
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
临时理费temporary repair cost
复-拥有-营运rehabilitate-own-operate (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer)衍生出来的一种变通形式)
复-营运-维护-转让rehabilitate-operate-maintain-transfer ROMT (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer) 衍生出来的一种变通形式)
复-营运-转让rehabilitate-operate-transfer ROT (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer) 衍生出来的一种变通形式)
改信用证amend L/C
改紧缩计划modify the austerity plan
正后账面价值modified book value
正帐单adjustment of account
正折合方法的提出suggested changes in conversion procedures
正试算表adjusted trial balance
明细单repair bill
理及维护repairs and maintenance
理工作repair production order
理费repair expense
理零件repair parts
理零件存货inventory of repair parts
缮费repair expense
缮费帐repair and maintenance account
缮通知单betterment order
补缺点成本cost of repairing the defect
订代码revision code
订全球会计标准align global accounting standards
全使用期内理费life repair cost
凭证订正保颍澹觯椋螅椋铮■ of treaty междун.торг. 正条约revision of documents
办公室器具及装office furniture and fixtures
基础设施维infrastructure maintenance
准备金reserve fund for major repairs
基金reserve of major repair fund
成本cost of overhaul
理基金major overhaul repair fund
准备reserve repairs
《1970 年投资公司正案》Investment Company Amendments of 1970
延期维费用准备allowance for deferred maintenance
投资组合portfolio revision
折旧表之depreciation program revisions
按要求改信用证adjust the L/C as requested
最近recent modifications
cost of overhaul
特别extraordinary repairs
订的股份卖空计划revised short selling scheme
经营与维费用operation and maintenance costs
repairs and maintenance
成本maintenance cost
成本cost of up keep
maintenance charge
费比率maintenance ratio
保养费用maintenance expenses
部费用maintenance department expenses
预算maintenance budget
预算maintenance and repair budget
设备维plant maintenance
银行营业房屋维bank building repairs and maintenance expenses
非常extraordinary repairs