
Terms containing 信 件 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.一国法院委托另一国法院对于诉讼案件就地调查证据的信letter requisitorial
commer.一批要回复的信件a batch of letters to be answered
el.不可信事件incredible events
busin.不干涉信件no action letter
securit.不干涉信件no-action letter
econ.不附带条件的信贷untied credit
el. 邮局中专管处理姓名住址不详信件的人员blind reader
gen. 邮局中专管处理姓名住址不详信件的人员blind officer
econ.世界信贷条件global terms of credit
el.中央信息文件central information file
fin.为未来的信贷事件提供防护provide protection against likely future credit events
el.主信息文件main message file
proj.manag.举例来说、在您的通信软件中的协议将指定接收设备怎样承认发送设备The protocol in your communications software, for example, will specify how receiver devices will acknowledge sending devices
gen.between…之间信件<#0>往返an exchange of notes
wind.事件信息event information
tech.事件控制用信息组block event control
gen.互通信件interchange letters
UN, polit.亚太经社会文献信息系统人口文件ESCAP Bibliographic Information Service Population File
el.交互通信软件interactive communications software
busin.亲笔签署信件autograph letter signed
econ.他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of
commer.以前的信件previous letters
commer.以开立信用证为条件subject to the opening of a letter of credit
commer.以快邮发送信件send the letters by despatch
commer.以快邮发送信件send the letters by dispatch
fin.优惠条件信贷credit of favorable condition
busin.优惠条件信贷credit of favourable condition
avia.伪随机噪声信号组件pseudo-random noise signal assembly
tech.低通信量条件low-traffic condition
econ.你方信件your letter
commer.你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件已转至我处Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us
interntl.trade.供应国按优厚条件提供的长期信贷long-term suppliers’ credit on easy terms
commer.依据交单条件不同,托收分为付款交单,承兑交单和凭信托收据借贷三种Collection according to different conditions of delivering documents falls into D/P, D/A and D/P, T/R
tech.保留信件retained correspondence
el.信令消息事件处理程序signaling message event handler
el.信令软件子系统signaling software subsystem
comp., MS信件letter (An activity that tracks the delivery of a letter. The activity can contain the electronic copy of the letter)
busin.信件与确认证据letter and confirmation evidence
interntl.trade.信件代书人letter writer
gen.信件像雪片似地飞来letters come in showers
adv.信件公司letter shop
manag.信件公文柜letter filing cabinet
econ.信件发送簿forwarding letter book
interntl.trade.信件和邮包mail and postal packages
econ.信件回单簿chit book
busin.信件备查簿letter book
busin.信件备查编号letter reference number
busin.信件契约letter contract
China, law信件寄递业务correspondence delivery services
proj.manag.信件打印质量的打印机letter-quality printer
adv.信件抬头、落款的自动生成Hooven process
interntl.trade.信件整理法envelope system
tech.信件滑槽mail chute
tech.信件滑槽letter chute
gen.信件空投message dropping
gen.信件空投站message dropping station
math.信件自动分拣automatic partition of letters
proj.manag.信件质量letter quality
proj.manag.信件质量correspondence quality
avia.信元参考事件cell reference event
mil., air.def.信号元件元素、单元signal element
avia.信号器控制组件annunciator control assembly
avia.信号处理组件signal processing module
tech.信号形成部件shaping unit
mil., air.def.信号情报/电子对抗计划/协调文件signal intelligence/electronic countermeasure planning/coordination message
avia.信号条件和显示装置signal condition and display unit
avia.信号调节器组件signal conditioner unit
avia.信号调节器组件signal conditioner module
el.信息与文件information and documentation
el.信息专用中间件message-oriented middleware
el.信息专用中间件协会Message Oriented Middleware Association
tech.信息互换文件file for information interchange
el.信息传送与群件服务messaging and groupware services
el.信息传送部件information transfer unit
tech.信息加工元件information processing element
mil., air.def.信息化条件下局部战争local war under information condition
mil., air.def.信息化条件下联合作战joint operation under information condition
el.信息堆栈文件message stack file
el.信息存储器件information storage device
