
Terms for subject Finances containing 信道 | all forms
一级交易商信贷安排primary dealer credit facility (2008年3月,在贝尔斯登 (Bear Steams)倒闭后,美联储创设了 PDCF,以缓解投行的流动性问题)
三井住友信托银行Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (2012年5月1日由三井住友控股公司旗下的住友信托、中央三井信托及中央三井资产信托三家信托银行合并组成,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第62位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中占第249位)
三井信托银行Mitsui trust & Banking
三菱信托银行Mitsubishi Trust & Banking
上升的信贷rising credit
不保兑不可撤销信用证unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit
不保兑不可撤销信用证unconfirmed irrevocable credit
不保兑信用证unconfirmed credit
不动产信托real estate in trust
不动产信贷控制real estate credit control
不动产投资信托real estate investment trust
不动产抵押信贷real estate mortgage credit
不动产抵押信贷credit-based on real property
不动产资产信托real estate asset trust
不可撤销保兑信用证irrevocable and confirmed credit
不可撤销授信承诺irrevocable credit commitments
不可撤销无追索权信用证irrevocable without recourse L/C
不可撤销跟单信用证irrevocable letter of credit with documents attached
不可撤销银行承兑信用证irrevocable banker's acceptance L/C
不可转让信用证unassignable L/C
不可转让信用证non-negotiable letter of credit
不增加信用贷款no more credit
不对称信息asymmetric information
不对称信息问题asymmetric information problems
不平等的信息披露unequal dissemination
不知违约信函no knowledge of default letter
不良信贷non-performing credit
不透明信用互换opaque credit swap
专利信托patent trust
专用信托基金special-purpose trust fund
个人信托personal trust
个人信贷协议personal credit agreement
个人养老金保单信托individual policy pension trust
个人型保险信托private insurance trust
个人消费信贷personal consumption loan
中信嘉华银行CITIC KA WAH Bank (中信国际金融控股有限公司(中信国际金融)的全资附属公司,成立于2007年5月31日,中国中信集团公司持有中信国际金融55%的权益)
中信实业银行CITIC Industrial Bank
中信标普指数信息服务有限公司S & P/CITIC (指数管理公司)
中信证券Citic Securities
中信证券股份有限公司CITIC Securities Co., Ltd
中信银行China CITIC Bank (中国的全国性商业银行之一,前身是"中信实业银行",创立于1987年,2005年底改为现名,总部位于北京,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第47位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第128位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》全球500强榜单中排名第172位)
中国出口信用保险公司China Export and Credit Insurance Corp
中性信用neutral credit
中期信贷medium term credit
中期信贸intermediate credit
中短期信贷short and intermediate term credit
中证分信用类别债券指数CSI Credit Classification Bond Indices
中长期信用medium term credit
中长期信用medium or long term credit
中间信用intermediate credit
为信贷作保secure a creditor
为未来的信贷事件提供防护provide protection against likely future credit events
主权信用评级sovereign rating
主权信用违约互换sovereign credit default swap
主权信用违约互换+C1569市场sovereign credit default swap market
买主信用特定限额special buyer credit limit
买主远期信用证buyer's usance credit
买人信号buying signal
买人信号buy signal
互惠信贷协议reciprocal agreement
亚洲信贷联盟联合会Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (区域性金融合作组织,总部设在泰国曼谷)
亚洲太平洋地区农业信贷协会Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Credit Association (简称"亚太农协",是一个地区性农业信贷合作组织,成立于1977年,秘书处设在泰国曼谷)
亚洲美元信贷市场Asian-dollar credit market
亚洲美元市场信贷Asian-dollar market credit
产权信贷工具equity credit instrument
人寿保险信托life insurance trust
人民币信用证Renminbi RMB letter of credit
人民币银行信贷renminbi-denominated bank credit
企业和家庭信心下滑的影响effect of falling business and household confidence
优先信用overriding credit
优化信贷结构optimize the credit structure
优化信贷结构improve the credit structure
优惠信贷利率blue-chip rate
优惠条件信贷credit of favorable condition
优质信贷资产high-quality credit assets
会计作为一种信息处理系统accounting as an information system
会计信息accounting information
会计信息系统accounting information system
伦敦市场信息链London Market Information Link
低息信贷cheap credit
住友信托银行Sumitomo Trust & Bank
住宅抵押贷款债权信托residential mortgage trust
供方信代债务supplier’s credit debt
依据信用证against the letter of credit
债信欠佳之投资investment in default
债券信托契约debenture trust deed
债券公开投资信托bond open investment trust
债权信托claims trust
