
Terms containing 信用 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一级交易商信用工具primary dealer credit facility PDCF
securit.一般信用债务债券general credit obligation bond
securit.一般信用担保债券general obligation bond
securit.一般信用general L/C
gen.万用雷达信标comprehensive beacon radar
securit.上市公司信用记录listed companies credit record
securit.上市公司信用记录credit record of listed company
securit.不凭信用证押汇汇票documentary bill without L/C
securit.不动产投资信托股票策略应用REIT stocks strategic uses
securit.不受限制的信用unrestricted credit
securit.不可分割信用non-divisible L/C
securit.不可撤销的无追索权的信用irrevocable without recourse letter of credit
securit.不可改变信用irrevocable credit
securit.不增加信用贷款、无信贷no more credit
securit.信用主体挂钩型的存款credit linked deposit
tradem.专用〔开敞,纯〕信道clear channel
avia.专用信号产生器unique signal generator
avia.专用信息系统special information system
avia.专用有效载荷通信数据链dedicated payload communications link
avia.专用有效载荷通信链路天线dedicated payload communications link
avia.专用脉冲信号产生器unique pulse generator
avia.专用通信personal communication
multimed.专用通信技术private communications technology
securit.个人信用信息数据库personal credit information database
securit.个人信用登记系统personal credit registry system
securit.中国人民银行信用报告系统credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China
comp.name.中国出口信用保险公司SINOSURE China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation
securit.买方远期信用buyer's usance
gen.予以信用贷款give credit (for)
securit.互惠信用reciprocal letter of credit
securit.信用证的汇票bill letter credit
securit.代管信用escrow credit
securit.信用交易方式on margin
securit.以外币发行的信用债券debenture in foreign currency
securit.价格高昂的信用贷款交易extortionate credit transaction
gen.企业管理用综合信息系统integrated management information system
securit.优先股信用评级preferred stock ratings
avia.作用信息显示系统action information display system
avia.使用信息电传operation information telex
avia.使用数据信息operating data massage
securit.保护信用成本cost of credit protection
nautic., tech.保险备用信用insurance standby LC
avia.信号用接地signal ground
avia.信息交换复用message switching multiplexing
multimed.信息基础设施技术和应用information infrastructure technology and applications
avia.信息技术安全评估通用标准common criteria for information technology security evaluation
avia.信息技术运用information technology operations
multimed.信息用具information appliance
avia.信息管理与应用技术technique for information management and employment
gen.信用赖,托affiance (in)
securit.信用 5 Cfive C's of credit (银行或其他金融机构对借款人的信用程度的评估标准:品格(character)、能力(capacity)、资本(capital)、抵押品(collateral) 、情况(condition))
gen.信用repose (赖)
securit.信用下级对冲hedging credit downgrade
securit.信用中介credit intermediary
securit.信用交割形式free delivery basis
securit.信用信息交换credit interchange
securit.信用交易margin trade
securit.信用交易制度credit trading system
securit.信用代价券协议credit-token agreement
gen.信用保怔书letter of guarantee
securit.信用信息服务credit information service
securit.信用债券naked bond
securit.信用债券guaranteed bond
securit.信用债券debenture bond
securit.信用净额结算credit netting
securit.信用升级credit enhancement
securit.信用卡信托credit card trust
securit.信用卡取款单drawing slip
securit.信用卡循环信贷利率revolving credit rate of credit card
gen.信用卡支付credit card payment
avia.信用卡读卡机credit card reader
gen.信用卡账户credit account
securit.信用危机各类不利事件使企业信用恶化,可能对公司财务状况及业务造成不利影响credit cliff
securit.信用历史credit history
securit.信用发行fiduciary emission
securit.信用合同credit contract
securit.信用和财政措施credit and fiscal measure
securit.信用和贷款决策credit and lending decision
securit.信用困境credit crunch
securit.信用垫款uncovered advance
securit.信用增强credit enhancement
securit.信用复核credit review
securit.信用套利credit arbitrage
securit.信用审查credit review
securit.信用审查程序credit review process
securit.信用差价合约credit spread contract
securit.信用差价期权credit spread option
securit.信用差额credit spread
securit.信用差额credit exposure
securit.信用差额对冲hedging credit spreads
securit.信用恶化征兆indicators of credit deterioration
securit.信用情况调查status enquiry
securit.信用承兑人acceptor for honour
securit.信用报告业务business of credit reporting
securit.信用报告机构credit reporting agency
