
Terms for subject Business containing 信用 | all forms | in specified order only
一次使用信用straight credit (L/C)
一般信用管制general credit control
上等信用choice card
下降的信用falling credit
不动产信用credit based on real property
不可撤销信用irrevocable letter of credit
不可撤销无追索权信用irrevocable without recourse letter of credit
不可撤销无追索权的信用irrevocable without recourse letter of credit
不可撤销的保兑信用irrevocable confirmed credit
不可撤销的、可转让和可分割的信用irrevocable transferable and divisible L/C
不可撤销的承兑交单信用irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
不可撤销的无追索权信用irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit
不可撤销的跟单信用irrevocable letter of credit with documents attached
不可撤销的银行保兑信用irrevocable confirmed banker's credit
不可撤销银行保兑信用irrevocable confirmed banker's credit
不可议付信用non-negotiable letter of credit
不可转让信用nontransferable L/C
不可转让信用nontransferable credit
不可过户转让信用unassignable letter of credit
不附条款的信用unclaused credit
不限让购银行信用指受益人可选择自己的往来银行押汇,不受指定让购银行限制的信用证unrestricted credit
专用信托基金special purpose trust fund
个人贷款信用personal loan credit
信用好的顾客提供贷款loan to good customers
信用prime letter of credit
信用master letter of credit
信用作为开背对背信用证的依据prime credit
买主信用buyer credit
买方信用buyer credit
买方远期信用指信用证规定贴现利息由买方支付的远期信用证buyer usance L/C
互购信用交易所counter-purchase credit exchange
五大信用big five
交互作用信息系统interactive information system
仅凭信用约束的合同contract binding in honour only
从属信用ancillary credit
从属信用背对背信用证subsidiary letter of credit
以议付汇票方式使用的信用credit available by negotiation of draft
企业间信用mutual trading credit
企业间商用信贷inter-enterprise commercial credit
低估金额信用under-value letter of credit
住宅信用贷款housing credit
供货方信用reliability of supplies
保兑信用confirmed credit (letter of credit)
保兑不可撤销信用confirmed irrevocable letter of credit
保兑并不可撤销的信用confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit
保证备用信贷stand-by credit line
保险信用insurance credit
信息利用率rate of information utilization
信息误用information misuse
信用交易stock margin trading
信用交易credit business
信用估价credit status
信用低落falling credit
信用保证credit support
信用保证书creditability document
信用保证保险insurance of credit guarantee
信用保证保险fidelity guarantee insurance
信用保险单honour policy
信用保险合同contract of insurance of credit
信用借款debt for honour
信用借款borrow money on credit
信用债券trust bonds
信用债券指没有抵押品的债券debenture bond
信用准备金fiduciary reserve
信用分折credit analysis
信用分析analysis for credit purpose
信用创造creation of credit
信用创造理论theory of money creation
信用创造界限limitation on credit creation
信用制度system of credit
信用制度赊购,赊销制度credit system
信用制造manufacture of credit
信用paper credit
信用单证credit document
信用banker's card
信用blue car
信用bank card
信用卡电话credit-card call
信用卡记账电话credit call
信用卡销售credit card sales
信用卡销货提款证credit card sales draft
信用危机信用恐慌credit crisis
信用可靠性及偿债能力分析credit worthiness and solvency analysis
信用合作社credit association
信用合作社credit society
信用合作社savings and loan association
信用合作社只贷款给社员loan society
信用合作社cooperative of credit
信用合作社co-operative bank
信用差距指交易中,买方希望延迟付款,而卖方则盼尽早收取货款,两者间产生的利益差距即信用差距credit gap
信用引起通货膨胀的理论credit availability theory of inflation
信用强度索引indexing credit strength
信用往来credit in business
信用担保人guarantor of credit
信用担保贷款loan secured by credit
信用捐款fiduciary contribution
信用放款straight loan
信用放款credit loan
信用放款合作社credit loan cooperative
信用数据交换系统credit interchange system
信用数据交换网络credit interchange network
信用日佳rising credit
信用指伦敦交易所成员间有14天信用期The Account
信用期限credit limit
信用松缓credit relaxation
信用松缓credit ease
信用标记credit token
信用欠款debt of honour