cryptogr.信息安全保障组件information assurance component
avia.信息定义需求文件information definition requirements document
psychol.信息性事件informational event
el.信息技术标准部件information technology standards unit
el.信息插人部件message insertion unit
work.fl.信息文件fact file
busin.信息文件information documents
commer.信息文件data file
busin.信息文件file of information
el.信息文件分隔符information file separator
el.信息文件单元message file unit
el.信息文件处理机information file processor
China, law信息泄露事件information leak incident
avia.信息管理系统零件数据库information management system part library
el.信息系统与软件更新环境information system and software update environment
mil., air.def.信息系统和软件采办局Information System and Software Acquisition Agency
el.信息网络与文件组织information network and file organization
avia.信息软件计算机辅助设计computer aided design of information software
avia.信息需求文件information requirements document
el.信息项目文件information item file
fin.信托合同纠纷案件controversy over a fiduciary contract
securit.信托文件trust instrument
textile信用文件credit instruments
textile信用条件creditor terms
econ.信用条件改善credit enhancement
fin.信用证内所厘订的条件conditions to be inserted in letter of credit
textile信用证条件L/C terms
busin.信用证条件conditions in the letter of credit
busin.信用证条件condition in the letter of credit
interntl.trade.信用证条件credit terms
busin.信用证条件credit term
econ.信用证条件terms of credit
fin.信用证条件term of credit
tech.信用证条件letter of credit terms
econ.信用证的条件conditions in the letter of credit
tech.信用证的条件condition in the letter of credit
fin.信用证的犖件conditions in the letter of credit
fin.信用证纠纷案件controversy over letter of credit
fin.信贷事件credit event
tech.信贷协定的期限和条件terms of loan agreements
interntl.trade.信贷文件契约credit instruments
interntl.trade.信贷文件credit document
tech.信贷文件credit instruments
China, law信贷条件requirement for granting loans
textile信贷条件terms of credit
econ.信贷条件credit terms
busin.信贷条件credit term
tech.修改信用证条件amend the terms of the letter of credit
el.倒排文件信息检索系统inverted file information retrieval system
avia.光学通信部件optical communication parts
el.全球移动通信系统单片逻辑器件GSM one chip logic device
econ.关于参阅你方信件refer to your letter
commer.关于付款条件,我方只接受即期信用证With reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight
commer.关于你方信件re your letter
commer.关于我方信件re our letter
adv.内装回邮信封的直邮邮件mailing package
telecom.冗余通信接口组件redundant communication interface assembly
telecom.冗长信息文件记录verbose file logging
earth.sc.军事地理信息和文件military geographic information and documentation
IMF.减贫与增长贷款-重债穷国信托文件PRGF-HIPC Trust Instrument
proj.manag.匿名信件转发器anonymous remailer
el.半导体设备通信标准文件语言SECS script language
commer.卖方同意以信用证为付款条件The seller agreed on L/C terms
auto.照明系统危急信号操纵件开关emergency flasher control
nautic., tech.即时通信软件instant messenger software
econ.参与该项建议评审的双方不得透露此建议的一切信息及文件Both parties involved in the evaluation of this proposal are not allowed to disclose all information and documents under the proposal
busin.参照你方信件reference to your letter
busin.参照你方信件referring to your letter
busin.参照你方信件refer to your letter
busin.参照…信件reference to the letter
busin.参照…信件refer to the letter
busin.参照我方信件reference to our letter
busin.参照我方信件refer to our letter
commer.参阅该信件refer to the letter
UN, ecol.发展规划文件信息系统Development Planning Documents Information System
tech.发送信件credit number
el.受限信道事件记录limited channel logout
telecom.可信网络接口部件trusted network interface unit
tech.可变信息文件variable information file
multimed.Adobe 可视通信软件Adobe visual communicator
commer.合同规定付款条件为即期信用证The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C
commer.同一邮局收发的信件drop letter
proj.manag.同时、其他线程可以访问磁盘文件或从通信端口获取数据A/ the same time, other threads can access disk files or get data from a communications port
el.同步通信特制件synchronous communications feature