securit.信用文档credit file
securit.信用期权差额credit option spread
securit.信用查询credit inquiry
securit.信用档案credit folder
securit.信用比率credit ratios
securit.信用监督credit watch
securit.信用监管体制credit supervision system
securit.信用社股份credit union shares
securit.信用票据clean bill (CB)
securit.信用等价票据credit token
securit.信用等级crediting rate
securit.信用等级下调对冲hedging credit downgrade
securit.信用结算clearing credit
securit.信用缺口credit exposure
securit.信用缺失credit loss
securit.信用计量credit metrics
securit.信用记录credit folder
securit.信用记录credit file
avia.信用letter of credit
securit.信用证交易letter of credit transaction
securit.信用证到期日L/C expiration date
securit.信用证协议letter of credit agreement
securit.信用证单据documentary letter of credit
securit.信用证延期extend a letter of credit
securit.信用证收人登记簿L/C reserved register
securit.信用证种类kinds of L/C
securit.信用评估credit analysis
securit.信用评估分析judgemental credit analysis
securit.信用评分credit scoring
securit.信用评级公司credit rating company
securit.信用评级机构credit rating agency
securit.信用调查status enquiry
securit.信用货币银行信用发行的货币credit money
securit.信用质量控制qualitative credit control/ regulation
securit.信用贷款signature loan
securit.信用贷款法truth in Lending Act
securit.信用违约互换违约互换购买者在交易中定期向违约互换出售者支付一定费用,一旦债券主体无法偿付,前者将有权将债券以面值转给后者,从而有效规避信用风险credit default swap
securit.信用违约指数credit default index
securit.信用违约风险指数credit default index
securit.信用限额line of credit
securit.信用顾客credit customer
securit.信用风险repayment risk
securit.信用风险成本cost of credit protection
securit.信用风险的警示warning signs of credit risk
securit.信用风险等额credit risk equivalent
avia.信用风险缓释技术credit risk mitigation
securit.信贷使用不当abuse of credit
securit.信贷利用程度degree of leverage
nautic., tech.借款备用信用borrowing standby L/C
securit.债务信用工具debt credit instrument
securit.偿付信用reimbursement letter of credit
securit.偿还信用acceptance credit
gen.先生,请问您是用现金付款还是用信用卡付账?How would you like to pay, sir, in cash or by credit card ?
securit.公司法人信用登记系统corporate credit registry system
securit.公平信用结账法Fair Credit Billing Act
securit.公开议付信用general negotiable L/C
securit.公正信用报告fair credit reporting
multimed.公用通信公司common carrier
gen.共〔复〕用信道share channel
securit.共同基金信用级别mutual fund ratings
avia.共用信号处理器common signal processor
gen.关于相关费用我会通过现金或者信用卡的形式进行支付I would like to pay for the relevant expense by cash or credit card
securit.内部信用增强internal credit enhancement
avia.军用运输通信网military transport communications network
gen.几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card
securit.信用证押汇汇票documentary bill with L/C
securit.信用证的押汇汇票documentary bill of exchange with L/C
securit.凭即期汇票支付的信用L/C available by draft at sight
gen.凭…的信用on the faith of
securit.分期还款信用instalment credit
gen.切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放在航空公司托运的行李箱内Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline
securit.信用式的融资quasi-credit financing
avia.单信道解复用器single channel demultiplexer
securit.单据信用documentary credit
securit.单据与信用证条款不符document not conforming to the provisions of the letter of credit
securit.卖方承担远期汇票贴息的信用seller's usance credit
securit.原始股东信用升级originator credit enhancement
securit.反面信用negative credit
securit.受损信用impaired credit
securit.受限制信用restricted credit
avia.只用信标引导的轰炸系统beacon only bombing system
securit.可使用的信贷available credit
gen.可供选择的信用卡种类很多,其中有些信用卡很流行,如美国运通卡、维萨卡及万事达卡,等等There are many credit cards available: American Express, VISA, and Master Charge are some of the most popular ones
securit.可按市价转成股票的信用债券debenture convertible to stock at market price
securit.可撤销跟单信用revocable documentary L/C
securit.可流通信用证券negotiable credit instrument
securit.可积累使用的循环信用cumulative revolving L/C
securit.可转换信用债券exchangeable debenture
securit.可转换企业信用债券convertible debenture
multimed.听障人士用电信设备telecommunications device for the deaf
nautic., tech.启用欧洲标准的音视频信号输出SCART on
securit.商业信用调查机构credit agency
gen.商用信息系统分析与设计business information system analysis and design
avia.商用通信commercial communication
