
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
公司closing down of firm The termination or shutdown, temporary or permanent, of a corporation, factory or some other business organization (公司、工厂或别的企业暂时或永久地终止或暂停。)
大气atmospheric inversion A temperature inversion in the atmosphere in which the temperature, instead of falling, increases with height above the ground. With the colder and heavier air below, there is no tendency to form upward currents and turbulence is suppressed. Inversions are often formed in the late afternoon when the radiation emitted from the ground exceeds that received from the sinking sun. Inversions are also caused by katabatic winds, that is cold winds flowing down the hillside into a valley, and by anticyclones. In inversion layers, both vertical and horizontal diffusion is inhibited and pollutants become trapped, sometimes for long periods. Low-level discharges of pollutants are more readily trapped by inversions than high level dischargers, hence the case for high stacks. Furthermore, high level discharges into an inversion tend to remain at a high level because of the absence of vertical mixing (大气中的温度倒置,在这种状况中,气温随着海拔的增加不减反增。由于下面更重更冷的空气,没有形成上升气流的趋势,湍流也被压制。倒置通常在下午晚些时候形成,这时候地面发出的射线超过了接收的来自下沉太阳的射线。倒置也会由下降风引起,这种风会以反气旋的形式从山上吹到山谷里。在倒置层,污染物的水平和竖直扩散都会被抑制从而被困住,有时会持续很长时间。低处的污染物放电比高处的更容易被倒置困住。而且,高处的污染物向倒置大气放电仍会保持在高处,因为缺少竖直混合。)
市政垃圾倾municipal dumping Place where a town's refuse is disposed of after it has been collected (一个城市处理垃圾的地方。)
废料倾waste dumping The disposal of solid wastes without environmental controls (固体废物未经过环境控制的处置。)
海洋倾ocean dumping The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources (海洋排放过程,其中的污染物,包括污水、工业废物、生活垃圾、农业和城市径流排入世界各大洋。这些污染物的来源无数。)
windfall 1. Falling of old trees in a forest caused by a storm or strong wind. It plays an important role in the spontaneous regeneration of forest ecosystems. 2. A plot of land covered with trees blown down by the wind (1. 风暴或强风造成的森林中老树的倒落。它在森林生态系统的自发再生中起着重要作用。2.被风吹倒的树木所覆盖的一块土地。)