
Terms for subject Economy containing 信号 | all forms | in specified order only
价格信号a price signal
价格信号price signals
你方第2401号信用证所开金额不足Your L/C No. 2401 is insufficient in amount
区截信号block signal system
危险信号a danger signal
发出警告信号send out a warning signal
发射信号transmit signals
发现信号catch a signal
84 междун.торг. 84号信用证的收汇claim on L/C No.
84号信用证的收汇claim on L/C No. 84
5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense
20号信箱P.O. Box 20
国际通用的呼救信号save our ship
呼救信号"L" flag
査误信号error routine
检疫信号"Q" flag
海上遇难呼救信号the signal of distress (即SOS)
由于这种型号的电熨斗你们很熟悉,我相信可以省却样品As this type of electric iron is familiar to you, I believe you can dispense with samples
船舶遇险求救信号save our ship (soul)
蓝色信号blue peter (表示即将开船)
警告信号a warning signal
请说服你方客户将 TD264号信用证延期一周Please persuade your customer to arrange for a one-week extension of L/C No. TD264
谢谢你方10月18日的来信及所附的186号订单Thank you for your letter of October 18 containing your order No186