securit.固定信用fixed L/C
securit.国家信用national credit
avia.国家航空航天局世界通信网用户通信接口NASCOM user traffic interfaces
securit.国际债券信用评级international bond rating
avia.国际消费者信用协会International Consumer Credit Association
avia.国际通用飞机通信寻址和报告系统international aircraft communication addressing & reporting system
gen.在因特网上用 RSS 简易信息聚合共享应用格式下载信息broadcatching
gen.在国外购物用信用卡付款非常方便It is very convenient to pay by credit card when shopping abroad
securit.城乡信用credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas
gen.基督教徒们相信,“最后的晚餐”是耶稣基督受难之前与他的十二个门徒在圣城耶路撒冷共同享用的一顿晚餐According to Christian belief, the Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his twelve apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion
avia.增强性专用交换通信业务enhanced private switched communication service
securit.备用信贷backup credit facility
securit.备用信贷便利contingent credit facility
securit.备用信贷限额backup line
securit.备用信贷额standby credit line
avia.备用应急通信backup emergency communications
securit.备用抵押信用工具alternative mortgage instruments
securit.外部信用增强external credit enhancements
avia.多用途信息处理机multipurpose information processor
avia.多用途通信multiple purpose communications
avia.多用途通信控制器multi-protocol communication controller
avia.多用途通信服务multicommunications service
avia.多用途雷达信号处理器multi-function radar signal processor
avia.多用途雷达信标comprehensive beacon radar
comp.多路复用〔的〕信息与计算系统multiplexed information and computing system
comp.多路复用的信息与计算系统multiplexed information and computing system
gen.信用crack credit
securit.头等信用top credit
multimed.套用信件form letter
gen.如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
securit.完全信用债券full-faith and credit bond
avia.定时与瞬发两用引信time and superquick fuze
avia.定时引信作用时间总偏差total fuze running time variation
securit.定期信用time credit
securit.定期信用贷款time loan unsecured
securit.审查信用examination of L/C
securit.宽松的信用easy credit
securit.寄存信用escrow letter of credit
securit.信用差的债券的投资investment in default
gen.对…不守信用break faith with
gen.对不起,您的信用卡已经止付。根据银行规定要取消Sorry, your credit card has stopped paying. According to the regulations of bank, it must be cancelled
gen.对…守信用keep faith with
securit.对开信用reciprocal letter of credit
gen.对某人不守信用break one's faith with sb.
nautic., tech.对背信用back to back credit
securit.履约信用performance letter of credit
securit.履约保证信用performance bond credit
nautic., tech.履约备用信用performance SLC
securit.履行保证信用performance credit
gen.干扰敌人雷达信号用设备electronic countermeasures
gen.应用信号处理Applied Signal Processing
avia.应用信息处理环境application message processing environment
avia.应用信息处理系统applications information processing system
avia.应用程序与程序通信application program-to-program communication
multimed.应用程序间通信interapplication communication
comp.name., USA应用通信设备公司Applied Communications
securit.开放式信用贷款open fiduciary loan
avia.引信作用可靠性operational reliability of fuze
avia.引信作用时间armed period
gen.您可以在这结账,用现金还是信用卡?You can pay right here. In cash or by credit card?
gen.您愿意用信用卡来担保预订吗?Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by a credit card?
gen.您的信用卡是被自动柜台机吞了吗?Is your credit card swallowed by ATM?
gen.назв.комп. 意大利信用银行Credito Italiano
gen.我们会为您办理退款手续,退款将会回到您的信用卡账户中We will help you to finish the refundment procedure. The money will be refunded to your credit account
gen.我们用一张信用卡付账We're paying on the one card
gen.我可以用信用卡付账吗?Can I pay by credit card?
gen.我可以用信用卡支付吗?Can I pay by credit card?
gen.我怕现金不够付这些费用了,我用信用卡吧I'm afraid the cash is not enough to cover the amount. I' d use the credit card
gen.我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it
gen.我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change
gen.我没有美国的银行户头,那我用信用卡吧I don't have a bank account with an American bank, then I can use my credit card
gen.我的信用卡失窃了,我要取消信用卡My credit card has been stolen. I need to cancel it
gen.我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost
gen.我能用您的信用卡划押金吗?Can I take a credit card for the deposit?
