
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一再要求新兴市场升货币keep asking emerging markets to revalue their currencies
一美元年金现present value of an annuity of 1 dollar
一美元现present value of 1 dollar
一般物价水平可变现净会计general price-level net realizable value accounting
一般物价水平现会计general price-level present value accounting
一般物价水平调整时会计general price-level-adjusted current value accounting
上市股票市价总aggregate value of listed stock
不变币会计constant-dollar accounting
不变币假设constant-dollar assumption
不变币constant dollar
不变币收益constant-dollar income
不变币模式constant-dollar model
不变币财务报表constant-dollar financial statement
不变币通货膨胀会计constant-dollar inflation accounting
不变美元价constant-dollar value
不定保险合同unvalued insurance contract
不按面收款项目non-par item (要扣除费用)
不稳定或稳定的币unstable or stable dollar
不稳定币unstable dollar
不计残ignoring residual value
不认其之资产unadmitted asset
世界上市最大的银行world's most valuable bank
世界市最大的银行world's most valuable bank
世界货币重新定world monetary realignment
丧失转换价的可转换证券busted convertible
中等市股票mid-cap stock
买人价entry value
买卖盘价限制order consideration limit
买方保期货buyer's hedging
买方套期保buyer's hedging
买期保purchasing hedge
买期保long hedge
买期保long hedging
买期保hedge buying
争股股票之帐面价book value per share of stock
二十国集团轮主席国G20 presidency
企业总价total enterprise value
优先股账面价book value of preferred stock
伪造增税专用发票罪crime of counterfeiting value-added tax invoices
代理人valuation agent
报告valuation report
效应valuation effect
valuation point
valuation date
条款valuation clause
标准valuation standard
职能valuation function
调整协议 又称"对赌协议",是投资方与融资方在达成协议时,双方对于未来不确定情况的一种约定。如果约定的条件出现,投资方可以行使一种估值调整协议的权利; 如果约定的条件不出现,则融资方可以行使一种权利。所以,对赌协议实际上就是期权的一种形式valuation adjustment mechanism
负担valuation strain
估定价appraisal value
估计全部核査价estimated total audit value
估计残estimated residual or scrap value
伽玛gamma (期权的德尔塔值 (delta)对基础资产价格敏感度的指标,衡量基础资产价格每一单位的变动会导致期权德尔塔值多大幅度的变动)
低于或高于帐面价发行股票stock issued at less or at more than book value
低于票面价—有贴水par below - at a discount
低于面under par
低附加low value added
变率折旧depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap
变率折旧法depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap method
百分率percentage of cost less scrap
证券residual security
借款价比率loan-value ratio
债券bond value
债券价溢价premium over bond value
债券价bond value table
债券票面face value of bond
债券票面价par value of bond
债券等收益bond equivalent yield
债务对国内生产总比率debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
债息等收益coupon equivalent yield
债息等收益coupon equivalent rate
得密切关注deserve a closer look
得密切关注deserve a close attention
允许人民币以更快速度升allow the renminbi to rise faster
允许人民币以更快速度升allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly
允许人民币升permit renminbi appreciation
允许人民币升allow renminbi to appreciate
允许人民币升allow renminbi appreciation
允许人民币对欧元升allow the renminbi to appreciate against the euro
允许的帐面价减低数额writing down allowance
允许货币升allow currency to appreciate
允许货币升permit currency appreciation
允许货币升allow currency appreciation
货币full-bodied money
全年国内生产总full-year GDP
全球国内生产总global gross domestic product
公众持股市public float capitalization
公允价会计fair value accounting
公允价变动损益profit and loss on changes in fair value
公允价变动收益gain on the changes in the fair value
公允价套期fair value hedging
公允价模式fair value pattern
公允价确定方法methods for confirmation of fair value
公允价计量measurement at the fair value
公允价计量fair value measurements
公允市fair market value
公平价会计fair value accounting
具增作用的收购项目accretive acquisition (能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目)
内在价intrinsic value (期权位于价内的金额,即期权相对现行远期市场价格的价值)
分离点销售价sales value of split-off method
分配apportioning cost
利息保债券drop-lock stock
利息收益率现interest yield equivalent
到期本金+利息maturity value
到期年金amount of an annuity due
到期年金的现present value of on annuity due
到期年金终amount of an annuity due
剩余surplus value
剩余价规律law of surplus value
包销承担净net underwriting commitment
upward revaluation
压力upward pressure
空间room for appreciation
速度speed of appreciation
预期expectations for appreciation
卖出套利保selling hedging
卖出套利保selling hedge