econ.后续信件follow-up letter
econ.后续信件follow-up correspondence
gen.向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim
adv.含图标、视频和音频等信息的邮件rich mail
el.命令文件用户信息command document user information
auto.售后配件信息服务管理系统infoservice spare/service parts management system
el.因特网信息分配解决方案软件包Internet information distribution solution package
USA, space国家航空航天局软件信息系统NASA software information system
org.name.国际农业科技信息系统微机-CDS/ISIS软件包及其兼容地方系统Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for AGRIS and Compatible Local Systems
econ.在刚刚收到的来信中,得知一家日本公司向我们提出较高的佣金及其他便利条件In your letter, you advise us that a Japanese company is offering us a higher commission and other facilities
gen.在某些例子中,申请被拒是因为没有提交必要的信息和相关文件In some instances, the application is denied because necessary information or supporting documents were not submitted
earth.sc.地理信息文件geographic information file
comp., MS垃圾郵件信賴等級spam confidence level (The normalized value that is assigned to an e-mail message. This value indicates, based on the characteristics of the message, such as the content, message header, and so forth, the likelihood that the message is spam. This value is persisted with the message when the message is sent to other Exchange servers)
comp., MS垃圾郵件信賴等級SCL The normalized value that is assigned to an e-mail message. This value indicates, based on the characteristics of the message, such as the content, message header, and so forth, the likelihood that the message is spam. This value is persisted with the message when the message is sent to other Exchange servers (SCL)
avia.备件信息文件spares information file
avia.备件信息文档spare information file
commer.外发信件outgoing correspondence
el.多媒体邮件信息传送业务multimedia mail messaging service
multimed.套用信件form letter
el.存储信息文件stored information file
multimed.安全信息与事件管理security information and event management
cryptogr.安全信息事件管理工具security information and event management SIEM tool
el.实用信息文件utility information file
el.客户信息文件customer information file
fin.宽松的信贷条件easy credit terms
comp., MS寄件者信譽sender reputation (Anti-spam functionality that is enabled on computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed to block messages according to characteristics of the sender. The Sender Reputation agent continuously monitors senders and their past Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) interactions, such as the amount of spam and messages that are not spam that a sender has sent, and relies on persisted data about the sender to determine what action, if any, to take on an inbound message)
textile密封信件sealed letter
econ.密押信件sealed letter
proj.manag.导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats
interntl.trade.封口信件sealed letter
el.小信号晶体管组件small signal transistor assembly
econ.帐目及信件binding case
el.帧中信元接人器件cells in frames access device
telecom.平均条件信息量average conditional information content
econ.平邮信件a seamail letter
adv.广告信息软件advertising messaging software
avia.异步通信元件asynchronous communication element
tech.异步通信控制附件asynchronous communication control attachment
el.异步通信部件asynchronous communications element
el.引信头部组件fuse head assembly
avia.引信控制导线组件fuse control cable assembly
proj.manag.当你的样品送达后、将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮、请准备一个作为确认送达的有你地址的明信片You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclose a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification
org.name.当前农业研究信息微机-CDS/ISIS软件包及其地方兼容系统Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for CARIS and Compatible Local Systems
busin.待领信件letter to be called for
gen.您是否收到过确认订房的信件Do you have a confirmation letter confirming the reservation?
