
Terms containing 借 款 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.一夜借款overnight money
busin.一夜借款overnight call loan
tech.一般借款协定general arrangement to borrow
securit.下游借款downstream borrowing (公司利用下属机构的资信借款)
securit.不良借款bad borrower
tech.专用借款special loan
tech.专用银行借款special bank loans
econ.专项借款specific item loan
busin.专项银行借款special bank loans
busin.个人担保借款loan on personal guarantee
busin.临时借款interim borrowing
busin.临时借款temporary loan
tech.临时借款temporary borrowing
busin.临时借款偿还基金fund for repayment of temporary borrowings
busin.为未偿还借款重新筹资refinancing of outstanding borrowings
busin.为生产设备向国外借款的减税relief for foreign loans for productive equipment
securit.互惠借款协定reciprocal currency agreement
tech.从……处借款borrow money form
busin.从外国银行借款borrowing from a foreign bank
tech.从社会借款borrowing from the public
busin.从社会上借款borrowing from the public
securit.从第三方投资人借款borrowing from third party investor
busin.从联属企业借款borrowing from affiliated company
tech.从联属企业借款borrowing from affiliate
commer.付款交单凭信托收据借单提货D/P Trust Receipt
busin.付还借款return of loans
tech.代办短期借款经纪人money broker
busin.代顾客或其他银行借款loans made on behalf of customer or other bank
securit.以债券方式借款borrowing upon bond
busin.以应收账款作担保的借款loan secured by account receivable
busin.以有价证券担保的借款loan secured by stock and bond
busin.以船舶担保的借款loan raised on the security of vessel
securit.企业间的借款结余intercompany balance
commer.优惠借款concessional loan
securit.伦敦银行同业借款利率London interbank bid rate
tech.低息借款easy money
tech.佣金抵押借款commission mortgage loan
busin.佣金长期抵押借款commission long-term mortgage loan
tech.使用借款loan for use
commer.依据交单条件不同,托收分为付款交单,承兑交单和凭信托收据借贷三种Collection according to different conditions of delivering documents falls into D/P, D/A and D/P, T/R
tech.保证借款guaranteed loan
securit.保证金借款margin debit
busin.人寿险保险单抵押借款的最高额loan value
commer.法律上不能追索的信用借款debt of honour
busin.信用借款borrow money on credit
busin.信用借款debt for honour
tech.信用借款confidence debt
tech.信用借款fiduciary loan
tech.信用借款charter loan
tech.信誉借款debt of honour
busin.信誉借款character loan
tech.信誉借款debt of honor
agric.借人专款borrowed funds
securit.借人款other people's money
busin.借入同行款项利息interest on loan from other bank
busin.借入款other people's money
tech.借入款利息interest on loans
securit.借出债款taking out a loan
securit.借出款make a loan
securit.借出贷款机构lending institution
securit.借新还旧贷款funding loan
securit.借新还旧贷款funded loan
tech.借款borrow money
tech.借款ask for a loan
econ.借款make a scratch
securit.借款make a touch
busin.借款lend money
busin.借款contact debt
securit.借款不还者bad borrower
busin.借款与放款率差幅spread between borrowing cost and lending rates
econ.借款与放款率间的差幅the spread between borrowing cost and lending rates
securit.借款与放款间的利率差额spread between borrowing and lending
tech.借款与贴现loans and discounts
tech.借款中途解约break a loan
busin.借款loan customer
tech.借款人以现住房临时作抵得款以购置另一住宅swing mortgage
securit.借款人关心的问题borrower concerns
securit.借款人契约borrower covenants
busin.借款人套利borrower arbitrage
securit.借款人应付放款人费用lender expenses payable by borrower
busin.借款人担保债务责任borrower's liabilities on account of guaranty
securit.借款人拖欠贷款borrower default
commer.借款人申请borrower's application
tech.借款人的权利义务right and obligation of the borrower
securit.借款人的考虑borrower concerns
securit.借款人违约borrower default
tech.借款人风险borrower's risk
busin.向银行借款介绍信comfort letter
commer.借款付息5%pay 5% interest on a loan
busin.借款价值比率指借款额与抵押品价值比率loan-value ratio