即付年金现present value of an annuity due
历史成本与可实现净孰低lower of historic cost or net realizable value
合并有形资产净combined net tangible assets
合并溢consolidated excess
合理的估水平reasonable valuations
合约价contract value
合计价aggregate value method
名义国内生产总nominal gross domestic product
名义美元国内生产总nominal US dollar GDP
向中国施压要求让人民币升put pressure on China to let the renminbi appreciate
呼吁人民币加快升call for a more rapid appreciation of the renminbi
呼吁人民币升press for revaluation of renminbi
售价低于或高于帐面价selling price less or more than book value
售价等于帐面价selling price equal to book value
售货总proceeds of sale
商品价quantity of value
商誉价摊销goodwill amortization
复利年金终amount of annuity
复利终compound sum
外汇保协议agreement on exchange guarantees
多头外汇保long foreign exchange hedge
多头套期保long hedging
多头套期保purchasing hedge
多头套期保long hedge
多头套期保buying hedge
多头市场价long market value
大盘价基金large-cap value
套期保交易hedging transaction
套期保会计hedge accounting
套期保决策hedging decision
套期保工具hedging tool
套期保战略currency hedging strategy
套期保战略hedging strategy
套期保比率hedge ratio
套期保理论hedging theory
套期保账户hedge account
套期保递延处理法hedge deferral approach
子公司投资帐面价超过成本部分excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary
子公司投资成本超过帐面价部分excess of cost over book value of investment in subsidiary
存货的帐面价book value of inventories
官价汇率等par of exchange
保险valued insurance
保险合同valued insurance contract
货币stable dollar
定期供款之未来future value of an annuity
定率减折旧depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value
小幅升modest appreciation
小盘股价基金small-cap value fund
变动会计accounting for changing money value
标准计算表tabular standard of value
稳定会计stabilized accounting
稳定的假设stability of monetary unit assumption
资产money-value assets
重估revalorization of currency
高估currency overvaluation
market value
加权市场指数capitalization-weighted market index
market value method
租金market rental
市场与账面比率market to book ratio
市场价加权法market value weight
市场价对账面价值的比率market-to-book ratio
市场价比率market value ratio
市场资本总collective market cap
市场附加market value added
帐面净net book value
期权at-the-money option
平价par value
平均下移average down
平差校正,调整adjusted value
年金保单价准备金annuity non-forfeiture value
年金现present value of an annuity
应纳税的价rateable value
应计折旧的固定资产平均总average total value of depreciable fixed assets
应计折旧的固定资产总total value of fixed assets to be depreciated
应退增recoverable VAT
开市open market value
引发美元贬cause a run on the dollars
弹性的评估valuing flexibility
当前市场价current market value
征税估tax assessment
怙计可变现价estimated realizable value
overall cost
总增加total value added
总市market capitalization (是指在某特定的时间内,交易所挂牌交易全部证券(以总股本计)按当时价格计算的证券总值)
总市total market capitalization (是指在某特定的时间内,交易所挂牌交易全部证券(以总股本计)按当时价格计算的证券总值)
总市capitalization (是指在某特定的时间内,交易所挂牌交易全部证券(以总股本计)按当时价格计算的证券总值)
恒生綜合市指数Hang Seng Composite Size Indexes
成交价trading value
成交币dollar value traded
成本与帐面价之差异difference between cost and book value
成本同点使用期useful period of same value point at cost
户口结存为负negative balance
房地产的减impairment of real estates
房屋增抵押贷款housing equity withdrawal
投资价或现行成本孰低lower of investment value or current cost
投资减备抵investment impairment allowance
投资残回收期计算法bail-out payback method
投资残计算法bail-out method
投资组合估portfolio valuation
投资组合贝塔portfolio beta score
投资组合贝塔portfolio beta
投资股份累计value of accumulated stock of investment
折价增discount accreted
折余价written-down value
折余价固定资产depreciated value book value
折余账面价written-down book value
折旧-原减残值百分法depreciation-charging percentage of cost less scrap method
折旧基depreciation base value
计税ad val
计税ad valorem
按其价计算in value
按其帐面数表示at their book value
按实计算in real terms
按市价计mark to market
按市价计marking to market
按市价计保证金marking-to-market margin
按市价计后的损失marking-to-market loss
按市价贬depreciation on market price basis
按帐面价per books
按成本订value at cost
按现on current basis
按金总total margin value
掉期套期保hedging with swap contracts
收益等yield equivalence
收购保hedged tender
效益成本增计算法accrued benefit cost method
普通年金amount of an ordinary annuity
普通年金的现present value of an ordinary annuity
普通年金的终amount of an ordinary annuity
普通股价最大化maximization of value of common stock
