
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一次性贬discrete depreciation
一次性贬discrete step depreciation
一次性贬one-off depreciation
一次性贬step depreciation
一致估计consistent estimator
不具备商业价的样本sample of no commercial value
不包括石油的国内生产总non-oil GDP
二次平均quadratic mean
交易价transaction value Customs
判断value judgment
单位unit of value
标准standard of value
过高的货币overvalued currency
低于面at a discount
使用价use value
义务maintenance of value obligation
债务与国内生产总的比率debt-GDP ratio
债务与国内生产总的比率debt-to-GDP ratio
债务净现NPV of debt
债务净现net present value of debt HIPC Initiative
债务净现与出口比率NPV of debt-to-export ratio
债务净现与出口比率net present value of debt-to-export ratio HIPC Initiative
债务净现与财政收入比率的目标NPV of debt-to-fiscal revenue target
债务净现与财政收入比率的目标net present value of debt-to-fiscal revenue target HIPC Initiative
全球价global value chain
公允价fair value
公司财产净taxes on corporate net wealth
公开的竞争性贬overt devaluation
拉丁语其他数不变ceteris paribus
内部贬internal devaluation
net worth
net wealth position
net wealth
stockholder equity
owners' equity
owner equity
net assets
net worth of an economy
回推法netback pricing oil
回推法net-back approach
净现net present value
亏损impairment loss
制造品的增加value added in manufacturing
剩余价surplus value
单位价unit value
可支配的国民收入总gross national disposable income
合计实际国民生产总aggregate real GNP
合计实际国民生产总aggregate real gross national product
名义价par value
名义价face value
名义价money value
名义价nominal value
名义国内生产总GDP at current prices
名义国内生产总current-price GDP
名义国内生产总money GDP
名义国内生产总nominal GDP
固定资本形成总gross fixed capital formation
国内生产净net domestic product
国内生产总gross domestic product
国内生产总缩减指数GDP deflator
国内生产总缩减指数implicit price deflator
国民产national product
国民生产净net national product
国民生产总gross national product
国民生产总缩减指数GNP deflator
国民生产总缺口GNP gap
国际价international value chain
国际储备净net international reserves
地区生产总gross domestic product
arithmetic mean
value-added tax
增加的缩减指数value-added deflator
外汇计调整exchange valuation adjustment
多年平均multiyear average
套期保货币hedge currency
官方价posted value
官方价administrative value
官方价standard value
官方价official value customs
实际in real terms
实际constant terms
实际real terms
实际国民生产总actual GNP
协调currency realignment
协调exchange rate realignment
矫正currency alignment
调整的结算settlement of currency valuation adjustment
市价总market cap
市价总market capitalization
市场价fair price
市场价fair market price
市场价market value
市场价sale value
市场价fair market value
市场价格的对等market price equivalent
总产gross output
成员国提供的估计national estimates
成对的数paired values
担保品价collateral value
按到岸价计c.i.f. valuation
按市价计mark a position to market
按市价计mark to the market
按面交换减息债券reduced interest par bond exchange debt restructuring
推算价imputed value
收入价income value
期望mathematical expectation
期望expected value
本国货币单位价domestic currency unit value
标准价standard value
标准价posted value
标准价administrative value
标准价official value customs
梯级贬step devaluation
梯级贬step depreciation
梯级贬one-off depreciation
梯级贬discrete step depreciation
梯级贬discrete depreciation
梯级贬discrete devaluation
武断价arbitrary value tax assessment, statistics
作为as a residual
residual method
每股资产净net asset value per share
每股资产净net asset value
合计gross up
流量的净测算net measurement of flows
物质产品净net material product centrally planned economies
特别提款权定SDR valuation
present value
current value
现金收入净net cash income
社会总产gross social product centrally planned economies
票面价par value
票面价money value
票面价face value
票面价par value of currency
票面价central parity rate
票面价central parity
票面价nominal value
票面价债券par bond debt restructuring
稀缺品的价scarcity value
竞争性汇率贬competitive devaluation
竞争性汇率贬competitive depreciation exchange
竞争性贬competitive devaluation
竞争性贬competitive depreciation exchange
原则equal value principle
汇率equal value exchange rate
算术平均arithmetic mean
经 济价economic value
经济体净net worth
经济体净net wealth
经济体净net wealth position
经济体净net worth of an economy
绝对absolute value
维持价maintenance of value
维持价的义务maintenance of value obligation
行政手段确定的价posted value
行政手段确定的价administrative value
行政手段确定的价standard value
行政手段确定的价official value customs
变化的对应项目revaluation counterpart
变化的对应项目counterpart to valuation changes BPM5, IFS Descriptors
point of valuation
财富净net wealth position
财富净net worth
财富净net wealth
财富净net worth of an economy
财政贬fiscal devaluation
账面价carrying amount
账面价written-down value
账面价book value
账面价carrying value
账面结存价book value
账面结存价written-down value
账面结存价carrying amount
账面结存价carrying value
货币价par value
货币价face value
货币价money value
货币价nominal value
货币定currency valuation
货币贬currency depreciation
贴现present value
贴现time value of money
贴现present discounted value
资产净net asset value per share
资产净net asset value
资产负债表价balance sheet value
资本价capital value
资本化价capitalized value
资本形成净net capital formation
资本形成总gross capital formation
起到汇率贬效果的财政措施fiscal devaluation
趋势trend value
趋势国内生产总trend GDP
逐渐贬gradual devaluation
逐渐贬incremental devaluation
通货膨胀保inflation hedge
避免竞争性货币贬avoidance of competitive currency devaluations
重新定的变化revaluation changes
重新计的对应项目revaluation counterpart
重新计的对应项目counterpart to valuation changes BPM5, IFS Descriptors
金融净net financial worth
金融净financial net worth
销售价sale value
销售价fair market price
销售价fair price
销售价market value
销售价fair market value
间断性贬discrete step depreciation
间断性贬step depreciation
间断性贬discrete depreciation
间断性贬step devaluation
间断性贬one-off depreciation
间断性贬discrete devaluation
效应threshold effect
降低账面价write down an asset
随意价arbitrary value tax assessment, statistics
储蓄zero saving
central parity rate
par value
face value
par value of currency
central parity
nominal value
money value
denomination banknotes
以上at a premium
以上above par
以上above par value
以上above face value
风险价模型value-at-risk model
高于票面价above par value
高于面above par
高于面above par value
高于面at a premium
高于面above face value
黄金定gold valuation