proj.manag.我们相信免费软件对于开发人员、合作者和最终用户来说是一个安全的选择We believe in free software as a safe choice for developers, partners and end users alike
commer.我方信件our letter
commer.我方二十日信件our letter dated 20th
commer.我方查不出曾收到过注有该日期的信件We can't trace any letter of that date
commer.我方的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的、见票即付的信用证Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight
el.战术机载信息文件tactical airborne information document
interntl.trade.大量发出的打印信件forms design and control form letter
interntl.trade.大量发出的打印信件form design and control form letter
multimed.打印信件form letter
adv.批量寻求回应的信件inquiry response mailing
earth.sc.技术信息文件technical information file
China, law报告突发事件信息impart information on emergency
securit.披露信件release letter
econ.拒绝信件rejection letter
proj.manag.拨款信件allocation letter
interntl.trade.挂号信件registered post
interntl.trade.挂号信件registered letters (post)
proj.manag.接近信件质量NLQ (near-letter-quality)
el.控制器/指挥仪信息文件controller/director information file
commer.推销信件sales letters
interntl.trade.推销信函附件letter gadget
busin.推销信附件letter gadget
interntl.trade.推销商品的信件call letter
proj.manag.描述您是如何获得该 AP 及其组件的状态信息的Describe how you obtained status information about the AP and its components
UN, tech.提供电子数据处理能力和复制能力,包括必要的软件,以运行所有总部内部的通信和管理,包括必要的数据库electronic data processing and reproduction capability, including necessary software, to run all internal headquarters correspondence and administration, including necessary databases
gen.提供错误信息,申请人有可能永远不符合条件进入美国Applicants who provide incorrect information may become permanent ineligible to enter the United States
telecom.插件板选择信号on-board select signal
el.操作员通信文件operator communication file
China, law收集突发事件信息collect information on emergencies
gen.指政敌投寄的攻击性信件hate mail
econ.放宽信贷条件easing of credit
econ.放宽信贷条件credit relaxation
busin.放宽信贷条件easy credit terms
commer.放松信贷条件easy credit terms
tech.敏感元件信息sensory information
el.数字信号处理器启动套件DSP starter kit
avia.数字航空飞行信息文件digital aeronautical flight information file
el.数据信息文件data information file
el.文件与报告信息处理生成程序file and report information processing generator
earth.sc.文件与报表信息处理生成程序file and report information processing generator
el.文件信息块file information block
tech.文件信息存取documents information accessing
avia.文件信息存取系统documents information accessing system
el.文件信息服务程序document information service program
el.文件信息记录document information record
el.文件信息语言执行程序file information language executive routine
avia.文件和报告信息处理发生器file and report information processing generator
el.文件库联机信息控制file room on-line information control
el.文件控制信息file control information
telecom.文件用户信息命令command document user information
el.文件用户信息块document user information block
avia.旅客信息组件Passenger Information Unit
econ.无条件保兑信用证an unconfirmed credit
fin.无条件信托bare trust
busin.无条件信托discretionary trust
fin.无条件信用free credit
busin.无条件信用即无抵押品的信贷free credit
econ.无条件信用书clean credit
interntl.trade.无条件信用状clean open credit
proj.manag.无条件信用证unconditional letter of credit
textile无条件信用证clean letter of credit
securit.无条件信用证clean credit
commer.无条件信用限度discretionary credit limit
commer.无条件信用限度discretional credit limit
fin.无条件及不可撤销的信用证Unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit
gen.无条件地相信take on faith
securit.无条件并不可撤销的信用证unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit
proj.manag.无条件的信用证unconditional L/C
tech.无条件的信用证unconditional letter of credit
busin.无法投递信件dead mail
busin.无法投递信件dead letter
busin.无特殊条件信用证open letter of credit
interntl.trade.无特殊条件的信用证open letter of credit
el.显示文件系统信息displaying file system information
avia.〔客〕更改信息文件modification information document
earth.sc.最大可信事件maximum credible event
agric.最终信号部件final signal unit
el.有效信息文件active information file
busin.有条件信用证escrow credit
busin.有条件寿险信托contingent life insurance trust
busin.有条件易货信用证escrow letter of credit
el.服务信息传送部件service message transfer unit
avia.服务信息函件service information letter
avia.服务情况信件service information letter
textile机密信件private letter
commer.机要信件confidential letter
tech.条件交付信用证escrow letter of credit
securit.条件交付信用证escrow letter of credit
tech.条件优惠的信贷credit of favorable conditions
multimed.条件信息量conditional information content
el.构件信息词典标准component information dictionary standard
el.标准事件信息格式standard event message format