信用理论credit theory
信用的三Cthree Cs of credit
信用监督credit supervision
信用票据credit instrument
商店信用程度virtual rating
信用紧缩tightening of credit
信用纸币fiduciary paper
信用缺口credit gap
信用联合credit association
信用行为behavior of credit
信用订购order of credit
信用letters of credit
信用covering letter of credit
信用证书credit certificate
信用证代理人accredited agent
信用证保证金marginal deposit
信用证修改申请书application for amendment of credit
信用证修改申请书application for alteration of L/C
信用证分类账letter of credit ledger
信用证到期日L/C expiration day
信用证到期日期L/C expiration date
英格兰银行信用证券bond of credit
信用证及收款费用credit and collection expense
信用证发行账户account of issuing L/C
信用证受益人beneficiary of the letter of credit
信用证受益人credit user
信用证受益人letter of credit beneficiary
信用证展期credit extension
信用证展期credit expansion
信用证展期extend the letter of credit
信用证开发申请书application for opening letter of credit
信用证开立与收讫的差额balance of letter of credit opened and received
信用证截止日期letter of credit expiration date
信用证截止日期有效期expiration date of letter of credit
信用证手续费收入commission received on letters of credit
信用证有效期period of credit
信用证有效期expiration date of letter of credit
信用证有效期letter of credit expiration date
信用证有效期term of credit
信用证有效期到期日expiry date of L/C
信用证有效额letter of credit expiration date
信用证期限延展credit extension
信用证未用余额unused balance letter of credit
信用证条件credit term
信用证条件condition in the letter of credit
信用证条件conditions in the letter of credit
信用证核对credit verification
信用证档案credit file
信用证款proceeds from the L/C
信用证正本原本original letter of credit
信用证申请书credit application
信用证的撤销revocability of credit
信用证的议付negotiation under letter of credit
银行印制的信用证约定书commercial credit agreement
信用证结汇证书exchange settlement certificate for letter of credit
信用证统一惯例uniform customs for credit
信用证装运额letter of credit shipping date
信用证议付negotiation under letter of credit
信用证转让credit transfer
信用证转让assignment of letter of credit
信用证转让通知advice of transfer of letter of credit
信用证过户与转让transfer and assignment of credit
信用证部分转让申请书application for partial transfer of L/C
信用证金额credit amount
信用证金额amount of the letter of credit
信用证项下under letter of credit
信用评价credit rating
信用调查credit screening
信用调查credit checking
信用调查档案credit file
信用调查档案部credit files division
信用调查资料档案credit file
信用调査局Credit Information Bureau
信用调査档案accountant file
信用调节手段instrument of credit control
信用财政措施credit and fiscal measures
信用货币fiduciary notes
信用货币fiduciary paper currency
信用货币即纸币fiduciary currency
信用贷款loan credit
信用贷款credit tranche
国际货币基金组织信用贷款亠credit tranche (IMF)
信用贷款申请单credit-application form
信用资产负债表balance sheet for credit purpose
信用通货货币credit currency
信用部主管credit management
信用银根紧缩credit squeeze
信用问题confidence problem
信用额度已通知advised line of credit
信贷信用credit standing
信贷有效利用率credit availability
信贷费用cost of credit
修改信用amend a letter of credit
修改信用letter of credit amendment
修改信用amendment to credits
债券信用较差的投资investment in default
假远期信用nominal forward letter of credit
偿付信用compliance credit
偿还信用指信用证付款银行付款后,即向开证行指定的银行要求偿还付款reimbursement credit
充分利用信息get the most out of information
"先旅行后付款"信用"travel-now-pay-later" plan
光票信用即不附单据,凭票付款clean credit
光票付款信用clean payment letter of credit
兑现信用encashment credit
公共用户通信common user communication
公司信用loan stock
公司间信用inter-company credit
公开市场信用即公开市场的短期融资open market credit
公用信号global semaphore
公用信息common information
公认短期信用official short-term credit
农业信用合作社agricultural cooperative credit society
农村信用合作社rural credit association