avia.战术机载信号利用系统tactical airborne signal exploitation system
securit.托付信用escrow letter of credit
securit.托管信用escrow credit
securit.承兑信用额度协议acceptance credit agreement
securit.投机性信用speculative credit
securit.投机性信用等级低于投资性的信用等级speculative grade ratings
nautic., tech.投标备用信用lend bond SLC
nautic., tech.投标备用信用tender bond standby LC
nautic., tech.投标备用信用bid bond
securit.投资信用等级investment grade ratings
securit.投资信用评级investment credit rating
securit.投资于信用较差的项目investment in default
securit.投资级别信用评级investment-grade rating
securit.抵押信用mortgage credit
securit.持久有效信用evergreen clause credit
securit.指定议付信用restricted negotiable L/C
gen.损坏信用poison the fountain of trust
gen.搜索与营救用小型信标发射机装在救生设备内的归航信标search and rescue and homing system
securit.支票信用cheque credit
securit.支票付款信用clean payment L/C
securit.支票付款信用clean payment credit
gen.民用波段无线电用语收听民用波段信号copy the mail
securit.放宽信用freeing up credit lines
securit.政府备用信贷融通backup government credit facility
nautic., tech.救生用通信communications in an emergency
avia.数字信息存储用于发放、交换、控制和跟踪digital information repository for Release, exchange, control and tracking
securit.无关信用irrelevance letter of credit
securit.无条件信用clean credit
securit.无条件并不可撤销的信用unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit
securit.无纸化信用转账paperless credit transfer
securit.无追索权的信用recourseless L/C
securit.日本国际信用卡公司Japan Credit Bureau
nautic., tech.日用电话通信系统service telephone communication system
securit.日益恶化的信用危机spiralling credit crisis
avia.时间多路复用通信信道time multiplexed communications channel
avia.时间多路复用通信信道time-multiplexed communications channel
comp.name., BrE普莱赛军用通信有限公司Plessey Military Communication Ltd.
securit.普通信用担保债券general obligation bond
securit.普通信用general L/C
securit.最佳信用评级best's rating
securit.最高信用等级标准普尔信用等级标准triple-A credit rating 3A
securit.有担保的信用guaranteed letter of credit
securit.有担保的备用信贷额secured standby credit facility
securit.有/无信用证汇票bill with/without L/C
avia.有用信息available information
securit.有限信用limited L/C
avia.未起作用的引信blind fuze
gen.本手册目的是为了让用户熟悉电热水器的安装、操作和保养维护,并提供有关的重要安全信息This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the installation, operation, and maintenance of your electric water heater and to provide important safety information in these areas
securit.条件交付信用escrow letter of credit
securit.标准普尔信用评级Standard and Poor's rating
securit.标普信用评级S&P rating
securit.标普信用评级S&P credit rating
securit.根据信用证开汇票drawing under credit
securit.次级信用债券subordinated debenture
securit.次级信用secondary credit
avia.欧洲军用卫星通信European military satellite communications
avia.欧洲军用通信卫星European military communications satellite
gen.голуб.гонк. 比赛用信鸽racing pigeon
gen.голуб.гонк. 比赛用信鸽home pigeon
avia.民用通信计划会议Civil Communications Planning Conference
avia.民用通信设备计划会议civil communication planning conference
securit.泛用信托abuse of trust
avia.波音职工信用联合会Boeing Employees' Credit Union
securit.流通信用acceptance outstanding
securit.消费者信用债券金融机构直接在市场上发行的一种投资票据consumer debenture
securit.消费者信用机构credit bureau
securit.清洁信用clean credit
securit.滚动使用账户信贷running account credit
gen.演播指挥用信号灯电路tally circuit
securit.现金信用额度cash credit balance
securit.信用证提款drawing under credit
gen.用于协调混合光纤同轴 HFC 网络的前端和用户站点间数据通信的协议IEEE 802.14 standard
gen.用同一信封under the same cover
gen.用无线电信号通信talk by radio signals
gen.用无线电同定向信标台联络tune in a directional beacon
securit.直接信用贷款straight credit
avia.瞬发延期两用引信selective arming fuze
securit.短期信用公司short-term credit company
securit.短期信用工具short-term credit instrument
securit.短期信用额度swing line
securit.短期循环信用short-term revolving letter of credit
securit.社会信用登记系统social credit registry system
avia.租用专用信道leased private channel
securit.国际货币基金组织第一档信用贷款first credit tranche
securit.第三方信用增级third party credit enhancement
busin.管理用的程序可靠信息系统program reliability information system for management
comp.管理部门用的人事记录信息系统personnel record information system for management
securit.累积信用cumulation credit
securit.累积信用cumulative letter of credit
securit.累积循环信用revolving cumulative credit
securit.红条款信用证上预支条款用红色注明以引起注意red clause letter of credit L/C
securit.信用等级triple-A credit rating 3A
securit.—级交易商信用工具Primary Dealer Credit Facility
securit.结构性信用增级structural credit enhancement
securit.统一信用系统unified credit system
gen.维护用通信communication for conservation
securit.绿色条款信用green clause credit
gen.美国国家标准〔规定的〕信息交换用代码American national standard code for information interchange
gen.美国示准信息交换用代码即ANSCIIUSA standard code for information interchange
securit.股本信用额度equity line of credit
securit.自动展期条款信用evergreen clause credit
securit.自动调整信用额度swing line
securit.自由信用余额free credit balance
avia.致各用户信函all operators letters
gen.航用自动变频发信机goldbery rube
avia.航空专用业务通信网aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
gen.航空专用电传通信网aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
gen.航空信号用色aviation colors
avia.航空航天局通信网用户通信接口NASCOM user traffic interfaces (美国)
securit.虚构信用fictitious credit
nautic., tech.融资备用信用financial SLC
securit.衍生信用风险derivative credit risk
securit.衍生工具信用风险credit risk for derivatives
gen.计算机辅助作用信息系统computer assisted action information system
securit.记名信用公司债券registered debenture
securit.证券信用等级security rating
securit.证券投资信用管理credit control of security investment
gen.请收好您的信用卡和收据Take your credit card and your receipt
gen.请问您怎么结账呢?用现金还是信用卡?How would you like to settle your account, by credit card or cash?
