
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
亚太空间技术应用进可持续发展专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚太经社会技术进发展行动计划ESCAP Plan of Action on Technology for Development
亚太经社会贸易进中心ESCAP Trade Promotion Centre
亚洲区域通过回购安排进工业合作和贸易扩展讲习班Asian Regional Workshop on Industrial Cooperation and Trade Expansion through Buy-back Arrangements
亚洲及太平洋技术进发展东京方案Tokyo Programme on Technology for Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋空间应用进发展部长级会议Ministerial Conference on Space Applications for Development in Asia and the Pacific
成联合国老龄方案信托基金Trust Fund for the Promotion of a United Nations Programme for the Ageing
进为残废人创造无障碍物质环境准则Guidelines for the Promotion of Non-handicapping Physical Environments for Disabled Persons
进亚洲及太平洋区域残疾人权利曼谷千年宣言Bangkok Millennium Declaration on the Promotion of the Rights of People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region
进亚洲及太平洋工业结构调整汉城行动计划Seoul Plan of Action for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific
进农村发展环境卫生原则专家协商Expert Consultation on Environment Health Principles for Rural Development
进可持续发展国际环境法专家组Expert Group on International Environmental Law Aiming at Sustainable Development
进可持续发展国际环境法专家组讲习班Expert Group Workshop on International Environmental Law Aiming at Sustainable Development
进可持续发展的区域空间应用方案regional space applications programme for sustainable development
进和保护残疾人权利和尊严的全面和综合国际公约Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities
进和保障残疾人权利与尊严国际公约区域会议Regional Meeting on an International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
进工业、环境和原料管理方面技术合作和 援助的技术援助信托基金Technical Assistance Trust Fund to Promote Technical Co-operation and Assistance in Industrial, Environmental and Raw Material Management
进持久农业和环境保护的施肥战略Fertilizer Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection
进无害环境的健康城市区域讨论会Regional Seminar on the Promotion of Environmentally Sound and Healthy Cities
进环境技术和预防化学事故手册Manual on the promotion of environmental technology and prevention of chemical accidents
进联合国在政府间一级对非洲和平、安全与发展这些相互关联的问题作出协调一致的反应coordinated and coherent United Nations response
全球信息技术进环发倡议Global e-Sustainability Initiative
全球机制进委员会Facilitation Committee
全球环境和人类采取措施进可持续发展会议Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response toward Sustainable Development
公私合作进基础设施发展咨询机制Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility
关于拟订进和保障残疾人权利与尊严国际公约的北京宣言Beijing Declaration on Elaboration of an International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
农业研究进发展国际合作中心Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
减少贫穷进增长信贷办法Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
减少贫穷进增长信贷额度Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
《减少贫穷进增长信贷额度》Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility of the International Monetary Fund IMF
减少贫穷进增长贷款机制Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
区域投资信息与进服务Regional Investment Information and Promotion Service
印度支那进妇女参与经济发展讨论会Indo-China Seminar on Promoting Women's Participation in Economic Development
发展援助和技术合作进发展中国家的洁净生产Development Assistance and Technology Cooperation for Cleaner Production in Developing Countries
可以在减少贫穷进增长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
"在城市一级进环境保护-行动战略和方法"国际专家会议International Experts' Conference: "Promotion of Environmental Protection at Municipal Level - Strategies and Approaches for Action"
坎帕拉环境进发展宣言Kampala Declaration on the Environment for Development
备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
安哥拉教派间进和平委员会Inter-Denominational Committee for Peace in Angola
扶持可持续企业进减贫倡议Growing Sustainable Business for Poverty Reduction
投资委员会和商会进工业发展和迁移网Network of Boards of Investment and Chambers for promoting industrial development and relocation
拥有并进和平进程own and drive the peace process
控制环境卫生危害和进化学品安全技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for Control of Environmental Health Hazards and Promotion of Chemical Safety
旅行社进可持续旅游发展倡议Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development
柏林宣言: 全球合作进城镇无害环境发展的基础Berlin Declaration: Foundations for Global Cooperation to Promote Environmentally Sound Development in Town and Cities
种子倡议 -支持企业家进环境与发展Seed Initiative - Supporting Entrepreneurs for Environment and Development
科学进可持续性发展science for sustainable development
科学进无害环境可持续发展工作队Working Party on Science for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development
科学和技术进环境保护方案 :科技促进环保方案Science and Technology for Environmental Protection 1989-1992
空间应用进可持续发展区域方案Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development
空间技术进发展专题讨论会Symposium on Space Technology for Development
能源进可持续发展高级别区域会议High-Level Regional Meeting on Energy for Sustainable Development
调动财务资源进新能源和可再生能源高级别区域协商会议High-Level Regional Consultative Meeting for Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy
贸易进中心Trade Promotion Centre
贸易进科Trade Promotion Section
非政府组织资源动力进社会发展联盟Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations in Resources Dynamics for Social Development COAL'99
非洲境内冲突起因和进持久和平与可持续发展大会不限成员名额特设工作组open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group of the General Assembly on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa