
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
中型井作业medium intervention
中船广州文冲坞股份有限公司一一华南海上改装修理"桥头堡"Guangzhou Wenchong Dockyard Co. LTD
仪器检instrument repairing room
使龙骨露出水面以便维heave out
guarantee repair
well intervention
井平台work-over unit
井支持驳船work-over supporting barge
井船well intervention vessel
井隔水管系统intervention riser system
井驳船workover barge
正后初稳心高virtual metacentric height
正水层correction layer
正补充合同amendment and supplement of the repairing contract
理完工repair completion
理范围range of repairs
订建议案revision recommendation
原始理工程单list for original repairs
及时和全面prompt and thorough repair
dry docking
dry docking period
extensive repair
年度annual repair
底部井装置总成lower intervention package
拱度正因数camber correction factor
损害injure well-repair
摩擦正因数friction correction factor
文件及其改的控制documentation and change control
无立管riser-less light well intervention
工具engine tools
机械的可复的故障repairable failure in the machinery
检查、维护和inspection, maintenance, repair
波浪浮力smith correction
测力仪摩擦正曲线friction correction curves for screw dynamometer
海损wreck repair
监视和报警整定值改功能function for monitoring and modifying set values of alarming
立即彻底prompt and thorough repair
系统system calibration
正的"国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则"IGC code
服务站maintenance station
通道access for maintenance and repair
期限operating life
期限working life
期限overhaul life
期限time between overhauls
期限overhaul period
voyage repair
navigational repair
航速正法speed correction method
航速正法24th ITTC
航速正法ISO 15016
船舶amendment and supplement of the repairing contract
船舶理合同ship repair contract
船舶维保养体系ship's maintenance system
船舶维保养体系ship repair and maintenance system (CWBT, CWET)
转速correction of rate of revolution
轻型井作业light intervention
运行维日常维护operating maintenance
状态suitable repair condition
重型井作业heavy intervention
重大major overhaul
重大major repair
重大major overhaul
重大major repair
阻力换算正系数resistance coefficient for model-ship correlation allowance