
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 信用 | all forms | in specified order only
一次使用信用straight credit
信用contra credit
不保兑信用non-confirmed letter of credit
不可撤销信用irrevocable L/C
不可撤销的、可转让和可分割的信用irrevocable transferrable and divisible L/C
不可撤销的对出票人无追索权信用irrevocable drawn without recourse L/C
不可撤销的无追索权信用irrevocable without recourse L/C
不可撤销的跟单信用irrevocable documentary L/C
不可撤销的跟单承兑信用irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
不可撤销跟单信用irrevocable documentary letter of credit
不可撤销银行不保兑信用irrevocable unconfirmed banker's credit
不可议付信用non-negotiable L/C
不可转让信用unassignable letter of credit
不可转让信用non-transferable L/C
不可转让信用non-transferable credit
不可转让信用non-negotiable L/C
不累积信用non-cumulative credit
不附条款信用unclaused letter of credit
不附条款信用unclaused credit
丧失信用lose credit
中介信用intermediate credit
中长期信用middle-long term credit
信用master credit
主动信用active trust
买卖信用dealing in credit
买方信用buyer's credit
买方信用buyer's letter of credit
买方信用buyer's letter of credit
买方信用buyer's credit
买方远期信用buyer's usance credit
互助信用trading check
从属信用secondary letter of credit
以外币发行的公司信用debenture in foreign currency
伦敦承兑信用London acceptance credit
低估信用under-value L/C
低估信用under-value credit
使用信用证,利用信贷make use of a credit
保兑并不可撤销的信用confirmed and irrevocable credit
保兑的不可撤销信用confirmed irrevocable credit
保兑的不可撤销信用confirmed irrevocable letter of credit
保兑的不可撤销信用confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit
保兑议付信用confirmed negotiation letter of credit
保兑议付信用confirmed negotiation credit
保证信用guaranteed letter of credit
保证金信用交易margin trading
信用letter of credit
信用交易trade credit
信用交易dealing in credit
信用保证credit guaranty
信用保证书credit guaranty
信用保险fiduciary insurance
信用保险单credit policy
信用信贷commodity credit
信用借款debt of honor
信用借款loan on credit
信用借款credit loan
信用债券trust bond
信用债券unsecured bond
信用债券debenture stock
信用关系fiduciary relation
信用关系credit relation
信用分类credit classification
信用单证credit voucher
信用money card
信用access card
信用合作社cooperative society of credit
信用基金credit fund
信用工具credit instruments
信用差别credit gap
信用差距credit gap
信用情况credit position
信用报告credit report
信用担保fidelity guarantee
信用担保credit guarantee
信用措施credit facilities
信用放款loan on credit
信用放款人unsecured lender
信用文件credit instruments
信用方式form of credit
信用日佳rise credit
信用服务credit facilities
信用机构fiduciary institution
信用条件creditor terms
信用条款creditor terms
信用欠款debt of honor
信用比率credit ratio
信用汇票clean bill
信用credit instruments
信用票据credit paper
信用票据clean bill
信用管理credit management
信用紧缩tight credit
信用紧缩政策tight monetary policy
信用纸币credit paper money
信用膨胀inflation by credit
信用融资credit financing
信用设施credit facilities
信用证上最近装运日期L/C latest shipping date
信用证上最迟装运日期L/C latest shipping date
信用证修改申请书application for amendment of letter of credit
信用证修改申请书,改证申请书application for alteration of credit
信用证全部转让申请书application for transfer of L/C in entirety
信用证分类账L/C ledger
信用证到期L/C expiration
信用证受益人L/C beneficiary
信用证受益人beneficiary of letter of credit
信用证号码letter of credit number
信用证审核credit authorization
信用证展期renew a credit
信用证展期extension of credit
信用证展期extend a L/C
信用证开发行账户account of issuing L/C
信用证总账L/C ledger
信用证总限额aggregate amount of letter of credit
信用证所定的under L/C
信用证收益人letter of credit beneficiary
信用证有效期L/C expiration date
信用证期满L/C expiration
信用证未用余额unused balance of L/C
信用证条件L/C terms
信用证条款L/C terms
信用证格式form of credit
信用证款proceeds from the letter of credit