农村信用合作社rural credit cooperatives
农村信用rural credit association
信用on trap
信用against the letter of credit
信用证付款payment against one's credit
凭单付款信用payment against document credit
凭收据付款信用payment on the receipt of the credit
凭汇票付款的信用payment against the draft credit
凭票付款信用payment against draft credit
分期付款信用installment payment letter of credit
分期付款信用installment payment credit
创立信用create the credit
动产信用credit based on personal property
动产抵押信用credit against pledge of chattel
单据与所示信用证不符单证不符document not conforming to the provisions of letter of credit
单纯信用即由开证行在出口地银行设有的存款账户内支付的信用证simple credit
即期信用sight L/C
即期信用sight credit (L/C)
厂商信用manufacturer's credit
发放信用证方accrediting party
发行地承兑信用指远期信用证是在开证银行所在地承兑的信用证, 而一般信用证是金融中心地,为纽约,伦敦承兑的信用证issuing point acceptance credit
可兑换次级信用债券convertible subordinated debenture
可分割信用指一笔信用证可分成数笔转让他人divisible letter of credit
可利用信贷available credit
可流通信用negotiable credit
可转让信用指可从原受益人转让给第二受益人的信用证transferable L/C
可转让信用negotiable credit
可转让信用证受益人beneficiary of transferable credit
可转让信用证受益人beneficiary of a transferable credit
可转让信用证第一受益人first beneficiary of a transferable credit
可转让可分割信用transferable and divisible credit
可转让可分割信用指信用证受益人可把根据信用证开出汇票收款权利全部或部分转让给一个或几个第三者的信用证transferable and divisible letter of credit
可转让的信用票据证券negotiable credit instrument
各地用户通信intersite user communication
周期信用一般以一月为一周期periodic credit L/C
周转信用贷款revolving credit loans
商业信用commercial integrity
商业信用如延期付款,分期付款等commercial credit
商业信用维护消费者利益的机构Better Business Bureau
商业信用commercial letter of credit
商业跟单信用证统一惯例uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit
商业跟单信用证统一惯例和做法系由国际商会拟定uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit
商人间的信用interdealer's credit
商品信用公司农产品信贷公司Commodity Credit Corporation
商品输出信用保证制度commodity export credit guarantee system
商行信用咨询credit inquiry
回复信用renewable credit
城市信用合作社urban credit corporative
城市信用urban credit cooperations
备用信贷安排stand-by arrangement
备用信贷额contingent credit facility
备用信贷额backup line
外国旅行信用foreign traveller's letter of credit
多用信用master card
多用途通信系统All-Purpose Communications System
多重信用膨胀multiple credit expansion
大通信用账户Chase Credit Account
失去信用lose credit
信用keep one's word
定期信用放款fixed loan unsecured
定期信用贷款指无抵押fixed loans unsecured
实物信用放款loan on real credit
审核信用examination of credit
审核信用examination of letter of credit
客户信用状况credit status
客户信用等级分类credit rating
客户信用评估credit rating
寄托于第三者,以待条件成熟的寄托信用escrow credit
巡回信用由开证银行直接通知并交给受证人的信用证circular letter of credit
巡回让购信用circular negotiation form credit
市场成长信用upmarket card
应付长期信用票据long time notes payable
信用open a letter of credit
信用establishment of letter of credit
信用证时间time of opening of a letter of credit
开出信用open a credit
开出信用issuance of letter of credit
开出信用证分类账letter of credit issued ledger
开出与收进信用letters of credit: opened and received
开岀信用issuance of letter of credit
开放信用open credit
开立信用issue of letter of credit
开立信用证保证金margin money
开立信用证方accrediting party
开立信用证申请人accredited buyer
—式多份信用卡合同格式universal credit card contract form
弹性信用发行制elastic fiduciary issue system
当地本埠信用local letter of credit
循环信用renewable credit
循环信用continuing credit
循环信用continuous letter of credit
循环信用即信用证金额支取后,可恢复原额反复使用revolving credit
循环信用指受益人在一定期间,一定金额限制内可循环或回复使用的信用证,这可简化多次办证手续, 减低费用continuing credit
意外信用保险contingent credit risk
意外信用contingent credit risk
我们希望您能用信用证方式付款We'd like you to pay us by L/C
我们的信用证有效期需要为多长时间?How long should our L/C be valid?
