
Terms for subject Commerce containing 保护 | all forms | in specified order only
伦敦保护贸易协会London Association for Protection Trade
保护主义措施protectionist measure
保护关税safeguard duties
保护关税主义protective tariff doctrine
保护关税制度protective tariff system
保护关税制度protective system
保护关税政策protective tariff policy
保护关税税则protective tariff
保护性价格protective price
保护性做法protective practice
保护性包装法protective packing
保护性包装物protective package
保护性岀口税protective export duty (与保护性进口税 (protective import duty) 相对)
保护性惯例protective practice
保护性条文protective provisions
保护性条款protective provisions
保护措施safety method
保护自身利益protect one's own interests
保护贸易protected trade (与自由贸易 (free trade) 相对)
保护贸易protective trade (与自由贸易 (free trade) 相对)
保护贸易政策protective policy
保护贸易立法protectionist legislation
保护贸易立法protective legislation
保护雇员的条例the enactment securing the position of employees
关税保护tariff protection
制定保护工业产权法律constitute laws to protect industrial property
卖方专利与商标已予以应有保护Due protection should be provided for seller's patents and trade marks
保护原产地名称protected designation of origin
保护程度protection of security
名义保护nominal rate of protection
国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments (缩为 APPI)
国际工业产权保护公约International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
国际工业产权保护联盟International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property
安全保护safety protection
巴黎工业产权保护同盟Convention of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property
森林资源保护protection of forest resources
消费者保护protection of consumers
消费者保护consumer protection
消费者利益保护protection of consumers' interests
环境保护规划environmental protection planning
环境及资源保护environmental and resource protection
维护保证maintenance bond
英国贸易保护联合协会United Association for the Protection of Trade
贸易的保护protection of trade
保护贸易superprotective trade
保护贸易政策ultraprotective policy
足够的保护adequate protection