
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
世界气会议World Climate Conference
世界气应用及资料计划咨询委员会Advisory Committee for the World Climate Applications and Data
世界气影响研究计划World Climate Impact Study Programme
世界气计划World Climate Programme
世界气资料计划World Climate Data Programme
严寒气severe climate
二氧化碳引起的气变化CO₂-induced changes of climate
云气cloud climatology
亚太清洁发展和气新伙伴计划Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
人工小气artificial precipitation
人工小气artificial microclimate
以气学方法预报climatological forecast
保护气框架公约Framework Convention on the Conservation of Climate
migrant bird
bird of passage
全球气变化动态监测global climate changes dynamic monitoring
全球气观测系统Global Climate Observation System
全球降水气学中心Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
全球降水气学计划Global Precipitation Climatology Project
关于气变化和致温室效应气体问题的菲拉赫会议Villach Conference
农业气agroclimatic division
农业气分区agroclimatological zoning
农业气区划agroclimatic division
农业气指标agroclimatic index
农业气资源agroclimatic resources
农业潜力和气变化agricultural potential and climate change
冰冠气ice cap climate
冰川气glacial climate
冰盖气ice cap climate
副海洋性气submarine climate
国际气公约International Climate Convention
国际气基金international climate fund
均衡气反应Equilibrium Climate Response
城市气urban climatology
城市气特征climatic character of a city
多雨气rainy tropics
多雨气rainy climate
天气气类旅游资源climatic tourist resources
季风气特征character of monsoon climate
室内人造气conditional climatology
室内气indoor climate
对气变化的全球性回应global response (to climate change)
小气因子microclimate factor
山区气资源特征character of mountain climatic resources
干旱气arid climate
干热气hot dry climate
建立气模型climate modeling
建筑气building climate
建筑气区划building climate division
异常气abnormal climate
彩色气象学和气学特殊应用委员会Commission for Special Applications of Meteorology
影响气的活动climate-sensitive activity
恶劣气损坏heavy weather damage
政府间气变化问题小组信托基金IPCC Trust Fund
文献史料气信息climatic information in historical documentation
景观气landscape climatology
条件气conditional climatology
林业气资源forestry climatic resources
树木年轮气信息dendrochronologic information
桑思韦特气分类Thornthwaite climate classification
森林气forest climate
植物气plant climatology
事件climatic event
分析climate diagnostic
分类classification of climate
区划climatic division
压力climatic stress
变化climatic oscillation
变化climate variation
变化与海洋委员会Committee on Climatic Changes and Ocean
变化协议Climate Change Agreement
变化和人类健康climate change and human health
变化和海洋委员会Committee for Climate Changes and the Ocean
变化和致温室效应气体问题会议Conference on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas
变化地球物理监测geophysical monitoring for climate change
变化影响评价-伴随矩阵方法climate change impact assessment-ajoint matrix method
变化条约Convention on Climate Change
变化检测计划climate change detection project
变化税climate change levy
变率climatic variability
变迁climatic variation
周期climatic cycles
和人类问题专家会议Conference of Experts on Climate and Mankind
和天气climate and weather
因子climate variance
因子climatic factors
climatological chart
climatic type
学和气象学climatology and meteorology
学技术委员会Technical Commission for Climatology
对人类影响研究计划的行动计划action plan for the programme of studies
对人类影响研究计划的行动计划action plan for the program of studies
展望climatic forecast
climatic belt
应用climate applications
异常危险性climatic hazard
影响评价climatic impact assessment
循环climatic cycles
恶化climatic deterioration
恶化climatic degeneration
情报climatological information
指标climatic index
指示物climate indicator
振动climatic fluctuation
改变climatic shift
改善climatic amelioration
效应climatic effects
敏感性climatic sensitivity
敏感性climate sensitivity
数据climatological data
最适度climatic optimum
最适条件climatic optimum
植物群系climatic plant formation
概率climatic probability
模型climatic model
模拟climate simulation
治疗设施climatic facilities
演替顶极climate climax
激烈变化climatic upheaval
灾害climatic scourge
环境climatic circumstance
现象climatic event
疗法climatic treatment
病理学climatic pathology
监测climate monitoring
监视climate watch
相似原理climatic analogy
科学climate science
climatological station
考察climatological survey
舒适climate comfort
行动网络Climate Action Network
衍生产品weather derivatives
观测climatological observation
警报climate alert
记录climatic record
评价climatological assessment
诊断climatic diagnosis
资料climatological data
资料climate information
资料中心climate data centre
资料管理climate data management
资源分析方法method of climatic resource analysis
资源分类climatic resource classification
资源开发利用development and use of climate resources
资源特征characters of climatic resources
资源生产潜力climatic potential productivity
资源要素climatic elements of resources
资源评价climatic resource assessment
资源调查climatic resource survey
趋势climate trend
趋向climatic trend
过程climate process
重建climatic reconstruction
限制climatic stress
非周期性变化climatic nonperiodic variation
韵律climatic rhythm
预报climatic forecast
海洋性气maritime climate
海洋气sea climate
海洋气marine climate
海洋气资源marine climatic resources
海滨气littoral climate
温室效应引起的气变化greenhouse-induced variations of climate
温室气greenhouse climate
湖泊气lake climate
湿润气humid climate
湿热气hot humid climate
时差establishment of the port
牧业气资源animal husbandry climatic resources
类型phenological type
环境气environmental climate
理想的全球气hypothetical global climate
生态气ecological climatology
生态气适应ecoclimatic adaptation
生态气预测ecoclimate forecasting
生物气分带bioclimatic zonation
生物气变化bioclimatic changes
生物气定律bioclimatic law
第一次世界气会议First World Climate Conference
第四纪气Quarternary climate
耐气fastness to weather
草原气grassland climate
适于气的汽油climatic gasoline
雨林气rain forest climate
霍布金氏生物气法则Hopkin’s bioclimatic law
风蚀气因子指数wind erosion climatic factor index
高原气plateau climate