
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
机楼大厅holding room
机楼楼前区terminal area
standby (旅客)
补解candidate solution
选供应商表optional vendor table
选元素candidate element
选发动机candidate engine
选方案candidate solution
选程序candidate procedure
选适航审定维修要求candidate certification maintenance requirement
全天地形测图系统all-weather topographic mapping system
全天地形测绘系统all-weather topographic mapping system
全天地面观察all-weather surface observations
全天地面观测all-weather surface observations
全天导引器all-weather intruder
全天导引头all-weather homing head
全天导航/攻击设备all-weather nav/attack aid
全天战斗机fighter all-weather
全天战斗机all-weather fighter
全天战术攻击系统all-weather tactical strike system
全天截击all-weather intercept
全天投放系统all-weather delivery system
全天投送系统all-weather delivery system
全天拦击all-weather intercept
全天拦截机all-weather interceptor
全天救生船all weather life raft
全天歼击机fighter all weather (战斗机)
全天海上目标截获系统all-weather sea target acquisition system
全天直升机all-weather helicopter
全天着舰系统all-weather carrier landing system
全天着陆指示器all-weather landing indicator
全天着陆系统all-weather landing system
全天空中投送系统all-weather aerial delivery system
全天空投系统all-weather aerial delivery system
全天舰上降落系统all-weather carrier landing system
全天航空母舰上降落系统all-weather carrier landing system
全天训练装置all weather training unit
全天识别传感器all-weather identification sensor
全天目标识别传感器all weather identification sensor
全天轻型导弹系统light all-weather missile system
全天进场进近系统all-weather approach system
全天防区外攻击控制系统all-weather standoff attack control system
全天防区外攻击系统all-weather standoff attack system
全天防区外飞机攻击控制系统all-weather stand-off aircraft/attack control system
全天防空圈外攻击控制系统all-weather stand-off attack control system (美国海军)
全天防空圈外攻击系统all-weather stand-off attack system
全天飞行all weather operations
全天飞行all weather flight
全天飞行制导系统all-weather flight guidance system
全天飞行工作组All-Weather Operations Panel (国际民航组织)
共用全天导引头joint all weather seeker
到达顶点的时vertex time of arrival
国家气中心national climatic center
国际气预测研究所international research institute for climate prediction
国际陆地表面气卫星计划international satellite land surface climatology project
夜间/全天起飞着陆night/all-weather take off and landing
夜间及全天战斗机night and all-weather
“小斗犬”全天制导系统Bullpup all-weather guidance system
恶劣气使用的机载武器系统airborne adverse weather weapon system
恶劣气精确制导武器adverse weather precision guided munition
技术性事故征technical incident
政府间气变化研究组intergovernmental panel on climate change
西欧日地观测与气学卫星sun earth observatory and climatology satellite
服务相关问题选人数据库SRP candidates database
本迪克斯公司研制的全天着陆辅助系统的商品名Micro vision
机动式空中交通管制与全天着陆系统mobile air traffic control and all-weather landing system
实验climate experiment
实验所climatic laboratory
指数climate index
指标climate index
海军陆战队空中交通管制与全天着陆系统marine air traffic control and all-weather landing system
直升机全天目标探测和毁坏系统helicopter all-weather target acquisition and destruction system
直升机恶劣气火控探测雷达helicopter adverse-weather fire control acquisition radar
空军全球气中心Air Force Global Weather Center
自动电子全天着陆系统automatic electronic all-weather landing system
航空母舰全天飞机着陆系统all weather carrier landing system
航空气aviation climate
航空气分界aviation climate divide
航空气aviation climatology
隐身全天侦察及对地攻击飞机covert survivable in-weather reconnaissance strike
飞机事故征aircraft incident
飞行事故征记录仪和监控系统flight incident recorder and monitor system
飞行员事故征报告pilot incident report
驾驶员事故症报告pilot incident report