停止信用交易清帐后,停止赊购close an account
健全市场信用体系improve market credit system
偿还信贷款reimbursement credit
储蓄及信用合作社thrift and credit union
充分信誉保证债券full-faith-and-credit bond
充分信誉保证债务full-faith-and-credit obligation
充分信誉保证债务full-faith-and-credit debt
充分信誉保证质押full-faith-and-credit pledge
光票信用证clean L/C (letter of credit)
全权处理信托discretionary trust
全球信贷危机global credit crisis
全球信贷市场global credit market
全部信贷totally credit
全部所有的信托公司wholly owned subsidiary company
公共信用制度system of public credit
公共信贷public credit
公共投资信用public investment credit
公司信用company credit
公司信贷company credit
公司债券信托corporate bond trust
公开信用贷款open fiduciary loan
公益信托community trust
公益基金信托public welfare fund trust
共同信托基金mutual trust fund
共同提振市场信心jointly boost market confidence
《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行实务》International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP 是银行、进出口商、律师、法官和仲裁员在使用 UCP500 处理信用证实务和解决争端时的重要依据,对各国国际业务从业人员正确理解和使用 UCP500,统一和规范信用证单据的审核实务,减少不必要的争议,具有重要意义,也是 UCP600 订立的重要标准)
关键信号crucial indicator
农业与合作信用银行agriculture and cooperative credit bank
农业信托帐户farm trust account
农业信用agricultural credit
农业信用机关agricultural credit institute
农业信贷有限公司Agricultural Credit Corporation
农业信贷银行Credit Agricole (创建于1920年8月,是法国互助合作性质的半官方的农业信贷机构,也是法国最大的银行,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第13位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中占第460位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第73位)
农场信贷farm credit
农场信贷署Farm Credit Administration
冻结信贷协议standstill agreement
分拆资本信托split-capital trust
分配信贷allocate credit
分项信托基金subtrust funds
到期应偿还信贷credit due for repayment
到顶信号shooting star
制造业信用银行短期贷款manufacturing credit
削减信贷impaired credit
加勒比信贷联盟联合会Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions (地区性信贷协调组织,成立于1972年)
加勒比农业信贷协会Caribbean Agricultural Credit Association (地区性农村金融协调组织)
加大对重点领域和薄弱环节的信贷支持increase credit support to key areas and weak links
加强信贷政策与产业政策的协调配合strengthen coordination between credit and industrial policies
加速国民经济信息化accelerate IT application in economy
动产信托chattel trust
动产抵押信贷credit against pledge of chattel
区域信贷证券territorial credit bonus
单位信托及互惠基金守则code on unit trusts and mutual funds
单位信托经理unit trust manager
单位信托计划unit trust scheme
单位投资信托unit investment trust
卖出信号selling signal
卖方远期信用seller's usance
即期信用证letter of credit at sight
原始信用证original L/C
合会储蓄放款协会,信用合作社saving-and-Ioan association
合作信贷银行co-operative credit bank
合格的信贷评级qualifying credit rating
名义远期信用证nominal forward L/C
向世界释放合作谋共贏的强有力信号send a strong signal of pursuing win-win cooperation to the world
否决权信托voting trust
否决权信托凭证voting trust certificate (一种可转让的凭证,证明股票已存人否决权信托,确认股东已放弃其否决权利)
否决权信托凭证voting certificate (一种可转让的凭证,证明股票已存人否决权信托,确认股东已放弃其否决权利)
否决权信托协议voting trust agreement
员工人股信托基金employee stock ownership trust fund
周期信用证periodic credit
周转性信用即借款已达最高限度不得再借,但到期还清后,此额又可重新支付,其用意在防止滥借,循环信用证revolving credit
商业信用business credit
商业信用支付payment on commercial credit
商业信誉credit in business
商业信贷公司commercial credit corporation
商业信贷公司贴现公司discount company
商业信贷公司贴现公司commercial credit company
商业银行信贷规划lending plans of commercial banks
商事信托commercial trust
坚定信心和决心strengthen one's confidence and determination
境外资产保护信托offshore asset protection trusts
增强信心strengthen confidence
增强信用衍生产品市场弹性和透明度strengthen the resilience and transparency of credit derivatives markets
增强国际市场信心strengthen international market confidence
增强国际社会对世界经济复苏和发展的信心boost the confidence of the international community in global economic recovery and development
增强自信心和自豪感increase the confidence and pride
增拨银行信贷资金additional allocations of credit funds to the banks
备用信贷credit standby
备用信贷back-up facility
复兴信贷银行KFW Bankengruppe
