
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 信赖M | all forms
不可撤销信用证可保证卖方及时收到货款an irrevocable L/C to ensure the sellers to get paid in time
不可撤销无追索权的信用证irrevocable without recourse credit
不可撤销跟单信用证irrevocable documentary credit
中微子通信communication by neutrino
中船信息科技有限公司China Ship-building Information Science Technique Co., Ltd
临时信贷interim credit
二进制通信binary signalling
亮度信息brightness intelligence
你们一定要在交货前 30 天把信用证送来达我方Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.
信号室signal room
信号术语signal terms
信号索滑车jewel block
信号自动产生装量automatic signal apparatus
信号设备维护性修理signal-equipment maintenance repair
信息交换information conversion
信息处理高度自动化和集成化information treatment to be high automatization and integration
信息存储方法information storage means
信息录像带information video tape
信息提示information cue
信息标志informational sign
信息的处理高度自动化和集成化information treatment to be high automatization and integration
信息空间information spaces
信息表示法information representation
信息要求information requirements
信息读出时间information read-out time
信息资源information source
信息转让information transfer
信息逻辑information logic
信息部information department
信息采集information acquisition
信用证开出国issuing country of the L/C
倒车信号旗astern flag
停机信息处理状态halt processor mode
停车事故信号旗breakdown flag
内部通信电话intercommunication telephone
内部通信配电盘interior communication switchboard
冰况信号ice signal
分布通信处理器distributed communication processor
加强对技术信息的搜集enhance collection of technical information
加强技术信息的搜集enhance collection of technical information
半双工通信half duplex communication
半双工通信half duplex communications
占线信号灯busy lamp
卫星自动导航通信satellite telecommunication with automatic routing
卫星通信船satellite communications ship
双信号振铃电路composite ringer circuit
双向报雾信号duplex directional fog signal
受话用户挂机信号灯called subscriber held lamp
台湾中信造船股份有限公司Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Taiwan
台湾中信造船股份有限公司Taiwan Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
吸收信号absorption signal
图像信号输出image output
地址信息计算机术语address information
复合通信线路composite communication link
复述信号repeating signal
天线信号aerial signal
失真信号distorted signal
如果你们答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.
带信号broad band signal
带信号频率随机颤动broad band random vibration
带信道wide-band channel
宽频带信道wide-band channel
导航通信和气象设备navigational communications and meteorological equipments
帧信号波形frame wave form
广播信号频带宽度broadcast signal bandwidth
应急指示船位无线电信标emergency position indicating radio beacon
延期付款信用证deferred payment L/C
延迟信道放大器delayed channel amplifier
开发信贷报表statement of development credit
异步通信控制器synchronous communication controller
引进先进通信技术introduction of advanced communication technology
彩色信号分离电路chrominance separation circuit
彩色信号副载波再生器chrominance subcarrier regenerator
彩色信号副载波解调chrominance subcarrier demodulation
彩色信号检波器chrominance detector
彩色信号频带chrominance band
彩色视频信号color video signal
慢行信号旗slow flag
我们在收到贵方信用证后两三个星期内就能发货Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.
我们无法接受你们的建议,我们坚持用信用证支付方式It's very difficult for us to accept your suggestion. We insist on payment by L/C.
我们通常采用凭不可撤销的信用证、装运单据结汇付款的方式We usually accept payment by irrevocable L/C payable against shipping documents.
