
Terms for subject Consulting containing 信道 | all forms
企业贷款信誉credit rating of the enterprise
供方信贷supplier’s credit
保障人身、言论、出破、集会、结社、旅行、迁徙、通信、罢工,选择职业和学术研究以及宗教信仰等各项权利与自由rights and freedoms, including those of person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, of strike, of choice of occupation, of academic research and of religious belief
信息媒介新闻出版事业information media
信息的传递information dissemination
信息社会information society
信托投资公司investment and trust corporation
卖方信贷supplier’s credit
可信的伙伴reliable partner
环境信息environmental information
电气通信协力会telecommunications consulting association
电气通信协力会telecommunication consulting association
订货信order letter