econ., int. law.借款企业borrowing venture
busin.借款企业money-borrowing enterprise
busin.借款保单即按规定从保险公司借款付保费borrow-all policy
railw.借款保证函bank guarantee for loan
tech.借款保证函loan guarantee
tech.借款偿还保证guarantee of repayment
busin.借款偿还和利息loan repayments and interest
busin.借款偿还基金fund for repayment of borrowing
tech.借款偿还基金fund for repayment of borrowings
tech.借款偿还期payback period of loan
busin.借款公司borrowing company
tech.借款决定resolution to borrow
securit.借款决议resolution to borrow
tech.借款凭证Schuldschein loan
busin.借款分期偿还amortization of loan
tech.借款分类账loan ledger
tech.借款利息loan interest
tech.借款利息interest on borrowing
busin.借款利率loan rate
busin.借款利率interest rate on borrowings
tech.借款利率interest rate on borrowing
tech.借款协议loan agreement
securit.借款instrument of indebtedness
busin.借款单位money-borrowing unit
busin.借款单据loan bill
busin.借款单据debt on bill
busin.借款单证loan note
nautic., tech.借款合同loan contract
tech.借款合约loan agreement
commer.借款borrower country
busin.借款country borrower
commer.借款处理财务finance through borrowing
nautic., tech.借款备用信用证borrowing standby L/C
tech.借款契约loan contract
tech.借款契约loan agreement
securit.借款字据instrument of indebtedness
busin.借款定额rate of lending
agric., econ.借款家庭borrower family
busin.借款市场指银行、信贷公司等融资场所loan market
tech.借款平均偿付期限average life (period)
commer.借款延期偿还extension of loan
busin.借款总安排指西方十国同意向国际货币基金组织提供本国货币备用贷款的协定general arrangement to borrow
tech.借款总安排general agreements to borrow
tech.借款总账loan ledger
tech.借款总费用overall borrowing cost
busin.借款总额aggregate level of borrowing
econ.借款成本cost of borrowing
tech.借款成本borrowing cost
tech.借款扩大资本trading on the equity
commer.借款承诺loan commitment
busin.借款抵押mortgage of loans
tech.借款担保security for loan
tech.借款拖欠率delinquency ratio
tech.借款授权borrowing authority
commer.借款效果impact of loan
busin.借款数量extent of borrowing
securit.借款方的关键特征key characteristics of borrower
tech.借款服务处debt serving
tech.借款服务处debt service
China, law借款期间during the loan term
China, law借款期限loan term
busin.公司经理按章有借款borrowing power
tech.借款权限borrowing power
commer.借款条件condition of loan
tech.借款条件loan term
tech.借款清单debit note
securit.借款清单loan schedule
commer.借款状况condition of loan
tech.借款的付息及还本loan servicing
securit.借款的偿付return of loans
tech.借款的发放费用cost of borrowings issuance
tech.借款的延期偿还extension of loan
commer.借款票据loan bills
busin.借款等资如通过发行债券或借款筹集资金debt financing
tech.借款筹资debt financing
securit.借款者套利borrower arbitrage
securit.借款者期权borrower option
tech.借款股票loan stock
tech.借款股票debenture stock
busin.借款能力borrowing potential power
busin.借款能力debt ability
busin.借款能力borrowing power
busin.借款能力borrowing potential
tech.借款能力borrowing potential (power)
tech.借款融资debt financing
securit.借款融资debt finance
securit.借款融通loan finance facility
busin.借款要求loan request
busin.借款要求borrowing needs
securit.借款规定borrowing requirement
tech.借款receiver's certificate
tech.借款调换conversion of a loan
tech.借款财团loan syndicate
tech.借款财团loan consortium
busin.借款账户borrowed money account
tech.借款账户borrowed money accounts
busin.借款货币currency borrowed
securit.借款购置leveraged buyout
tech.借款费用cost of borrowing
tech.借款费用financing charges
tech.借款费用borrowing cost
busin.借款过多状况overloaned situation
tech.借款过多状况over loan situation
tech.借款还本付息计算方案loan repay capital with interest statement
tech.借款通知书debt note
econ.借款通知单debit note
busin.借款通知单debt note
earth.sc.借款重贷renewal of a loan
