
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
中央补委员alternate member of the CPC central committee
书面联名提出选人nominate the candidates with joint signatures
向选民或者代表介绍代表选人的情况inform voters or deputies of their candidates' backgrounds
向选民或者代表介绍代表选人的情况inform voters or deputies of their candidates9 backgrounds
向选民或者代表介绍代表选人的情况brief voters or deputies on the candidates for deputies
代表选人candidates for deputies
代表选人candidates to be deputies
代表选人的提出nomination of candidates for deputies
await pending trial
船环境environment for waiting to board a ship
选人名单a name list of candidates
单独推荐代表选人separately recommend candidates to be deputies
取保obtain a guarantor pending trial
取保be awaiting trials on bail
检查pending inspection
多于应选代表选人名额的三分之一到一倍exceed the number of candidates to be elected by one-third to 100%
安排组织代表选人与选民见面arrange for the candidates to meet with voters
选人投反对票vote against a candidate
选人投赞成票vote for a candidate
对确定的选人with respect to a candidate that has been determined
选人名单提交代表酝酿、讨论submit the list of candidates to the deputies for deliberation and discussion
常务委员会举行会议的时when the Standing Committee is in session
得票数相同的选人candidates to resolve the tie
推荐代表选人recommend candidates for deputies
提名的选人candidates nominated
提名、酝酿选人nomination and consideration of candidates
根据选人得票多少的顺序by the order of the number of votes that the nominees have obtained
根据多数代表的意见确定正式选人名单decide upon a formal list of candidates based on the opinion of the majority of deputies
正式选人名单a formal list of candidates
正式选人名单the list of full candidates
正式代表选人full candidates for deputies
《气变化公约》京都议定书The Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change
确定和公布正式代表选人的名单decide on and publish the formal list of candidates for deputies
确定和公布正式代表选人的名单decide on and publish the official list of candidates for deputies
确定的选人a candidate that has been determined
羁押committed custody for trial
联合或者单独推荐代表选人jointly or separately recommend candidates for deputies
联合推荐代表选人jointly recommend candidates to be deputies
致以诚挚的问extend cordial greetings (to)
行政长官选人candidate for the office of Chief Executive
解除取保terminate the period for awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor
酝酿选人consideration of candidates
酝酿、联合提出选人deliberate on and jointly nominate candidates
酝酿、讨论选人名单deliberate and discuss the list of candidates
鉴定选人资格authentication of a candidate's qualifications
预选产生正式选人select formal candidates through preliminary elections