
Terms for subject Commerce containing 保持 | all forms | in specified order only
保持货物的良好品质就会有损于未来的交易Future business would be jeopardized if the quality of goods is not kept up
与一公司保持通信keep up correspondence with a company
使之保持漂浮状态keep it afloat
保持一定的灵活性retain a certain leeway
保持优势地位hold on to favourable position
保持体力食品sustaining food
保持平衡maintaining equilibrium
保持消息灵通be kept thoroughly advised
保持物价稳定maintain prices at a stable level
保持综合平衡maintain an overall balance
保持货物质量不下降keep up the quality of goods
保险单持有人policy holder (指被保险人 (insurant))
保险单持有人往来银行policy-holder's bank
在争执中保持中立remain indifferent in the dispute
始终保持浮泊be always afloat
货轮必须始终保持漂浮状态。Vessels must always be kept afloat.
供货商与经销商订立按供货规定价格出售商品集体保持价格协议collective price maintenance agreement