securit.借款限制条件loan restriction
tech.借款限额borrowing limit
busin.借款限额borrowing allocation
tech.借款限额borrowing demand
tech.借款需求borrowing demand
securit.借款需求loan demand
econ.借用贷款borrow money on credit
busin.偿还借款retirement of borrowing
securit.偿还借款repayment of loan
commer.偿还抵押借款pay off the mortgage
tech.偿还进口借款import loan repayment
busin.偿还长期借款reimbursement of long term loans
busin.公司借款corporate loans
commer.英国公司间英镑借款市场intercompany market
tech.冒险借款债券bottomry bond
busin.农场购置借款farm ownership loan
commer.冲击性借款impact loan
busin.出口汇票担保借款利率interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills
tech.分摊的借款amortized loan
busin.分期付款借贷部installment loan department
commer.分期偿还借款amortization of loan
commer.分期偿还借款amortization loan
busin.分期偿还借款installment loan
securit.分期偿还借款instalment loan
tech.分期偿还的借款instalment loan
busin.分期摊还抵押借款amortized mortgage
tech.分期摊还的借款amortized loan
tech.分期摊销的借款amortization of loan
tech.到期一次清还贷款的借据straight note
busin.动用借款的授权authority to spend from debt receipt
commer.十国集团借款总协定General Agreement to Borrow
commer.单一借款single loan
tech.可扣除借款deductible contributions
tech.可扣除的借款deductible loan
econ.合格的借款suitable borrowers
busin.同行借入款利息interest on loan from other bank
econ.借款人提供的资助偿还金dividend on purchase
econ.借款人提供的资助偿还金patronage refunds
commer.向一家公司提供借款accommodate a company with a loan
commer.向国外借款foreign loan
commer.向国外的借款foreign borrowing
busin.向财政部和公众借款的授权authority to borrow from the treasury and the public
busin.商业票据借款commercial paper name
busin.商品流转借款borrowings for commodity turnover
busin.商品流通借款commodity circulation loan
busin.国外借款业务external borrowing transaction
commer.国外借款余额合计total of outstanding foreign loans
tech.国外借款利息支付interest payment of foreign loan
tech.国外借款本金偿还principal repayment of foreign loan
tech.国际借款international loan
busin.国际资本市场借款borrowing in the international capital market
tech.土地借款land loan
busin.在国际资本市场借款borrowing in the international capital market
busin.地方公用事业借款local public utility loan
busin.地方当局借款local authority borrowing
securit.地方政府借款市场local authority market
tech.基建借款capital investment loan
tech.基建借款capital debt
tech.基建借款构建purchasing and constructing using capital construction loans
busin.基本借款特权basic borrow privilege
commer.借款outside loan
econ.外国借款external borrowing
tech.外国借款foreign borrower
busin.外国借款费用cost of foreign borrowing
econ.外币借款foreign currency loans
econ.外来借款a non-resident borrower
busin.外汇借款的长期远期票据long bill issued in the operation of lending foreign money
econ.多种借款multiple borrowing
busin.套利借款arbitrage loan
busin.套汇借款arbitrated loan
busin.定金借款loan for deposit
tech.借款的抵消offset to a debt
busin.对外借款foreign loan
busin.对外借款foreign borrow
tech.对外借款external borrowing
securit.对子公司借款限制limitation on subsidiary borrowing
commer.展期借款rollover loan
busin.工程借款construction loan
tech.巨额借款wholesale money
busin.已摊还借款amortized loans
tech.已摊还的借款amortized loan
securit.已故借款deceased debtor
econ.市场松疲借款easy money (cheap money)
busin.应付借款利息accrued interest on loan
busin.应付短期借款short-term loan payable
tech.应收款作担保的借款loan secured by account receivable
busin.应收短期借款short-term loan receivable
tech.建筑借款协议construction loan agreement
tech.建筑借款协议constructional loan agreement
tech.建筑借款合同construction loan agreement
tech.建筑借款合同constructional loan agreement
busin.建筑担保借款construction guaranteed loan