econ.根据条件,此类信息的扩散受到限制The dissemination of such information is restricted according to the regulations
adv.格式信件fill-in letter
libr.欠资信件postage due
tech.永久锁定信件permanently locked envelope
tech.海运信件sea mail
el.照相信息文件编排系统photographic information filing system
proj.manag.现在、 您已经准备好、 可以将数据文件中的信息合并到一个标签出版物中了Now you're ready to merge information from the data file into the label publication
el.现场可编程混合信号器件field programmable mixed signal device
el.现行信息文件active information file
el.生物工艺学信息工具包软件biotechnology information toolkit software
tech.信件报盘及接受offer and accept by post
tech.用计算机设计信息软件computer-aided design information software
el.电子信件分拣设备electronic letter sorting and indexing equipment
tech.电子信件分类及显示装置electronic letter sorting and indicator equipment
el.电子邮件与信息[报文]系统electronic mail and message system
el.电子邮件信息electronic mail message
comp., net.电子邮件信箱E-mail box
gen.电真空器件中信号处理signal processing in evacuated electronic devices
el.电键和信号灯部件key and lamp unit
el.硬件实现的管理信息库hardware implemented management information base
tech.确信数据接收部件data assurance unit
gen.确实如此,你可以在网上查找块滑石陶瓷部件,比较公司在网上发布的商品信息That's true, so you can find steatite ceramic parts on the Internet and compare the information sent by companies
textile私人信件private letter
textile私人信件personal letter
adv.私人信件private mail
econ.秘书安排把她的信件发送出去The secretary arranged for her mail to be forwarded
law秘密来往信件confidential communications
avia.空军通信保密函件air force communication security letter
avia.空投信件drop message
agric.空间信息的软件系统如地理信息系统software system of space information
China, law突发事件信息系统information system for emergencies
IMF.第一信贷档贷款条件first credit tranche conditionality
el.管理信息工具软件management information tool software
el.类属软件信息包替换generic software package replacement
avia.系统信息文件system's information file
textile索赔信件claim letter
el.红外信号处理器件infrared signal processing device
tech.组件信息module information
UN, account.综合监测和文件信息系统Integrated Monitoring and Documentation Information System
el.缔约信件conclusion letters
tech.编辑信息文件edit information file
el.网件全球信息处理服务Netware global messaging handling service
el.网件异步通信服务器Netware asynchronous communications server
el.网件通信体系结构Netware communications architecture
el.网络信息文件network information files
el.网络软件规范及描述语信network software specification and description language
intell.美国联邦调查局对私人信件的秘密检査mail cover check
tech.自动信件盖销装置automatic letter facing
earth.sc.自动地图信息文件automated map information file
econ.航空信件air mail
avia.航空信件air letter
China, law获悉突发事件信息get information on emergency
telecom.虚拟存储器环境的通信接口组件virtual memory environment communication interface assembly
telecom.虚拟存储器环境的通信接口组件VME communication interface assembly
telecom.虚拟机环境冗余通信接口组件virtual machine environment redundant communications interface assembly
telecom.虚拟机环境冗余通信接口组件VME redundant communications interface assembly
avia.表面信息函件surface information letter
multimed.goalscape 视觉信息管理软件goalscape visual information management software
radio视频信号显示部件video display unit
busin.计算机信件computer letter
earth.sc.计算机图件编目和信息检索系统computerized map cataloging and information retrieval system
el.计算机管理分布式信息软件computer management distributed information software
telecom.美国计算机软件管理与信息中心Computer Software Management and Information Center
earth.sc.计算机软件管理与信息中心computer software management and information
el.计算机辅助信息软件设计computer-aided design of information software
tech.计算机辅助设计信息软件computer-aided design information software
el.计算机、通信、元件computer, communications, component
securit.证实信件confirmation letter
el.诊断信息文件diagnostic information file
commer.该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
proj.manag.说明如何检索有关文件、文件夹和驱动器的信息、例如创建时间和大小Shows how to retrieve in formation such as creation times and size, about files, folders and drives
busin.请参照我方信件refer to our letter
econ.请在信中说明付款条件及你方所需女用尼龙长统袜的数量Please state terms of payment and quantities of nylon stockings for ladies you require in your letter
econ.请注意我们的付款条件是保兑的、不可撤消的、见票即付的信用证Please note that our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable and sight L/C
econ.请用信报实盘,并注明同业折扣和装运条件Please send us your firm offer by letter indicating trade discount and terms of shipment
el.财务信息与控制软件financial information and control software
econ.账目及信件a binding case
busin.账目及信件binding case
mil., air.def.质量事件信息quality event information