信用证正本original credit
信用证申请人applicant for letter of credit
信用证申请人letter of credit applicant
信用证申请人L/C applicant
信用证申请人accredited party
信用证的修改amendment of letter of credit
信用证索赔claim on letter of credit
信用证装运期L/C shipping date
信用证议定书letter of credit agreement
信用证账户letter of credit account
信用证账户L/C account
信用证转让transfer of letter of credit
信用证转让assignment of L/C
信用证转让申请书application for transfer of credit
信用证转让通知advice of transfer of L/C
信用证通知advice of L/C
信用证通知advice of credit
信用证通知书advice of L/C
信用证通知书advice of credit
信用证金额letter of credit account
信用证金额L/C amount
信用证项下under L/C
信用调查credit reference
信用调查局Credit Information Bureau
信用调查机构credit reference agency
信用调査credit checking
信用调节credit management
信用购买purchase with credit
信用购买credit buying
信用贷款loan on credit
信用透支credit facilities
信用通知书letter of instruction
修改信用L/C amendment
修改信用amend the letter of credit
修改信用证,改证alter the letter of credit
修改信用证条款amend the terms of the letter of credit
修改信用证金额amend the amount of L/C
假远期信用usance letter of credit payable at sight
储备行信用reserve bank credit
光票信用clean L/C
光票信用clean credit
公开信用借款open fiduciary loan
内地信用domestic credit
信用on strap
出口信用export credit
分别进口信用separate import license
信用secondary credit
单纯信用simple credit
即期信用L/C at sight
受托人信用保险fiduciary insurance
可展期信用renewable credit
可撤销信用revocable letter of credit
可撤销信用irrevocable letter of credit
可转换循环信用convertible revolving L/C
可转让信用transmissible letter of credit
可转让信用transferable credit
可转让信用证的受益人beneficiary of a transferable credit
可转让可分割信用transferable and separable letter of credit
合作信用cooperative credit
周期信用periodic letter of credit
周期循环信用periodic credit
商业信用credit in business
商业信用单据commercial credit document
商业信用mercantile credit
商业信用证开发申请书application for commercial L/C
商业信用证开发申请书application for commercial credit
商业上缺乏信用的人lame duck
商业银行信用commercial bank credit
商业银行信用commercial bank credit
商品信用merchandise credit
商品信用commodity credit
商品出口信用担保机构commodity export credit guarantee agency
商品出口信贷担保制度,商品输出信用保证制度commodity export credit guarantee system
商品进口信用commodity import letter of credit
商用通信卫星commercial communication satellite
国内信用domestic credit
国内信用domestic credit
国际信用证转让international transfer of L/C
国际可转让信用international transferable L/C
国际商业信用international trading credit
国际贸易信用international trading credit
国际转口信用international transit L/C
国际过境信用international transit L/C
国际通运信用international transit L/C
地产信用credit on real estate
备用信用standby credit
备用信用standby credit
备用信贷安排standby arrangement
定期信用term credit
定期信用periodic letter of credit
实际信用real credit
实际信用程度virtual rating
审核信用examination letter of credit
客户信用等级评定credit rating
对开信用contra credit
对开信用reciprocal credit
对开信用bank to bank L/C
对开信用back to back L/C
对开信用reciprocal L/C
对开信用bank to bank credit
对等信用bank to bank L/C
对等信用bank to bank credit
展期信用extended L/C
展期信用extended L/C
履约信用performance credit
履约信用performance credit
履约保证信用performance credit
巡回信用circular letter of credit
巡回信用circular credit
已开立信用established L/C
已承兑信用accepted letter of credit
已承兑信用accepted credit
已确认信用confirmed credit
建立信用created credit
开出信用证分类账L/C issued ledger
开立信用open a credit
开立信用raise a letter of credit
开立信用open a letter of credit
开立信用issuing credit
循环信用continuing letter of credit
循环信用circular letter of credit
打包信用packing letter of credit
打包信用packing credit
扣账信用simple credit
