
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
信道切换阈threshold for channel switching
k 试验test for k value of complete car
公安班室public security duty office
starting valve
动态修正dynamic correction
区间无人守中继站section relay station without people on duty
均方根mean effective value
均方根检波器root mean square detector
均根Root Mean Square
均重锤试验counter weight K test for K value (of complete car)
税已付/未付V. A. T. paid/unpaid
墩台顶纵向水平线刚度限vertical-level rigidity limit of pier top
墩台顶纵向水平线刚度限vertical level rigidity limit of pier top
大风环境下列车安全运行速度限speed regulation for train under strong wind
调节constant valve control
客运班室passenger transport duty office
容许permissible tolerances
容许tolerable limit
管理peak management
系数peak factor
工后沉降限settlement limit value after acceptance
分析amplitude distribution analysis
测量装备amplitude measuring unit
平均的标准偏差standard deviation of mean
平方平均Root Mean Square
平方平均/均方根root mean square
建筑业总产total output of building industry
建筑施工场界噪声限noise limits within the boundary of a construction site
拨道自动调节器lining value auto-adjuster
拨道自动调节器automatic lining value adjuster
持续允许电压有效effective voltage under continuous operation
挠度限deflection limitation
接触线最大水平偏移maximum horizontal displacement of contact wire
仿真numerical simulation
损耗numerical dissipation
模拟计算numerical simulation
积分方法的稳定性stability of numerical integration method
积分方法的精度accuracy of numerical integration method
试验法numerical experiment method
数字表的转换Digital Meter Value Transfer
施工产construction output value
旅行时间目标target value of travelling time
无人守变电所unattended substation
时间一面积time-area value
时间—面积time-area value
最大峰耐受电流maximum peak withstand current
最大设计超高允许maximum permissible designed superelevation
最大设计超高允许maximum allowable value of designed superelevation
有效电流effective current value
标准限standard limits
欠超高允许available value of cant deficiency
L/V 比L/V ratio
LM 比LM wheel flange tread
海关完税价customs value
温度力峰temperature stress peak
温度边界temperature boundary value
牵引力traction power value
特征characteristics value
电压极限voltage limit
短时电流额定short time current rating
短路峰电流short-circuit impulse current
短路额定short-circuit ratings
终极ultimate class
美元贬devaluation/ depreciation of the US dollar
觇标超高target superelevation value
货币贬附加费currency adjustment factor
质量系数quality factor
资产静break-up value
超高自动调节器UV A automatic superelevation adjuster
超高自动调节器automatic superelevation adjuster
跨中的拉出stagger at mid-span
k 车体隔热 k 试验test on carbody insulation value
轨道不平顺偏差限deviation limit of track irregularity
速度目标speed target value
道床电阻electric resistance value of ballast
接收器measured value receiver
处理threshold processing
频遇frequent value