手摇通信旗hand signal flag
扫描信号输入scanning signal input
护航信号簿convoy signal book
报警信号手柄alarm signal handle
报警信号旗alarm flag
报警信号盒alarm signal case
报警信号码alarm code
报警信号自动记录仪automatic alarm logger
报警信号记录仪alarming signal logger
报警信息alarm message
拖曳信号towing signal
指令通信command communication
指挥控制与通信系统command control and communication system
收发终止信号end-of-work signal
数字语言通信digital speech communication
断路信号chopping signal
旅游信用卡travel and entertainment credit card
旗子信号flag signal
旗语信号semaphore signal
旗语信号hand flag signal
无线电信标译码器beacon decoder
无线电通信接收机radio communications receiver
无线电雾信号radio fog signal
显示信号display signal
暴风信号storm signal
最佳频率通信frequency optimum traffic
桅杆、索具、风帆、信号用具和术语mast, rigging, sail, signal appliance and terms
桅顶通信灯topmast communicating-lamp
桥楼信号灯bridge signal-lamp
检测信号detection signal
模拟信号analogue signals
水深信号deep signal
求救信号旗distress flag
求救信号旗[遇难信号旗]distress flag
X-波段通信应答器X-band communication transponder
海事技术信息中心Marine Technical Information Center
海军信号研究所Admiralty Signal Establishment
海军卫星通信船naval satellite communications ship
海军通信中心Navy Communication Center
《海船信号设备规范》Rules for the Signal Apparatus of Seagoing Ships
港口信号harbor signal
港口无线电通信harbour radio
熄灭信号电路blanking signal circuit
琥珀色信号灯amber lamp
电信号特征electric signal characteristic measurement
电信号特性测量electric signal characteristic measurement
电信标航向beacon course
电光学信息处理electrooptical information processing
电台或电信局的呼号call letters
电子声响信号应答器electronic aural responder
电子数据通信electronic data communication
电子输带信号electronic sprocket holes
电波信号的尾部wave tail
白昼信号灯daylight signal lamp
白色信号灯white signal lamp
相互交换信息mutual exchange of information
相干光学数据信息处理coherent optical data processing
相干光通信coherent light communications
相干激光信号coherent laser signal
空气信号减压阀air signal reducing valve
紫信号灯玻璃purple signal lamp glass
紫色信号灯玻璃purple signal lamp glass
红信号灯玻璃red signal lamp glass
红外信号熵infrared signal entropy
红外通信装置infrared communications set
维护商标信誉maintain the reputation of trademark
综合数字通信网络integrated digital network
绿信号灯玻璃green signal lamp glass
绿玻璃信号灯green signal lamp glass
编码通信code message
编码通信code communication
联合海军通信局Allied Naval Communications Agency
联合通信委员会Combined Communications Board
背对背信用证back to back L/C
自亮信号灯self-lighting signal lamp
自动信息automatic message
自动信息处理automated information processing
自动信息转接automatic message switching
自动化通信automated communication
自动彩色信号电路automatic colour circuitry
自动求救信标automatic rescue beacon
自适应通信adaptive communications
自适应通信selfadaptive communications
航海信号灯合格证书navigation light certificate
航空信息符号air information symbol
航行识别信标navigating identification beacon
船位应急指示无线电信标emergency position indicating radio beacon
船用通信电缆cable for marine telecommunication system
船舶市场信息market information of ship
船舶通信设备试验站ship communication equipment test station
船舶通信设备试验站ship communication test station
色度信号加法电路chrominance signal summation circuitry
蜂鸣信号buzzer signal
表扬信letter of commendation
被叫用户挂机信号灯called subscriber held lamp
要求不撤销信用证、 凭货运单据付款require irrevocable L/C payable against presentation of shipping documents
警告信号cautionary signal
警戒信号guard signal
诚实和信用的原则principles of honesty and good-faith
询价信enquiry letter
询口信inquiry letter
误差信号检测error signal detection
连续波信号continuous wave information
通信信号communication signals
通信分布处理器distributed communication processor
通信区communication area
通信台communication station
通信台站管理communication station management
通信周期communication cycle
通信和电子设备communication and electronics equipment
通信声内communication sonar
通信声呐communication sonar
通信多路转换器communication multiplexer
通信子系统communication subsystems
通信字communication word
通信实验室communication laboratory
通信技术年会annual institute in communication
通信技能communication skills
通信探灯communicating search-lamp
通信探照灯communicating search-lamp
通信控制记号communication control character
通信服务communication services
通信激光器communication laser
通信灯communicating light
通信灯控制箱communicating-light control box
通信用具signal appliance
通信科学communication science
通信管理communication management
通信线路转接器communication line adapter
通信结构communication structure
通信联接装置communication link
通信联接设备communication linkage
通信装置communication equipment
通信设备communications equipment
通信设备修后检查inspection of communication-device after repair
通信设备修后检验survey of communication device after repair
通信设备修后检验survey of communication-device after repair
通信设备和术语communications equipment and terms
通信设备检查inspection of communication device
通信设备检验survey of communication device
通信费用communication fee
通信配电箱communication distribution box
速度信号旗speed flag
速度脉冲信号发生器speed pulse generator
速率信号灯speed lantern
遇难信号旗distress flag
遇难信息发生器distress message generator
遇难求救信号distress signal
遇难求教信号distress signal
锚泊信号berthing signal
锚泊信号anchor signal
附加基准信号传输法additional reference transmission
雷雨信号thunder storm signal
音响信号器具sound signal appliance
预先警告信号advance warning signal
频率最佳通信frequency optimum traffic
风况信号wind signal
高密度信息high density information
黄信号灯玻璃yellow signal lamp glass
黄色信号灯[琥珀色信号灯]amber lamp
黄色信号灯玻璃yellow signal lamp glass