
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
不使用基金组织贷的非正式规划shadow program
不可撤销的跟单用证irrevocable documentary credit
不对称的informational asymmetries
不对称的informational asymmetry
不对称的asymmetric information
不对称的information asymmetry
专题托基金topical trust fund
世界仰发展对话World Faiths Development Dialogue
中期Extended Credit Facility
主权用评级sovereign credit ratings
主权sovereign credit
互惠cross-currency swap
互惠foreign currency swap
互惠currency swap agreement
互惠currency swap arrangement
互惠swap arrangement
互惠reciprocal currency arrangement
人力资源息系统科Human Resources Information Systems Section
价格敏感的price-sensitive data
价格敏感的price-sensitive information
使用托基金的资金回流use of Trust Fund reflows
使用基金组织use of IMF credit
使用基金组织use of Fund credit
使用基金组织贷余额outstanding use of Fund credit
使用基金组织贷余额outstanding Fund credit
息与知识管理处Information and Knowledge Management Division
息交流部Communications Department
息和联络information and liaison
息安全information security
息安全科Information Security Section
息官员Information Officer
息成本information cost
息技术data processing
息技术information technology
息技术electronic data processing
息技术政策委员会Information Technology Policy Committee
息技术服务部IT Services
息技术服务部Information Technology Services
息技术部Information Technology Department
息技术鸿沟digital divide
息披露information disclosure
息、教育和交流information, education, and communication
息服务处Information Services Division
息的不对称性informational asymmetries
息的不对称性informational asymmetry
息的不对称性asymmetric information
息的不对称性information asymmetry
息通报系统system of information notices
息通报系统information notice system IMF, exchange arrangements
息高速路infobahn Europe
息高速路information superhighway
息高速路information highway
托储蓄银行trustee savings bank
托基金Trust Fund
托基金现金账户Trust Fund Cash Account
托基金规约Trust Fund Instrument
托账户fiduciary account
托账户Trust Account
托贷款Trust loan
托贷款ESAF Trust loan
用冻结security freeze
用冻结credit freeze
用创造credit creation
用利差credit spread
用合作社credit cooperative
用恶化credit deterioration
用状况credit standing
用社credit cooperative
用衍生产品credit derivative
用证letter of credit
用证commercial letter of credit
用评级credit rating
用评级下调credit downgrade
用评级机构rating services
用评级机构rating agency
用评级机构international rating agency
用评级机构mercantile agency
用评级机构credit agency
用评级机构credit rating agency corporations
用评级选购credit rating shopping
用评级选购rating shopping
用货币fiduciary money
用货币fiat currency
用货币central bank money
用货币fiat money
用贷款financial credit
用贷款financial loan
用违约掉期credit default swap
用额度credit line
用额度line of credit
用风险counterparty risk
用风险credit risk
用风险credit exposure
用风险指标credit risk indicator
credit standing
贷 和投资保险人国际联盟Berne Union
贷 和投资保险人国际联盟International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers
贷传导credit transmission
贷协会cooperative savings association
贷协会credit union
贷安排credit arrangement
贷市场credit market
贷强化credit enhancement
贷强化enhanced credit
贷总量credit aggregates
贷控制credit control
贷收缩credit contraction
贷放松credit easing
贷政策credit policy
贷数量控制quantitative credit control
贷档credit tranche
贷档借款credit tranche purchase
贷档头寸credit tranche position
贷档政策credit tranche policies
贷档购买credit tranche purchase
贷档项下的提款credit tranche drawing
贷紧缩tightening of credit
贷紧缩credit squeeze
贷紧缩credit freeze
贷紧缩credit crunch
贷配给credit rationing
贷限额lending ceiling
贷限额credit limit
贷限额credit ceiling
贷驱动的经济增长credit-driven growth
全球环境托基金Global Environment Trust Fund World Bank
全球环境基金托基金Global Environment Facility Trust Fund
公共息通告Public Information Notice
公共息通告Press Information Notice
内含机密contains confidential information IMF information security
减贫与增长Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust
减贫与增长贷款PRGF Trust
减贫与增长贷款托储备账户Reserve Account
减贫与增长贷款托储备账户PRGF Trust Reserve Account
减贫与增长贷款托补贴账户Subsidy Account
减贫与增长贷款托补贴账户PRGF Trust Subsidy Account
减贫与增长贷款托贷款PRGF Trust loan
减贫与增长贷款托贷款账户Loan Account
减贫与增长贷款托贷款账户PRGF Trust Loan Account
减贫与增长贷款-外生冲击贷款PRGF-ESF Trust
减贫与增长贷款-重债穷国PRGF-HIPC Trust
减贫与增长贷款-重债穷国托文件PRGF-HIPC Trust Instrument
减贫与增长贷款/重债穷国托账户PRGF-HIPC Trust Account
减贫与增长-重债穷国PRG-HIPC Trust
减贫与增长-重债穷国Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
减贫与增长-重债穷国Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
减贫支持Poverty Reduction Support Credit World Bank
出口export credit
出口贷机构export credit agency
分期偿还的installment credit
分期偿还的installment loan
加强的结构调整贷款ESAF Trust
加强的结构调整贷款Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Trust
加强的结构调整贷款托下的贷款Trust loan
加强的结构调整贷款托下的贷款ESAF Trust loan
