
Terms for subject Desert science containing | all forms
丛毛葡萄风tassel grape hyacinth
丛毛葡萄风fringe hyacinth
东北northeast trades
东南southeast trades
东南south-east trade wind
临阈threshold signal
天翁sooty albatross (南非,澳大利亚沙漠、南美洲沙漠)
亚美尼亚葡萄风grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)
使圆尾鹱herald petrel
息传输速率information rate
息属性information attribute
息收集information collection
息查询系统referral information system
息率information rate
息网information network
风带trade-wind zone
风气团trade air
风积云trade cumulus
风空气trade air
风荒漠trade wind desert (指副热带高压气团和信风纬度形成的干热荒漠,地处北纬和南纬15°〜30°。处于信风带的荒漠有撒哈拉荒漠、卡拉哈里沙漠等; 邻近海洋寒流的海岸荒漠也为信风荒漠,如阿塔卡马荒漠、纳米布沙漠等)
风逆温trade-wind inversion
风逆温trade inversion
全国地理息标准化技术委员会Nation-wide Technical Standardization Committee of Geographic Information
全球土地息系统Global Land Information System (GLIS)
全球资源息数据库Global Resources Information Database
全球资源息系统Global Resource Information System
农业贷监察局Farm Credit Administration (美国农业信贷监察机构,成立于1933年3月27日)
加拿大地理息系统Canadian Geography Information System
counter trade
古环境palaeo-environmental information
度理论reliability theory
性函数reliability function
性理论reliability theory
柱指标reliability index
国家环境、数据和息局National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
国际地圈-生物圈计划数据和息系统International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Data and Information System
土地息技术land information technology
土地息系统land information system (LIS)
土地水资源综合息系统Integrated Land and Water Information System
地图map information
地图cartographic information
地图息系统cartographic information system
地球资源息系统Earth Resources Information System (ERIS)
地球资源息网络Earth Resources Information Network (ERIN)
地理息协会Association of Geographical Information
地理息科学geographical information science (GISCI)
地理息系统Geographical Information Systems
地理息系统技术委员会Technical-Level GIS Committee
地理息网络geography network
地理基础息系统Geographic Base Information System
地籍cadastral information
城市地理urban geographic information
城市地理息系统urban geographic information system
基于地学的息系统Geo Based Information System
夏风spire Lily
夏风summer hyacinth
大风gale signal
已知息源recognized source
时间temporal information
林分stand information
气象meteorological information
流苏葡萄风tassel grape hyacinth
流苏葡萄风fringe hyacinth
漂泊天翁wandering albatross (南非、澳大利亚沙漠、南美洲沙漠)
澳大利亚新西兰土地息委员会Australian and New Zealand Land Information Council (ANZLIC)
灰背天翁light-mantled albatross
天翁royal albatross
天翁南非、澳大利亚沙漠、南美洲沙漠royal albatross
环境数据/environmental data/information
电子图形显示息系统electric chart and display
上限confidence upper limit
下限confidence lower limit
程度level of confidence
美国国家地理息与分析中心National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
联合国息中心United Nations Information Centre
联合国环境规划署荒漠化息系统UNEP Desertification Information System
英国城市与区域息系统协会British Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (BURISA)
荒漠和热带息中心Arctic, Desert, Tropic Information Center (美国)
营养trophic signals
葡萄风common hyacinth
葡萄风common grape hyacinth
路径route information
调查questionnaire by mail
遗传genetic information
错误wrong information
阔叶葡萄风grape hyacinth (Muscari latifolium)
集成化地理息系统Integrated Geographical Information System
非图形non-graphic information
非地理non-geographic information
wind indicator
黑背天翁laysan albatross