我们的经营原则是"重合同,守信用"It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".
我们需要什么时候开立信用证?When should we open the L/C?
我方已收到贵方2013年9月1日开出的金额为50万美元购买橡胶踏板的信用证了We have received your L/C dated November 1, 2013 for 500,000 dollars on the rubber pedals
我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
打包信用指出口商接到信用证后,凭此向银行预借一定额现金用于货物打包装运,借款本息在押汇时扣还packing credit
托转信用指开证行寄给某特定分行,再由该分行转告受证人direct letter of credit
托运人远期信用又称卖方信用,指出口商准许进口商在货物出口后一定日期后才支付货款,系出口商给进口商的资金融通shipper's usance
承兑信用acceptance letter of credit
承兑一偿还信用reimbursement of acceptance credit
承兑行信用accepting house credit
抵押信用secured credit
担保买方信用guarantee the reliability of the buyer
拒绝修改信用refuse to amend the L/C
指定信用specially advise credit
英美等国银行发行的支票信用banker's card
收取信用证款credit collection
旅游信用travel and entertainment card
旅行信用traveller's letter of credit
旅行信用traveller's circular credit
旅行信用与旅行支票相似circular letter of credit
旅行娱乐信用travel and entertainment card
信用失信bad faith
信用证汇票bill without L/C
信用证汇票bill without credit
无担保信用unsecured letter of credit
无担保信用unsecured credit
无条件信用即无抵押品的信贷free credit
无特殊条件信用open letter of credit
无跟单信用documentary clean credit
无追索权信用without recourse L/C
暂用信用temporary card
信用的票据fine bill
有条件信用escrow credit
有条件易货信用escrow letter of credit
未丧失信用not discredited
未确认信用unconfirmed letter of credit
本国货币信用local currency credit
根据旅行信用证开的汇票draft drawn under travellers letter of credit
民用通信科培训计划civil communication section training program
民用通信网络civil communication network
特别信用指受益人只能在特定银行请求承兑的信用证special credit
特别通知信用specially advise credit
环循信用continuous credit
信用证付款payment with the letter of credit
用世界银行信贷be financed with proceeds of the World Bank credit
用出口信贷票据贴现筹资refinancing of export credit papers
用户信息数据库line information data base
用户信息记录call recording & storage
用户订货服务信息系统customer servicing information system
用户通信网customer's communications network
申请信用证人applicant for the credit
申请信用证开证application for letter of credit
申请修改信用证书application for amendment of letter of credit
申请开立信用证者accredited party
电传信用即用电报开发的信用证cable credit L/C
电开信用L/C by cable
电报信用cable letter of credit
电报传递信用cable credit
电讯信用telephone credit card
美国在世界各地使用的信用carte blanche
票据信用bill credit
私人信用personal credit
空白信用即未填金额的信用证blank credit
空额信用blank letter of credit
简电开信用letter of credit by brief cable
简电开信用L/C by brief cable
管理用的程序可靠信息系统program reliability information system for management
累积信用cumulative credit
累积信用指循环信用证中规定,未用完的金额可转次期使用,称可累积信用证cumulative credit
累积循环信用cumulative revolving letter of credit
累积循环信用cumulative revolving credit
纽约承兑信用New York acceptance credit
经济上有信用的人good man
统一的财政信用体系unified finance and credit system
美国制造商出口信用保险公司American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange
美洲银行信用Bank Americard
美洲银行信用现名 VisaBank Americard
职业信用联合occupational credit union
背对背信用Bank to Back L/C
背对背信用countervailing credit
背对背信用back-to-back letter of credit
膨胀信用bloated credit
自动循环信用instant revolving letter of credit
自动循环信用instant revolving credit
自愿对外信用限制规则voluntary foreign credit restraint guidelines
