
Terms for subject China containing 保险 | all forms | in specified order only
一次支付全部保险pay an insurance premium in a lump sum
个人保险代理活动individual insurance agency business
中国保险监督管理委员会China Insurance Regulatory Commission
交付保险pay an insurance premium
享有保险金请求权be entitled to claim the insurance money
人寿保险业务life insurance business
人寿保险险种life insurance products
人身保险insurance of person
人身保险业务personal insurance business
人身保险的受益人beneficiary of the insurance of person
保险金额为限limited to the insured amount
侵占保险encroach on insurance premium
保险专业人员insurance professional
保险专业代理机构full-time insurance agency
保险the insurance sector
保险业务许可证insurance license
保险事故的鉴定人expert witness of an insured accident
保险人责任insurer liability
保险代理业务许可证insurance agent license
保险代理机构insurance agency
保险保费insurance premiums
保险保障基金insurance guarantee fund
保险公估机构insurance assessment institution
保险公司分支机构branch office of an insurance company
保险兼业代理机构part-time insurance agency
保险单证certificate of insurance
保险合同纠纷insurance contract dispute
保险权利义务insurance rights and obligations
保险标志insurance label
保险标的subject matter of the insurance
保险the Insurance Law
保险法律insurance law
保险活动insurance activity
保险活动当事人party to insurance activities
保险监督管理机构insurance regulatory body
保险组织insurance institution
保险经纪业务insurance brokerage business
保险经纪业务许可证brokerage business permit
保险经营活动insurance business operation
保险行业协会insurance association
保险评估机构insurance assessment agency
保险诈骗insurance fraud
保险费回扣insurance premium kickback
保险资产管理公司insurance asset management company
保险金请求权right to insurance claims
保险金请求权claim to insurance compensation
保险金赔偿或者给付办法method for paying indemnity or insurance money
保险险种insurance products
公证执业责任保险liability insurance for notarial practices
养老保险old-age insurance
养老保险制度old-age insurance system
养老保险制度the old-age pension system (for)
保险业务reinsurance of the insurance business
保险分入业务inward reinsurance business
保险分出业务outward reinsurance business
保险分出人cede insurance company
保险责任reinsurance liability
农业保险制度system for agriculture
分入保险inward reinsurance
分出保险outward reinsurance
分别签发保险单证issue insurance certificates separately
分期支付保险pay an insurance premium in instalments
医疗保险制度改革reform of medical insurance system
保险的受益人beneficiary in the original insurance
保险的投保人original insurance applicant
保险的被保险人insurant in the original insurance
保险责任original insurance liability
原被保险original insured
取得保险金的权利right to obtain insurance
取得保险金的权利right to insurance money
各项保险kinds of insurance coverage
同一保险事故same insured incident
同一保险same insurer
同一保险利益same insurance interest
同一保险标的same subject matter
国有独资保险公司solely state-owned insurance company
地震灾害保险insure against earthquake disaster
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban working people
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic health insurance system for urban employees
基本保险条款basic insurance clause
基本养老保险待遇benefits of the basic old-age insurance pension
基本养老保险the basic pension contributions
基本医疗保险the system of basic medical insurance
境内保险domestic insurance
增加保险increase of the premium
外资参股的保险公司joint-venture insurance company with foreign equity
大力发展资本市场和保险市场vigorously develop the capital market and the insurance market
失业保险制度unemployment insurance system
实付保险actually paid insurance premium
对该船舶进行保险place the ship under insurance coverage
工伤保险insurance against injury at work
工伤社会保险employment injury insurances
巨灾风险保险体系risk insurance system for huge disasters
应付保险due insurance premium
强制保险险种compulsory insurance product
当期保险current installment of the insurance premium
意外伤害保险accidental injury insurance
截留保险withhold insurance premium
扣减保险赔偿金deduct a sum from the amount of indemnity
执业责任保险responsibility insurance for the practice
执业责任保险practice liability insurance
投保职业责任保险take out professional liability insurance
按比例返还保险refund pro rata the insurance premium
挪用保险embezzle insurance premium
提岀保险要求put forth a proposal for insurance
支付保险费义务obligation of paying an insurance premium
放弃对保险标的的权利waive the right to the subject matter insured
故意制造保险事故intentionally make an insured incident
故意虚构保险标的deliberately falsify the subject matter of the insurance
有利于被保险in favor of the insured
未曾发生的保险事故insured accident that does not occur
机动车强制保险mandatory motor vehicle insurance
欺骗保险deceive an insurer
欺骗被保险deceive an insurant
每笔保险业务each insurance contract
火灾公众责任保险public liability insurance against fire disaster
灾害保险insurance against disasters
生育保险childbearing insurance
生育保险childbirth insurance
社会保险基金social insurance funds
社会保险基金监督机构supervisory organization of social insurance funds
社会保险水平level of social insurance
社会保险the Social Security Law
社会保险social insurance premium
社会保险social insurance money
立即支付保险pay the premium immediately
第三者责任强制保险compulsory third party liability insurance
约定的保险价值insurable value as agreed upon
经营保险业务许可证insurance business operation permit
经被保险人同意obtain the consent of the insurant
经预约保险合同保险的insured under the open cover
给付保险pay insurance money
给付保险effect the payment of the insurance benefits
自留保险premiums retained
虚构保险合同fabricate an insurance contract
补交保险make up the unpaid insurance premium
补充保险supplementary insurance
被接管的保险公司insurance company which has been taken over
被整顿保险公司insurance company in rectification
订立保险合同enter into conclude an insurance contract
设立亚洲再保险公司的协定Agreement Establishing the Asian Reinsurance Corporation
请求赔偿保险claim insurance money
责任保险的被保险人insured of a liability insurance
货物运输保险合同cargo transportation insurance contract
赔偿保险pay insurance money
赔偿保险pay the insurance money to compensate for
运输工具航程保险合同voyage insurance contract for a means of transport
退还保险refund the insurance premium
通知各保险notify all the insurers
重复保险的投保人insurance applicant in overlapping insurance
降低保险reduce the insurance premium
非法的保险illegal premium
预约保险单证insurance certificates of open policy
预约保险单证open policy
预约保险合同open cover
首期保险first installment of the insurance premium
骗取保险swindle insurance money