securit.贴息信用债券debenture discount
securit.资产净值信用额度equity line of credit
securit.跟单信用bill of exchange
securit.跟单信用证统一习惯和做法uniform customs and practices for documentary credits
nautic., tech.跟单信用证统一惯例uniform customs and practice for commercial documentary credits
securit.跨国信用评级supernational credit-rating
nautic., tech.转开信用back to back credit
securit.转开信用override letter of credit
securit.边际信用marginal credit (MC)
securit.迟期付款的信用usance letter of credit
securit.递加信用cumulative letter of credit
gen.通信中用以代表字母 w 的词whiskey
gen.通信中用以代表字母 g 的词Golf
gen.通信中用以代表字母 h 的词Hotel
gen.通信中用以代表字母 j 的词Juliett
gen.通信中用以代表字母 k 的词kilo
gen.通信中用以代表字母 i 的词India
gen.通信中用以代表字母 d 的词Delta
gen.通信兵用无线电及雷达设备signal corps radio and radar
avia.通信、导航与识别应用软件CNI application software
avia.通信、应用与研究卫星satellite for telecom, application and research
multimed.通信应用程序规范communications applications specification
nautic., tech.通信系统的可用性availability of a communication system
gen.通用信息〔管理〕系统generalised information system
gen.通用信息〔管理〕系统general information system
avia.通用信息业务universal information services
gen.通用信息处理系统general information system
avia.通用信息格式common message format
avia.通用信息检索系统模拟general information retrieval system simulation
avia.通用性信息系统commonality information system
avia.通用情报信息系统generalized information system
avia.通用数据信息转换器universal data transcriber
avia.通用显示信息general display information
multimed.通用移动电信系统universal mobile telecommunications system
avia.通用移动通信业务universal mobile telecommunications service
gen.通用移动通信系统陆地无线接入网UMTS terrestrial radio access network
avia.通用综合通信universal integrated communication
gen.通用综合通信系统universal integrated communication system
avia.通用计划信息系统general information system for planning
gen.通用计划编制信息系统general information system for planning
avia.通用通信频率universal communication frequency
avia.通用零件信息管理系统common parts information management system
securit.道德信用moral credit
gen.采用计算机的信息管理系统computer-based management information system
securit.金融中心的承兑信用financial centre acceptance credit
securit.金融机构买方信用政策financial institution buyer credit policy
securit.金额信用担保full faith and credit
gen.金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank
securit.银行信用credit card
securit.银行信用安排bank lines
securit.银行信用bankers L/C
nautic., tech.银行付款信用credit payable' with a bank
securit.附属信用subsidiary credit
securit.附属信用secondary credit
securit.附属信用证/信贷ancillary credit
securit.附红条款的信用letter of credit with red clause
securit.限制使用信贷协议restricted-use credit agreement
securit.限制使用的信用restricted credit
securit.限定用途信贷purpose credit
securit.信用账户unmargined account
securit.非滚动信用non-revolving letter of credit
securit.非累积循环信用revolving non-cumulative credit
securit.非自动滚动信用non-automatic revolving credit
securit.非限定信用unrestricted credit
securit.信用发行的货币fiduciary notes
securit.顶级信用top credit
securit.预支信用anticipation credit
avia.飞机可用信息aircraft serviceability message
securit.骆驼信用等级capital, asset, management, earning, liquidity
securit."骆驼"信用等级指资本充足性、资产、管理、盈余和流动性五项指标等级capital, asset, management, earning, liquidity
securit."骆驼"信用评级CAMELS rating
securit."骆驼"信用评级体系CAMELS rating system
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