avia.〔客〕质量事件信息quality event information
commer.超重信件overweight letter
auto.转向信号灯操纵件direction-indicator control
el.转移信息文件branch information file
AI.软件 agent 通信语言Software Agent Communication Language
el.软件与信息产业协会美国Software and Information Industry Association
el.软件产生的群解阻断信息software-generated group unblocking message
el.软件产生的群解阻断确认信息software-generated group unblocking-acknowledgement message
el.软件产生的群阻断信息software-generated group blocking message
el.软件信息与技术交换software information and technology exchange
el.软件图像信息库software image base
el.软件控制通信业务software controlled communications service
gen.软件控制通信业务software controlled communication service
mil., air.def.软件通信体系software communications architecture
avia.软件通信结构software communications architecture
el.过程[工艺]信息文件process information file
econ.这笔业务是以装船前30天开出信用证为条件而成交的The transaction was concluded subject to the L/C being opened 30 days prior to shipment
el.连接通信系统的特制件features for attaching communications
busin.退回信件back letter
el.通信与群件服务messaging and groupware services
el.通信专用软件communications-oriented software
gen.通信保护元件transmission security
telecom.通信器件communication device
cryptogr.通信安全事件COMSEC incident
cryptogr.通信安全组件COMSEC module
cryptogr.通信安全组件COMSEC assembly
cryptogr.通信安全部件COMSEC element
avia.通信、导航与识别应用软件CNI application software
el.通信工程软件包software package for communication engineering
mil., air.def.通信情报咨询任务文件commendation intelligence advisory tasking message
telecom.通信接口组件communications interface assembly
el.通信接口部件communications interface assembly
mil., air.def.通信接口部件communication interface assembly
el.通信控制固件communication control firmware
telecom.通信控制部件communication control unit
gen.通信控制部件communication control package
comp., net.通信文件传送communication file transfer
el.通信文件控制块communications file control block
mil., air.def.通信电子兀件communication electronic element
el.通信电子元件communication electronic element
avia.通信电子元件communication electronics element
telecom.通信硬件communication hardware
el.通信节点控制元件communications nodal control element
met.通信转接部件communication switching
tech.通信转接部件communication switching unit
el.远程通信软件telecommunications software
met.通信软件communication software
multimed.通信软件communications software
el.通信软件开发程序包communications software development package
avia.通信软件系统结构telecommunication software architecture
cryptogr.通信配置文件communications profile
el.通用人事信息管理软件general personnel management software
el.通用信息文件询问general information file interrogation
avia.通用零件信息管理系统common parts information management system
environ.通知信件circular mail A memorandum, letter or notice in either paper or electronic format distributed widely throughout an organization or to a general list of interested parties (在一个机构中广泛使用的纸质或电子格式的备忘录、函或者通知,或者相关方的常规的列表。)
el.遥测信道组件telemetry channel assembly
tech.部件状态信息unit status information
tech.部件状态信息unit information
telecom.部件间信息交换inter-cartridge exchange
comp., MS郵件信封message envelope (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
tech.钢丝编信件wire netting letter basket
econ.钩型信件整理器hook file
manag.钩形信件整理器hook file
econ.铁路邮递信件railway letters
qual.cont.铁道邮递信件railway letters
qual.cont.铁道邮递信件railway letter
auto.销售、维修、配件、信息反馈sale, service, spare parts, survey
interntl.trade.销货信件sales letters
avia.阿波罗飞船零件信息中心Apollo parts information center
econ.附加条件的信贷tied credit
commer.包裹附加说明信件covering letter
securit.附带条件的信托qualified trust
fin.附带条件的信托基金tied trust fund
interntl.trade.附带条件的信贷tied credit
busin.附带条件的信贷tied credits
earth.sc.附带条件的计划或信托qualified plan or trust
busin.附有电报索汇条件的信用证credit with T/T reimbursement clause
econ.限制性的或有条件的援助信贷tied aid credit
brit., busin.限时专送信件special delivery
commer.除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
el.随机信息块文件管理程序random block file manager
avia.零件信息字母parts information letter
avia.零件成本信息管理part cost information management
busin.零部件可靠信息中心Parts Reliability Information Center
avia.面向通信的软件communication oriented software
avia.项目信息文件program information file
avia.项目支援通信需求文件program support communication requirement document
econ.顾客的无条件信贷余额customer's free credit balance
fin.顿客的无条件信贷余额customer’s free credit balance
avia.高级信号处理器可执行指令软件advanced signal processor executable common software
tech.高速文件通信终端high-speed document communication terminal
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