复兴信贷银行KFW Bankengruppe (2012 年美国《财富》杂志全球500强企业排名(以营业收人衡量)为第491名(2011年为第497 名))
复杂结构性信贷产品complex structured credit products
外币信托foreign-currency trust
外部信息external information
大公国际资信评估有限公司Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., LTD (简称"大公",1994年经中国人民银行和国家经贸委批准成立,是中国信用评级与风险分析研究的专业机构,是面向全球的中国信用信息与决策解决方案的主要服务商)
太阳信托银行Sun Trust Banks (美国东南部最早的银行之一,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第85位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第337位)
失信黑名单credit blacklist
存券信托公司Depositary Trust Company
存券信托公司参与账户depositary trust corporation participant account
存券信托结算公司Depositary Trust & Clearing Corporation (1999 牟由存券信托公司 (Depositary Trust Company,DTC) 和全国证券结算公司 (National Securities Clearing Corporation,NSCC)合并而成的控股公司)
存管信托结算公司Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
安全信用卡secured card
定期信用放款无抵押fixed loans unsecured
定额信贷fixed-sum credit
实时信息timely information
实物信贷赊款credit in kind
客户身份信息client identity information
宣示信托declaration trust
宣言信托declaration trust
家庭信托family trust
小额信贷small credit
小额信贷petit credit
小额信贷组织缩写为MFOmicrofinance organization
尽快恢复市场信心promptly restore market confidence
市场信心market confidence
市场信心严重不足acute lack of confidence in the markets
市场敏感信息market sensitive information
帐簿信用book credit
帐面信用book credit
带电汇条款信用证L/C with T/T telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause
常备信用证standing credit
常年信用evergreen credit
年金信托帐annuity trust account
年金信托账户annuity trust account
应付长期信用票long-term notes payable
开信用证时间time of opening of L/C
开具信用证opening of a letter of credit
开具信用证open a letter of credit
开出信用证分类帐L/C issued ledger
开放式信贷额度open-end credit
开立信用证take out a credit
开立信用证申请application for opening letter of credit
强制信托compulsory trust
强化对信用评级机构的监管exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies
往来帐信贷current account credit
征信所credit reference agency
循环信用证circular credit
循环信贷协议revolving credit agreement
循环信贷计划revolving credit plan
循环信贷额度revolving line of credit
循环银行信用revolving bank facility
恢复信心restore confidence
恢复信誉restore credibility
恢复增长和信心restore growth and confidence
恢复对欧元的信心restore faith in the euro
恢复市场信心restore market confidence
恢复投资者的信心restore investor confidence
意外信用风险contingent credit risk
慈善捐赠信托charitable remainder trust
房地产抵押信贷credit-based on real property
扩大经济金融信息交流expand economic and financial information sharing
承兑信用acceptance credit
承兑信用额度limit of acceptance credit
抑制信贷和货币增长cap credit and monetary growth
抑制信贷增长limit credit grow
抑制信贷扩张curb credit expansion
投资信托公司协会Association of Investment Trust Companies
投资信托基金investment trust fund
投资信托结算settlement of investment trust
投资级别信用评级investment-grade credit rating
投资者对于政策可信度的信任investors' faith in policy credibility
持续信托perpetual trust
指明信贷评级specified credit rating
按揭信托mortgage trust
按揭信贷mortgage credit
按要求修改信用证adjust the L/C as requested
授信者grantors of credit
授权信托证书voting trust certificate
掉期信贷swap credit
控制信贷增速control credit growth
摧毁投资者信心destroy investors' confidence
支付信disbursement letter
支票信贷check credit
收取信用证款credit collections
收取信贷款credit collections
收帐信collection letter
放宽信贷额度relaxing credit quotas
放慢货币和信贷的扩张slow the expansion of money and credit
放松信贷easy credit
放松信贷配额relax lending quotas
政府信用sovereign credit
政府信用机构government-sponsored agency
政府担保的出口信贷government guarantee of export credit
政治信用风险political credit risk
敞开信托open-end trust
新一代信息技术next-generation information and communication technology
新增信贷流flow of new credit
新增信贷流减缓slowdown in the flow of new credit
新增信贷目标credit growth goal
普通信托ordinary trust
普通信托general trust
普通信托基金general trust fund
普通信用证general letter of credit
普通资金信托general fund trust
最高信用评级top-notch rating
最高信用评级top rating
最高信用评级top credit rating