busin.弥补赤字借款deficit-covering loan
busin.强制借款forced loan
busin.归还借款折旧基金depreciation fund used in redeeming
securit.归还借款的折旧基金depreciation fund used in redeemed value
tech.归还抵押借款pay off the mortgage
securit.归还抵押借款payoff the mortgage
securit.当地借款local loan
busin.急于借款haste in borrowing
econ.我方同意在借款全部还清后立即执行本协议We agree to execute the agreement immediately after the loan has been fully paid
busin.承租方增支借款利率lessee's incremental borrowing rate
busin.投资借款capital investment loan
commer.抵押借款borrow money on security
securit.抵押借款mortgage administration
commer.抵押借款letter of pledge
securit.抵押借款letter of hypothecation
busin.抵押借款价值loan value
busin.抵押借款所附的合格票据eligible bill for collateral for a loan
busin.抵押借款金额sum lent on a mortgage
securit.抵消性借款在存款到期以前,银行从存款金融机构借人资金offset borrowings
securit.担保借款guaranteed loan
securit.担保化借款collateralized borrowing
busin.借款call money
commer.拖欠借款本金principal in arrears
commer.拖欠借款本金arrears of principal
securit.证券按利息借款lend at a rate
busin.按日付息的借款日拆daily money
securit.按日计算拆借款day-to-day money
busin.推荐借款comfort letter
commer.提供抵押的借款collateralized loan
commer.提前偿还未到期借款break a loan
tech.提前归还未到期借款break a loan
busin.提高借款偿还能力enhance loan repayment ability
tech.支票借款borrow by check
busin.收购借款储存方案purchase-loan storage programme
commer.政府借款government loans
commer.政府借款public loan
busin.政府借款public borrowing
securit.政府借款government loan
busin.政府部门借款agency loan
tech.借款办法new technique of borrowing
securit.借款保证金客户non-borrowing margin clients
tech.无抵押借款borrow without security
securit.无抵押借款borrow with security
securit.无担保借款契约indenture for unsecured borrowing
securit.无指定用途借款impact loan
busin.无条件借款free debt
tech.无追索权的借款non-recourse debt
tech.借款day-to-day money
busin.暂时借款temporary debit
busin.暂记借岀款sundry debtor temporary loans
econ.最优等级借款人Source>high quality borrower
econ.最优等级借款人Source>top grade borrower
econ.最优等级借款人Source>premier borrower
econ.最优等级借款人Source>prime borrower
tech.最低借款利率minimum lending rate
busin.最大借款most active borrower
econ.最大的借款the most many, much 的最高级 active borrower
busin.最终借款者的利息负担interest burden for end-borrowers
econ.最高限额借款high finance
securit.有价证券担保借款loan secured by stock and bond
econ.有伸缩性的借款条件flexible lending conditions
securit.有意借款intending borrower
busin.未偿借款outstanding balance of borrowed money
tech.未偿借款余额outstanding balance of borrowed money
busin.未偿还借款borrowing outstanding
tech.未偿还借款outstanding borrowing
securit.未偿还借款重新筹资refinancing of outstanding borrowing
busin.未偿还借款borrowing's outstanding
busin.未划分借款unallocated borrower
busin.未摊销借款发行费用unamortized issuance cost of borrowing
tech.未清借款余额outstanding balance of borrowed money
securit.未还借款outstanding loan
busin.末登记借款off-record loans
securit.核准的借款approved borrower
busin.每月还款借款monthly payment loan
tech.每月还款的借款monthly payment loan
commer.活期借款money at call
commer.活期借款call money on call
busin.活期借款call money
tech.活期借款利息interest on call
busin.流动基金借款current fund loan
busin.流动资产借款current asset loan
securit.清理人借款receiver's certificate
econ.清还借款repayment of loan
tech.潜在的借款potential borrower
securit.用于归还专项借款的利润net income for redeeming specific loan
commer.用房子向某人抵押借款100,000美元mortgage a house to sb. for US $100,000
commer.用房子向银行抵押借款make a mortgage on a house from a bank
tech.申请借款loan application
busin.申请抵押借款applied for loans secured
tech.申请抵押借款apply for loan secured
busin.直接借款direct lending
