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世界投资进机构协会World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (总部设于瑞士日内瓦的非政府和非牟利组织)
中国投资发展进会China Association for the Promotion of Investment
稳定promote stability
进世界持久和平与共同繁荣advance durable peace and common prosperity of the world
进世界经济发展promote the development of the world economy
进世界经济持续发展promote sustainable growth of the world economy
进世界金融稳定promote global financial stability
进产业结构优化升级promote industrial structure optimization and upgrading
进信息共享promote information sharing
进全球经济增长promote global economic growth
进公平竞争promote fair competition
进共同利益promote shared interests
进区域经济一体化promote regional economic integration
进可持续长期增长promote sustainable, long-term growth
进合理的国际分工promote rational international division of labor
进和平、稳定与繁荣promote peace, stability and prosperity
进国内需求boost internal demand
进国际收支基本平衡promote basic balance of international payments
进对外贸易平衡发展promote the balanced development of foreign trade
进就业promote employment
进强劲、可持续和平衡增长promote strong, sustainable, and balanced growth
进投资facilitate investment
进更加平衡的贸易promote more balanced trade
进更加开放的全球贸易与投资foster more open trade and investment globally
进海外投资promote overseas investment
进消费结构优化升级promote the upgrading of the consumption structure
进生产boost production
进社会包容promote social inclusion
进社会和谐稳定strive for social harmony and stability
进社会和谐稳定promote social harmony and stability
进社会稳定promote social stability
进繁荣foster prosperity
进经济均衡发展promote balanced economic development
进经济增长promote economic growth
进经济增长boost the economic growth
进经济增长、创造就业、创新和繁荣foster economic growth, job creation, innovation, and prosperity
进经济平稳较快发展spur steady and rapid economic development
进经济持续健康发展promote sustained and sound economic development
进经济社会发展advance economic and social development
进经济长期平稳较快发展strive for sustained, stable and fast economic development
进经济长期平稳较快发展promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development
进经济长远发展promote long-term economic development
进资本市场稳定健康发展promote steady and healthy development of the capital market
进金融市场诚信promote integrity in financial markets
保增长,稳定ensure growth and to promote stability
共同进国际社会的努力jointly promote efforts of the international community
国际进文化基金会International Fund for the Promotion of Culture
在发展中转变spur change in the course of pursuing development
在发展中共繁荣promote common prosperity through development
工业筹资和投资进科industrial financing and investment promotion section
投资investment promotion
欧洲贸易进组织European Organization of Trade Promotion
维护和进可持续发展safeguard and promote the sustainable development