加强的结构调整贷款托储备账户Reserve Account
加强的结构调整贷款托储备账户ESAF Trust Reserve Account
加强的结构调整贷款托补贴账户Subsidy Account
加强的结构调整贷款托补贴账户ESAF Trust Subsidy Account
加强的结构调整贷款托贷款账户Loan Account
加强的结构调整贷款托贷款账户ESAF Trust Loan Account
加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷国ESAF-HIPC Trust
加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷国Trust for Special ESAF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations
加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷国托账户ESAF-HIPC Trust Account
单位unit trust
单位mutual fund
单位open-end investment company
单位open-end investment fund
单位open-end investment trust
单位open-end mutual fund
卖方supplier's credit
南苏丹专题托基金South Sudan Topical Trust Fund
反洗钱/打击恐怖主义融资专题托基金Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism Topical Trust Fund
赖的顾问trusted advisor
贷档的规模size of each credit tranche
周转revolving credit
周转revolving credit facility
国内贷扩张domestic credit expansion
国家息系统Country Information System
基金组织的贷余额outstanding use of Fund credit
基金组织的贷余额outstanding Fund credit
增强储备的贷额度Reserve Augmentation Line
备用Standby Credit Facility
多边减债倡议-一号托账户MDRI-I Trust
多边减债倡议-二号托账户MDRI-II Trust
安慰comfort letter
安慰assessment statement
安慰assessment letter
完全息极大似然法FIML procedure
完全息极大似然法full information maximum likelihood procedure econometrics
官方支持的出口officially supported export credit
封闭型投资investment trust
封闭型投资closed-end investment company
封闭型投资closed-end investment fund
封闭型投资closed-end investment trust
展期rollover credit
已拨付的disbursed debt
市场敏感的market-sensitive data
市场敏感的market-sensitive information
市场诚market integrity
应急贷额度Contingent Credit Line s
开放型投资mutual fund
开放型投资open-end investment company
开放型投资open-end investment fund
开放型投资open-end investment trust
开放型投资unit trust
开放型投资open-end mutual fund
强化credit enhancement
强化enhanced credit
循环revolving credit
循环revolving credit facility
快速Rapid Credit Facility
托收factoring finance
承兑acceptance credit
技术援助息管理系统Technical Assistance Information Management System
投资者investor confidence
控灾减灾CCR Trust
控灾减灾Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust
放松easing credit
数据和息系统科Data and Information Systems Section
新借款安排下的贷安排的缩减rollback of NAB credit arrangements
新增的fresh money
新增的new credit
新增的new money London Club
日内intraday credit
日内daylight exposure
日内daily overdraft
日内daylight credit
来自货币当局的credit from monetary authorities
欧洲Eurocurrency loan
流动rollover credit
消费consumer credit
清债托公司Resolution Trust Corporation
灵活贷额度Flexible Credit Line
灾难后减债Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief Trust
灾难后减债托基金Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief Trust Fund
环球银行金融电协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
用于强化合作解决债务的credit enhancement
用于强化合作解决债务的enhanced credit
短期bridge loan
短期bridging credit
短期swing loan
短期swing line
短期swing credit
短期bridge financing
短期gap financing
用额carbon credits
第一贷档购买first credit tranche purchase
第一贷档贷款条件first credit tranche conditionality
紧缩贷政策tight credit policy
经合组织全球税收透明度与息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
经合组织全球税收透明度与息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
经济息系统Economic Information System
经济及社会息和政策分析部Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
结构调整structural adjustment credit
confidence bands
美国息交换标准代码American Standard Code for Information Interchange
联合融资托账户cofinancing trust account
联机息网online information network
背对背back-to-back loan
背对背back-to-back credit
背对背countervailing credit
补偿countervailing credit
credit rating
机构rating agency
机构rating services
机构mercantile agency
机构international rating agency
机构credit agency
机构credit rating agency corporations
财产托账户fiduciary account
财产托账户Trust Account
财产单位property unit trust
财务息公开financial disclosure
财政短期ways and means advances
贸易trade financing
贸易trade loan
贸易commercial credit
贸易trade credit
资深息官员Senior Information Officer
资源和息管理科Resource and Information Management Section
透支overdraft credit
重债穷国托基金HIPC Trust Fund World Bank, Debt Guide 1993
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期贷补贴操作信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期贷补贴操作信托PRG-HIPC Trust
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期贷补贴操作信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
金融诚Financial Integrity Group
附带side letter
限制性贷政策restrictive credit policy
预警warning sign
预警warning signal
预防性贷额度Precautionary Credit Line
贷分档upper credit tranches