busin.相互借款及储蓄银行mutual loan and saving bank
commer.短期借款short-term borrowing (指 short loan 短期贷款)
commer.短期借款short money (指 short loan 短期贷款)
busin.短期借款money borrowed for short term
securit.短期借款at call
tech.短期借款审计short-term load audit
securit.短期借款的偿债基金fund for repayment of borrowing
busin.短期借款经纪人money broker
busin.短期借款通知money short notice
securit.私营部门总借款金额total private borrowing
tech.租借物抵押贷款leasehold mortgage
commer.符合借款担保条件的证券eligible security for collateral for a loan
busin.筹资借款指因筹办企业而借款loan floatation
securit.经允许的银行借款permitted bank borrowing
busin.经纪人借款broker's loan
securit.经纪人借款brokers loan
busin.经纪人以证券担保借款broker's collateral loan
busin.经纪人证券担保借款broker's collateral loan
busin.保险公司贷给投保人的缴付保险费借款premium loan
securit.股本借款审计audit of loan for capital stock
securit.股票借款能力borrowing power of stocks
busin.自银行借入款账户loan from banks account
tech.船舶和货物抵押借款bottomry and respondentia
tech.船舶抵押借款bottomry loan
busin.营业借款operation loan
securit.被迫借款distress borrowing
tech.裁定借款arbitrated loan
commer.要求借款100,000美元ask for a loan of US $100,000
tech.计算账面借款open book-account
securit.许可银行借款permitted bank borrowing
securit.证券借款security loan
securit.证券借款能力borrowing power of securities
gen.该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style
commer.该行要求他偿还借款The bank called his loan
commer.财政投资与借款计划treasury investment and loan program
tech.财政短期借款ways and means advances
busin.账外借款贷款off-the-book loan
commer.账面借款项目book account
tech.货物抵押借款契约respondentia bond
busin.购买本票借款note purchase facility
tech.购置不动产借款real estate financing
busin.贵重饰物抵押借款borrow money on jewels
commer.资本借款capital loan
busin.资本预算中的借款利率borrowing rate in capital budgeting
busin.赈灾借款债务账famine relief loan account
busin.超储积压借款overstock and stockpile loan
tech.超储积压借款loans due to over-stocking
tech.超定额借款over-quota loan
tech.边际借款marginal borrower
securit.过度借款excessive leverage
busin.过期未还银行借款overdue debt on bank loans
tech.过期未还银行借款overdue debt bank loan
securit.连续借款协议continuing agreement
busin.透支借款debt on short notice
busin.递延借款deferred debit
tech.递延借款deferred debt
busin.通知借款money at short notice
tech.通知借款余额call return met
busin.通知借款利息interest on call
securit.银行借款bank loan
busin.银行借款与贴现分析analysis of loan and discount of banks
busin.银行借款loan customer of bank
securit.银行借款最高限额bank lending ceiling
commer.银行同业借款interbank loan
securit.银行同业借款利息interest on loan from other banks
commer.银行要求借款人对一部分借款提供抵押The bank asks that the borrower collateralizes some of their loans
busin.长期借款money borrowed for long time
commer.长期借款funded debt (与流动债务 (floating debt) 相对,亦用 funded loan, 比较 loan fund 贷款资金)
tech.长期借款funded liability
busin.长期借款增加increase of long term loans
tech.长期借款审计long-term audit
securit.长期借款抵消offset to long-term debt
tech.长期房地产租借的贷款definitive loan
tech.附属公司借款loans to subsidiaries
busin.附抵押借款collateral loan
busin.限制借款restrict borrowing
commer.限制性借款tied loan
tech.随时可收回的借款money at call
securit.随时收回的借款money on call
securit.隔夜借款overnight call money
securit.借款计划负债liabilities of underfunded plans
busin.非减让借款borrowing on non-confessional terms
busin.非居民借款non-resident borrower
tech.非自愿借款involuntary loan
busin.预付工程借款advance to contractors
securit.风险较高的借款riskier borrower
securit.高利借款usurious loan
securit.高利借款high interest loans
busin.黄金借款gold loan
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