
过程输出procedure value output
迭代插iterated interpolation method
通过数等效程序验证模拟结果proof of analog results through a numerical equivalent routine
速度临界threshold speed
速度阈threshold speed
逻辑logic value
遥测参数极限telemetry limit
邻域均滤波neighbour average filtering (遥感图像数据处理的一种方法)
邻域均滤波neighbor average filter
采购、价、经济性、可靠性procurement, value, economy, reliability
重力仪格scale-value of gravimeter
重力最大gravity maximum
重力最小gravity minimum
检测outlier detection
估计magnitude estimation
等效magnitude equivalence
量化quantizing value
量化quantized value
鉴定效果value of evaluation effect
锁定阈locking threshold
门限threshold value
门限判决threshold decision
门限余量threshold margin
后工作状态after-threshold behaviour
品质因子threshold quality factor
对比度liminal contrast
星等magnitude of threshold
门限检测threshold test
门限检测threshold detection
门限灵敏度threshold sensitivity
门限电压threshold voltage
电路threshold circuit
防空反导弹导弹/高价阵地防御ADAM/HVSD (以色列地空导弹)
允差resistance tolerance
微调resistance trimming
阻尼damping value
随质量而变的mass-sensitive quality
隔板殉爆card gap value (液体推进剂受冲击波冲击的敏感量度)
静止大气异常free-air anomaly
静载峰peak static load
非单非线性non-single value nonlinearity
非数处理nonnumeric processing
非数数据处理nonnumerical data processing
非数编码nonnumeric coding
非数计算nonnumeric calculation
非数计算处理机nonnumeric processor
靶场作业勤官range operations duty officer
预处理插interpolation with preprocess
预定predetermined amount
预测predicted value
预调preset value
饱和saturation value
香平-戈登数积分Shamping-Gordon numerical integration
高价卫星capital satellite
高价目标high-value target
高价目标high value target
高价目标探测搜索high-value target acquisition
高价资产high value asset
高价部件[机构high-value unit
高度表调定altimeter setting (气压数值)
高度表调定设数altimeter setting
遥测高极限定义规定high limit definition
燃料的高热high heating value
燃料的高热high heat value
高辛烷high-octane (表示燃料品级)
高阈逻辑high-threshold logic (电路)
黏度viscosity number
黑色信号电平峰peak black
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