有信托制度的国家trust countries
有信用商业票据fine trade bill
有信用的支票fine bill
有信用票据fine paper
有信用票据fine bill
有关通信relevant communication
有息信贷credit with interest
有担保信用证secured letter of credit
有担保信贷secured credit
有担保信贷guaranteed credit
有效开发信贷未拨款项undisbursed balance of effective development credit
有质押信用secured credit
有追索权信贷credit with recourse
未审定重置成本信息unaudited replacement cost information
未审计财务信息unaudited financial information
未评级信贷unrated credit
机械信托债券equipment trust bonds
权利信托right trust
权利金信托royalty trust
枇准的开发信贷报表statement of development credit approved
核准信贷评级机构approved credit rating agency
欠款的通信询证verification of outstandings by correspondence
欧洲中期信贷市场European credit market
欧洲中长期信贷Euro medium-long-term credit
欧洲主权信贷市场European sovereign credit markets
欧洲信用额度Euro lines
欧洲市政信贷共同体European Municipal Credit Community
欧洲经济共同体合作储蓄和信贷机构协会Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Institutions of European Economic Commodity
欧洲货币市场信贷借款Eurocredit borrowing
正信用positive credit
民事信托civil trust
民间信用non-institutionalized credit
永久信托perpetual trust
永续性信托基金perpetual trust fund
活人信托inter-vivos trust (trust inter-vivos)
活期信用贷款demand loan unsecured
活期信货放款cash cr. (credit)
派生信托derivative trust
流通信用状negotiable credit instrument
流通信用证circular credit
浮动利率信贷rollover credit
浮动利率信贷floating-rate credit
浮动利率银行信贷市场floating-rate bank credit market
海损信托金average deposit
消极信托passive trust (无利息信托)
消费信用事业机构consumer credit agencies
消费信用保险consumer credit insurance
消费信用协议consumer credit agreement
消费信贷控制control on consumer credit
消费者信心指数consumer confidence index
消费者信用保险consumer credit insurance
消费者信用报告consumer credit report
消费者信用控制consumer credit control
清洁信用证clean L/C (letter of credit)
渡过全球信贷危机survive the global credit crisis
灵活的信用flexible trust
牛市信鸽bullish homing pigeon
特别指定议付银行信用证specially negotiating bank letter of credit
特别行动信贷special action credits
环球同业银行金融电信协会Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication (国际银行间非营利性国际合作组织,成立于1973年5月,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔)
现代信息技术modern information technology
现代信贷市场modern credit market
现代通信modern telecommunications
现金信托cash in trust
瑞士瑞信Credit Suisse Group (成立于1856年,总部设在瑞士苏黎世,原中译名为"瑞士信贷",2006年正式更名为"瑞信",现为瑞士第一大银行,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第30位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中占第132位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第255位)
瑞士瑞信第一波士顿银行Credit Swiss First Boston Bank (成立于1856年的投资银行和金融服务公司,是"瑞士瑞信 (Credit Suisse Group)"的子公司,总部位于瑞士苏黎世)
生前信托living trust
生前信托inter-vivos trust (trust inter-vivos)
用保兑的不能撤销的信用证支付payment by confirmed and irrevocable L/C
用信用证付款payment with letter of credit
由信贷和投资推动的应对措施credit-fuelled, investment-driven response
电子传递证券信息服务Electronic Mailing Stock Information Service (EMSIS, 香港交易所)
电子信息electronic information
电子信用卡electronic credit card
电子通信平台electronic communications platform
社会保险信托基金social insurance trust fund
社会信托community trust
票据信贷bill finance
票据信贷bill credit
禁支信托基金non-expendable trust fund
稳定主权信贷市场stabilize the sovereign credit market
穆迪信贷评级Moody's (穆迪是主要的国际信贷评级机构之一,该公司对债务人信用稳健程度的评级受到资本市场广泛关注)
空白信用汇票blank credit
空白式信用汇票银行间的通融票blank credit
第一档信货部分贷款first credit tranche
第三方信用证third party credit
签发信用证issue of letter of credit
管理信托management trust
紧急信用emergency credit
紧缩性信贷政策tight credit policy
累积信托accumulation trust
红条款信用证许可受益人在全套单据齐备前预支一定金额letter of credit with red clause
级信用评级3A credit rating AAA
级信用评级triple A credit rating
缴纳邮政信箱租金payment of private PO boxes rent
美元信用证dollar credit
美元信贷市场dollar credit market
美元贸易信贷冲击dollar trade-credit shock
联合信贷joint credit
联合信贷集团Unicredit Group (欧洲最大的银行集团之一,总部设在米兰,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第21位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第154位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第188位)