承兑信用服务acceptance credit facility
承兑信用acceptance credit
承兑汇票信用letter of credit with banker's acceptance
承兑汇票信用L/C with banker's acceptance
押汇信用指示书letter of instruction
押汇信用negotiation credit
担保信用standby credit
担保信用guaranteed letter of credit
拒绝修改信用refuse to amend the letter of credit
撤销信用revocability of credit
改证申请书,信用证修改申请书application for amendment of credit
改证申请书,信用证修改申请书application for alteration of L/C
政府间信用L/C of government to government
旅客信用traveler's credit
旅客信用traveler's letter of credit
旅客信用traveler's circular credit
旅游信用traveler's credit
旅游信用traveler's letter of credit
旅游信用traveler's circular credit
旅行信用traveler's card
旅行信用circular letter of credit
旅行信用circular credit
旅行信用证保证书letter of indication
信用bad repute
无担保信用open book credit
无担保信用unsecured L/C
无条件信用clean letter of credit
无条款限制信用unclaused letter of credit
无条款限制信用unclaused credit
无跟单信用clean letter of credit
无跟单信用clean credit
无追索权信用without recourse letter of credit
普通信用ordinary credit
月循环信用monthly revolving credit
信用的票据fine paper
有追索权信用with recourse letter of credit
有追索权信用with recourse credit
未确认信用unconfirmed credit
本国货币信用local currency L/C
欧洲信用Euro card
民用通信civil communication
民用通信网civil communication network
汇票付款信用payment against draft credit
消费信用retail credit
消费信用consumptive credit
现金信用cash letter of credit
现金信用cash L/C
现金信用cash credit
用户信息customer information
直接信用straight credit
真实信用real credit
短期信用short-time credit
短期信用short-term credit
短期信用short-time credit
短期信用short-term credit
票据信用paper credit
私人信用personal credit
私人信托信用证方式进口private import escrow
立即可用信用ready credit
第三者信用third party credit
累计循环信用cumulative revolving L/C
红条款信用packing letter of credit
红条款信用red clause credit
红条款信用packing credit
红条款信用L/C with red clause
纸币信用paper credit
纺织信息用户委员会The information Users Council
给予信用货款give credit
考察信用checking credit
背对背信用countervailing letter of credit
背对背信用overriding letter of credit
背对背信用back-to-back credit
背对背信用证中主信用证prime letter of credit
见票即付信用L/C at sight
让购信用negotiation credit
让购信用assign letter of credit
议付信用negotiation credit
财政信用financial credit
货币信用money credit
货币信用monetary credit
贷款信用loan credit
贸易信用trading credit
贸易信用trading credit
贸易信用trade credit
转开信用transit credit
转开信用back-to-back credit
转移信用transferred credit
转让信用transfer letter of credit
转让信用transferred credit
转让信用assign letter of credit
输出为先的对背信用back-to-back credit export first
过境信用transit letter of credit
进口信用import credit
进口为先的对背信用back-to-back credit import first
远期信用long-term L/C
远期信用long-term credit
通信费用communication expenses
通知信用circular letter of credit
金融信用financial credit
银行信用credibility of bank
银行信用划拨bank credit transfer
银行信用bank's card
银行信用安排bank line of credit
银行信用安排bank line
银行信用拨款bank credit transfer
银行信用banker's letter of credit
银行信用bank letter of credit
银行信用bank credit
银行信用证转让bank credit transfer
银行信用转账bank credit transfer
银行承兑信用banker's acceptance credit
长期信用市场long-term credit market
长期信用long credit
长期信用贷款long-term credit facility
信用证的跟单汇票documentary bill of exchange with L/C
附属信用supplementary credit
附有条款的信用claused credit
附电汇条款信用letter of credit with T/T reimbursement clause
附电汇条款信用L/C with T/T reimbursement clause
附电汇条款信用L/C with telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause
降低的信用falling credit
限定额信用marginal credit
非保兑信用unconfirmed letter of credit
非保兑不可撤销信用unconfirmed irrevocable L/C
非保兑不可撤销信用unconfirmed irrevocable credit