
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
临时temporary repairs
主机理费repairs cost for main engine
价格monetary correction
价格正系数price revision clause
使船入坞lay a ship up for repairs
保养理船maintenance and repair craft
改信用证adjust the letter of credit
改合同单据revise a contract document
改合同amendment of contract
改后的海运规章amended shipping instructions
改性背书endorsement without recourse
改手续费amendment commission
改通知书amendment advice
整损失保险trim loss
整部service department
正价格revised rate
正发货单amended invoice
正合同amendment of contract
正条款amending clause
正补编amending supplement
正账单adjustment of account
理准备reserve for repairs
理及保养repair and maintenance
理船坞repair yard
理船舶所产生的索赔claim for repair of the vessel
理费平衡准备金repairs equalization reserve
理费平衡标准repairs equalization reserve
理通知单repair order
理须知servicing hints
缮用物料operating and maintenance supplies
缮费repairing charges
船坞ship repairer
订后的预算revised budget
订的修正案revised amendment
intermediate level
单损particular average repairs
口头oral amendment
固定设备维plant maintenance
国际货币基金组织协定条款第二次正案Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF
permanent repairs
订反倾销守则Revised Antidumping Code
1941 年订的美国对外贸易定义Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
1968 年关于改统一提单若干规则的国际公约的布鲁塞尔议定书Brussels Protocol of 1968
年布鲁塞尔关于改有关提单若干规则的国际公约议定书Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading Brussels, 23 February 1968 1968
延期deferred repairs
集装箱当地local repair
彻底检thorough overhaul
房屋和设备维maintenance of premises and equipment
改善理贸易improvement and repair trade
设备refurbished equipment
检查理员trouble shooter
检验与inspection and modification
法定汇率正法案Par Value Modification Act
海损average repair
租金和维rental and maintenance
细节上已作必要的mutatis mutandis
repair and maintenance
合同maintenance contracts
和运营maintenance and operations
定单maintenance order
设备servicing facilities
费准备maintenance reserve
车间maintenance shop
美国对外贸易准则1941正本Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
船舶大费用permanent repairs of ship
船队检fleet servicing
设备维maintenance of equipment
运价tariff revision
递延理费deferred repairs
锅炉临时理费temporary repairs cost for boiler
项目理定单item repairing order