
Terms for subject Finances containing 保持 | all forms | in specified order only
保持合理的增长率maintain reasonable rates of growth
保持合理的增长速度maintain a proper level of economic growth
保持合理的社会融资规模keep financing from all sources at an appropriate level
保持合理稳定maintain a reasonable stability
保持基本稳定remain basically stable
保持大宗商品价格合理稳定maintain the stability of commodity prices at a reasonable level
保持宏观经济政策基本稳定maintain the basic continuity of macroeconomic policies
保持密切沟通maintain close communication
保持对发展中国家的援助sustain assistance to developing countries
保持对投资开放remain open to investment
保持巨额贸易顺差ran a large trade surplus
保持平稳较快增长maintain a steady and relatively fast growth
保持成本竞争力remain cost-competitive
保持有助于金融可持续性的发展政策架构maintain a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability
保持汇率相对稳定maintain relative stability of exchange rates
保持清醒头脑keep one's heads clear
保持物价总水平基本稳定maintain basic stability of overall prices
保持物价总水平基本稳定keep overall price levels basically stable
保持稳定增长maintain stable growth
保持竞争力remain competitive
保持经济平稳较快发展maintain steady and rapid economic development
保持财政、货币、贸易、产业等政策的可持续性maintain fiscal, monetary, trade, industry and other policy sustainability
保持足够的政策力度maintain sufficient policy intensity
保持适度的财政赤字和国债规模keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels
保持金融稳定和经济增长maintain financial stability and economic growth
保持钉住汇率maintain a currency peg
保险单持有人holder of policy
客户保持customer retention rate
对汇率过度波动保持警惕maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates
将经常账户失衡保持在可持续水平maintain current account imbalances at sustainable levels
确保全球持续复苏ensure a sustained global recovery
确保经济持续、稳定、健康增长ensure sustained stable and sound economic growth
确保长期财政可持续性ensure long-term fiscal sustainability
维持保证金通知maintenance call
让人民币汇率相对保持不变keep the exchange rate relatively constant