联邦中期信贷银行federal intermediate credit bank
联邦储备系统通信网络Federal Reserve Wire Network
联邦储备通信系统Federal Reserve Communication System
联邦准备信用Federal Reserve Credit
股价敏感信息price-sensitive information
股价敏感信息披露disclosure of price-sensitive information
股份信托证券stock trust certificate
股本不动产投资信托equity real estate investment trust
股票单位投资信托equity unit investment trust
股票市场信息stock market information
获得信赖earn credibility
著作权信托copyright trust
虚假信息false information
虚拟信用fictitious credit
行情信息中心quotation information center
补充信息additional information
补充信息的预期成本expected cost of additional information
补充信用证supplementary credit
补充财务信息supplementary financial information
被信托人的报吿trustee’s reports
被转让信用证transferred credit
警示信号signal for caution
认可单位信托authorized unit trust
让信贷市场平静下来calm the credit markets
调节货币信贷增速regulate the supplies of money and credit
财产信托关系fiduciary relationship
财务信封financial package
财务信封financial envelope UNDP
财务信息披露规则financial disclosure rules
财务信誉financial standing
财政信贷financial credit
财政信贷补贴fiscal and credit subsidy
货币互换信贷网network of standing currency swap
货币信用论credit theory of money
货币信用调节monetary and credit regulation
货币信贷money and credit
资产保护信托asset protection trusts
资产信贷equity line of credit
资信报告credit reporting
资信报告credit report
资信报告机构credit reporting agency
资信状况credit standing
资信观察名单credit watch list
资信警告credit watch
资信评分credit scoring
资信调査status enquiry
资方信托人employer trustee
资本信托capital trust
资本信贷capital credit and debt
资金借人人到期偿还本金,网络信贷公司则收取中介服务费]peer-to-peer lending
赢回市场信心win back market confidence
《跟单信用证统一惯例》Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (1930年,国际商会拟订了一套《商业跟单信用证统一惯例》,于1933年正式公布,后多次进行修订,称为《跟单信用证统一惯例》,被各国银行和贸易界广泛采用,成为信用证业务的国际惯例,1993年的版本称为《UCP 500》,2007年的版本称为《UCP 600》)
转开信用证secondary letter of credit
转开信用证back-to-back letter of credit
转接式信用back-to-back credit
转接式信用证back-to-back letter of credit
送信簿chit book
递延付款信用证deferred-payment letter of credit
递延信用deferred credit
递延信贷deferred credit
递耗财产信托wasting trust
通信投票voting by correspondence
通融接受远期信用证accommodate by accepting time
通货信用credit in currency
速开信用证rush L/C
遗产和信托会计accounting for estates and trusts
遗嘱信托人testamentary trustee
长城信用卡Great Wall credit card
长期信贷long-term credit (指期限在10年以上的银行贷款)
长期出口信贷long-term export credit
长期贸易信贷long-term trade credit
阿拉伯工业信息银行Arab Industrial Information Bank (区域性金融机构,成立于1981年,行址设在伊拉克首都巴格达)
附信用证跟单汇票documentary draft with L/C
附信用证跟单汇票documentary bill with L/C
附信用证跟单汇票documentary bill of exchange with L/C
附属信用债券subordinate bonds
附带条件的信托基金tied trust fund
附息信托interest-in-possession trust
附押汇信用证汇票bill under documentary credit
附有信用证的汇票bills under letter of credit
附有信用证的汇票bills drawn under letter of credit
附"软性条款"信贷credit with "soft clauses"
限制议付银行信用社restricted credit
限制性信托基金tied trust fund
限额信贷closed-end credit
限额投资信托closed investment trust
限额投资信托公司closed-end investment trust company
非会计信息non-accounting information
非公开信息non-public information
非农用信贷non-farm credit
非循环信用证non-revolving L/C
非押汇信用证open credit
非洲农业信贷协会African Association of Agricultural Credit (地区性农业信贷合作组织,成立于1977年11月,总部设在肯尼亚首都内罗毕)
非洲合作储蓄和信贷协会African Cooperation Savings and Credit Association (成立于1968年9月,秘书处设在肯尼亚首都内罗毕)
非累积信用证non-cumulative letter of credit
非累积信用证non-cumulative credit
非累积循环信用证non-cumulative revolving L/C
非自动循环信用证non-automatic revolving credit
非货币信息non-monetary information
非银行信贷non-bank credit
顿客的无条件信贷余额customer’s free credit balance
预支信用证anticipatory L/C
额外信贷additional credit
额度不定信贷swing credit
香港出口信用保险局Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation
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