自愿限制对外信用计划voluntary foreign credit restraint program
自由信用出口商可自由选择银行押汇general credit
法国广泛使用的信用carte blue
补偿性信用compensatory credit
要求银行开信用证者accredited buyer
规定以即期信用证付款prescribe payment by sight letter of credit
规定以即期信用证付款prescribe the payment by sight L/C
议付信用即凭以向当地银行收货款的信用证negotiation credit
记数信用指银行须填写议付汇票金额notation credit
记账易货信用escrow credit
记账易货信用escrow letter of credit
证券市场信用stock market credit
货币信用危机credit and money crisis
货币信用管理monetary and credit control
货币市场信用工具money market instruments
资本信用证书capital credit certificate
跟单信用证和光票信用证documentary L/C and clear L/C
跟单信用证汇票bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit
跟单信用证统一惯例uniform customs practice documentary credit
跟单承兑信用documentary acceptance credit
转开信用back credit
转开信用指出口商收到进口方开来不可转让信用证后,由于出口商不是生产厂商,又无库存货物,故请求通知银行(或往来行),据来证转开国内信用证,向国内厂商购货出口,转开的信用证即为背对背信用证back-to-back letter of credit
辅助信用ancillary credit
输出为先的背对背信用back-to-back credit export import first
输出货物信用pipeline credit
进出信用证差额balance of L/C opened and received
进口信用保险import credit insurance
远期信用long-timp credit
远期信用seller's or shipper's usance L/C
远期信用term letter of credit
远期信用standing credit
远期信用forward letter of credit
远期信用long-term letter of credit
远期信用forward credit
违背以信用证付款的惯例deviate from usual practice of L/C
连锁基金信用tying fund letter of credit
连锁基金信用tying credit
迟付即期信用deferred sight letter of credit
递加信用cumulative credit
通信费用communication expense
通汇银行信用correspondent credit
通用信用公司universal credit company
部分信用发行制partial fiduciary issue system
金融信用担保financial credit guarantee
金融中心地承兑信用指开证银行为承兑清偿便利,开出在金融中心地,如纽约或伦敦的大银行承兑的信用证,如伦敦承兑,则称伦敦承兑信用证financial center acceptance credit
金融中心承兑信用financial center acceptance credit
长期定额信用standing credit
信用证汇票bill with L/C
信用证汇票bill with credit
信用证的汇票bill with L/C
附属信用auxiliary credit
附属信用ancillary letter of credit
附有信用证的跟单汇票documentary bill of exchange with L/C
附有电报索汇条件的信用credit with T/T reimbursement clause
附有电报索汇条款的信用credit with T/T reimbursement clause
附条款信用claused letter of credit
附条款信用claused credit
L/C附条款信用claused letter of credit
附电汇条款信用letter of credit with telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause
附红色条款信用指附预支条款letter of credit with red clause
限制信用指开证银行指定在出口地的总分支银行为押汇银行, 或指定认为可靠的银行为押汇银行的信用证restricted credit
限制议付银行信用restricted credit
限期支付的信用usance payment letter of credit
限额定额信用marginal credit
限额信用limited letter of credit
雇主举办的职工信用合作社employer's credit associations
非保兑信用指无银行保证付款unconfirmed credit
非保兑不可撤销信用unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit
非循环信用即信用证金额取完后,不再恢复原金额继续使用non-revolving credit
非累计信用non-cumulative credit
非累计循环信用non-cumulative revolving letter of credit
非累计循环信用non-cumulative revolving L/C
非递加信用non-cumulative credit
顾客信用customer's credit
顾客信用customers' credit
顾客信用分类customer's credit classification
顾客信用customer's card
顾客信用等级customer's credit rating
预兑信用anticipatory letter of credit
预支信用anticipatory credit
高息信用债券high-interest-bearing debenture
高档信贷备用安排upper credit tranche standby arrangement
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