普通股每股账面价book value per share of common stock
普通股设定价stated value of common stock
普通股账面价book value of common stock
暂定保债务notional maintenance of value obligation
最佳价value at best
最小等成本least equivalent costs
最终价terminal value
有价资产admitted asset
有形价tangible value
有面股本par value capital stock
有面股票par-value stock
有面股票stock with par value
有面股票par-value shares
有面股票par stock
服务业增加value added of the service sector
期待人民币升look for a renminbi revaluation
期权套期保hedging with option contracts
期权市场套期保option market hedge
期权的时间价time value of option
期货交易总结算方式gross basis
期货合约价futures contract value
期货套期保hedging with futures contracts
未偿还贷款总loan amount outstanding
未偿还贷款总的利息interest on outstanding amount
未变现价unrealized value
未完工程价value of uncompleted construction
未实现增unrealized capital
未贬的货币undepreciated currency
本金principal value
权益估equity method of valuation
权益净equity net worth
权益工具公允价fair value of the equity instruments
nominal value
标准standard values
标普公允价排名S & P fair value ranking
标称公称,额定nominal value
欧元贬depreciation of the euro
欧式现金或无价二元期权European cash-or-nothing binary option
欧式现金或无价二元看涨期权European cash-or-nothing binary call
欧式资产或无价二元期权European asset-or-nothing binary option
欧式资产或无价看涨期权European asset-or-nothing call
欧式资产或无价看跌期权European asset-or-nothing put
正资本净positive net worth
残余价scrap value
汇丰的采购经理指数预览HSBC flash purchasing managers' index for China
流动现金等current cash equivalent
流动负债对有形净比率current debt to tangible net worth ratio
流动负债对有形资产净比率current liabilities to tangible net worth ratio
流通市negotiable market capitalization
流通资产净net liquid assets
储蓄hedge deposit
清算拆卸break-up value
清算价liquidating value
清算价break-up value
清算净net liquidation value
游说中国加大人民币升力度lobby China to appreciate its currency more aggressively
潜在国内生产总underlying GDP
物业估property valuer
物业增property gains tax
物价指数国民生产总gross national product implicit price deflator
特别提款权估valuation of special drawing right
特别提款权估篮子SDR valuation basket
特别提款权的估valuation of the special drawing rights
特别提款权计资产SDR assets
特许权价franchise value
生命价life value
由已知终及现值求算未知数known amount and present value compute unknowns
由已知终求算支付款known amount compute the rents
申报价declared value (stated value)
留存价residual value
看跌期权价put value
真正无面的股票actual no-par value stock
有形资产减流动负债破产企业的财产清理价break-up value
硬货币可保insurable value of hard money
票面价nominal par
债券stabilized bond
稳妥价再生产成本减已使用年代价值sound value
空头套期保short hedge
空头市场价short-market value
空头市场价short market value
空头期权价short-option value
突然一次性的升sudden one-off revaluation
交换equivalent exchange
债券parity bond
债券收益equivalent bond yield
单位effective unit (equivalent unit)
年金利润equivalent annual profit
年金成本equivalent annual cost
收益parity income
货币会计common-dollar accounting
货币收益common-dollar income
货币模式common-dollar model
货币财务报表common-dollar financial statement
货币通货膨胀会计common-dollar inflation accounting
紧缩价指数deflation of value index
美元升dollar upvaluation
美元升dollar appreciation
美元变相贬disguised devaluation of dollar
美元币后进先出法dollar value LIFO method
美元币后进先出零售法dollar value retail LIFO method
美元币dollar value method
1 美元的现present value of $1
美元迅速贬rapid decline in the greenback
美式现金或无价二元期权American cash-or-nothing binary option
营运中企业的价going concern value
out of the money
期权out-of-the-money option (指期权的行使价格高于股票的当前价格)
看涨期权out-of-the-money call option
看跌期权out-of-the-money put option
行权价exercise value
面价face value
要求人民币升的强大国际压力heavy international pressure to let the renminbi appreciate
负债与净之预测forecasting liabilities and net worth
负债与资本净liabilities and net worth
负债净net worth to debts ratio
负债对净比率debt-net worth ratio
负债对净比率debt-to-net worth ratio
负债对净比率ratio of total liabilities to net worth
负债对资本净比率liabilities to net-worth ratio
负净deficit net worth
负资本净negative net worth
财产之估定价assessed value
财产价value of property
财产价评估assessment of property value
财富增指数wealth added index (该指数由美国思腾思特咨询公司 (Steward Stem &Co) 设计,可用来衡量投资回报高于股东资本成本对财富即时的影响)
账面平均收益average return on book value
账面价加权book value weights
账面价报酬率book value rate of return
账面价权益报酬率rate of return on book-value equity
账面价超过投资成本额excess of book-value over investment cost
货币价变动会计accounting for changing money and value
货币价调整会计money-value adjustment accounting
货币价负债money-value liabilities
货币价项目money-value items
货币价项目货币性流动资产money value items current monetary assets
货币保条款exchange rate proviso clause
货币升stronger currency
货币升upward revaluation of currency
货币可保insurable value of currency
货币套期保战略currency hedging strategy
货币套期保战略hedging strategy
货币存额保所需之暂定款项notional amount required to maintain value of currency holding
货币的时间价time value of currency
货币的时间价概念time value of money concept
货币贬与折算程序devaluation and conversion procedures
货币贬之损失losses from devaluation
货币贬损失loss on devaluation
货币贬损失loss from devaluation
货币面par value of currency
与换算程序devaluation and conversion procedure
贴现后市discounted market value
贴现后边际价生产力discounted marginal value productivity
贷款与价比率loan-to-value ratio
贷款价loan value
资产价asset value
资产价value of asset
资产价之调整adjustment of assets values
资产价未实现增值准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
资产价调整adjustment of assets value
资产估asset valuation
资产保asset hedge
资产公允价fair value of the assets
资产净net asset worth
资产净net asset value (投资公司用语,常指每股的资本净值。投资公司每月一次或两次计算其资产净值)
资产净残net residual value
资产减impairment of asset
资产减asset write-down
资产减准备provision for impairment losses of assets
资产减损失loss on asset impairment
资产增betterment of assets
资产增抵押贷款mortgage equity withdrawal
资产或无价二元期权asset-or-nothing binary option
资产或无价期权asset-or-nothing option
资产或无价看涨期权asset-or-nothing call option (若期权到期时标的资产价格低于执行价格,则该期权一文不值当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
资产或无价看涨期权asset-or-nothing call (若期权到期时标的资产价格低于执行价格,则该期权一文不值当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
资产或无价看跌期权asset-or-nothing put option
资产或无价看跌期权asset-or-nothing put (若期权到期时标的资产价格高于执行价格,则该期权一文不当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
资产组账面价carrying value of asset group
资产记账现asset entry value
资产负债表保balance sheet hedge (指通过调整企业的资产负债表项目以实现对净受险额的调控)
资产账面价carrying value of asset
资本价theory of capital value
资本净与固定资产之比ratio of net worth to fixed assets
资本净与负债总额之比ratio of net worth to total debt
资本净周转率turnover of net worth
资本净增长率net worth earning ratio
资本净对负债总额比率ratio of net worth to total debts
资本净比率net worth ratio
资本净获利率net worth earning ratio
资本净statement of net worth
资本减impairment of capital
资本减capital impairment
资本减账户impairment of capital account
资本增capital increment
资本增capital appreciation (资产市值上升)
资本增债券capital growth bond
资本增债券capital appreciation bond
资本增型基金capital appreciation fund
资本增权证capital plus warrant
资本的价构成value composition of capital
资本贬损耗loss of capital devalue
资本资产增盈余surplus on appreciation of capital assets
资金价审计value for money audit
股票股息enhanced scrip dividend
超现excess present value
超设定实收资本paid-in capital in excess of stated value
超设定缴人股本contributed capital in excess of stated value
超设定缴人资本paid-in capital in excess of stated value
超过票面一般be at a premium
超过设定价的缴纳资本paid-in capital in excess of stated value
超过该租赁资产已服务之价expiration of the service value
超面实收资本paid-in capital in excess of par value
超面缴人股本contributed capital in excess of par value
超面缴人资本paid-in capital in excess of par value
超高市股票mega cap
转换价溢价premium over conversion value
退保现金价cash surrender value
通胀保债券Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (是美国财政部发行的一种与消费者价格指数 (CPI)挂钩的债券,1997年由美国财政部首次发行)
通货膨胀套期保inflationary hedge
速动净net quick worth
遗产净estate corpus
避免本币升prevent exchange rates rising
鉴定价appraised value
销售与净的比率sales to net worth ratio
销售价sale value method
销项增output VAT
阻碍价指为阻止同业在邻近地区设店竞争或妨碍本店营业而购入资产的价值nuisance value
附加价对销售额百分比ratio of value added to sales
附加价value-added rate
附加价附加价值/产值ratio of value added
隐含价embedded value
非票面价no par value
非经营获得过增unearned increment
nominal value
或设立价值par or standard value
股份par value stock
股本par-value capital stock
股票par value stock
赎回收益yield to par call
项目的比ratio of elements
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