
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
上颌位体层片lateral tomogram of maxillae
下颌升支位体层片lateral tomogram of ramus
下颌升支内隆突阻滞麻醉block anesthesia at internal ramus prominence
输卵管卵巢切除术bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
输卵管结扎bilateral tubal ligation
会阴后切开术posterolateral episiotomy
伦内鼻阶梯Ronne nasal step
中胚层lateral plate mesoderm
击法striking with lateral portion of palm
lateral position
卧式latericumbent posture
向滑动瓣lateral sliding flap
方关系lateral relation
方压缩lateral condensation
方平衡殆lateral balanced occlusion
方殆lateral occlusion
方运动lateral movement
板中胚层lateral plate mesoderm
窦血栓性静脉炎lateral sinus thrombophlebitis
脑室肿瘤lateral ventricle tumour
视内镜side-viewing endoscope
面像lateral view
凸颌hemi prognathism
面肌痉挛hemifacial spasm
面肌萎缩facial hemiatrophy
鼻突median nasal prominence
鼻突median nasal process
肾功能试验split-renal function test
阴道缝补术anterior colporrhaphy
前外sphenoid fontanelle
面部肢体发育不良hemifacial microsomia
唇裂unilateral cleft lip
平衡unilateral equilibration
性视网膜色素变性unilateral retinitis pigmentosa
束支传导阻滞unilateral bundle branch block
肺不发生unilateral pulmonary agenesis
肺透光度减低unilateral decreased radiolucent lung
肺透光度增加unilateral increased radiolucent lung
输卵管卵巢切除术unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
透明肺综合征unilateral hyperlucent lung syndrome
原发性索硬化primary lateral sclerosis
唇裂bilateral cleft lip
平衡bilateral equilibration
束支传导阻滞bilateral bundle branch block, BBBB
双颞偏盲bitemporal hemianopsia
双鼻偏盲binasal hemianopsia
反常偏paradoxical lateralization
心力衰竭right-sided heart failure
偏盲homonymous hemianopsia
阴道缝补术posterior colporrhaphy
后外posterolateral fontanelle
后外mastoid fontanelle
唾液腺下颌骨舌陷人lingual mandibular salivary gland depression
腭突lateral palatine process
舌膨大lateral tongue swelling
颈窦lateral cervical sinus
姿势性脊柱postural scoliosis
偏移ulnar deviation
偏转ulnar deviation
工作working side
心力衰竭left-sided heart failure
延髓外综合征lateral medullary syndrome
偏盲heteronymous hemianopsia
弥漫性单亚急性视神经视网膜炎diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis
柯特威尔Caldwell view
牙周囊肿lateral periodontal cyst
偏移radial deviation
偏转radial deviation
海绵窦外壁综合征syndrome of lateral wall of cavernous sinus
涎腺下颌骨舌陷人lingual mandibular salivary gland depression
畸形舌talon cusp
畸形舌invaginated lingual fossa
癫痫偏大发作hemi-grand mal
肌萎缩索硬化amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
面照chest lateral view
自发性脊柱idiopathic scoliosis
支托lingual rest
翼缘lingual flange
中心粒juxtanuclear centriole
指间关节的proximal interphalangeal joint
指间关节distal interphalangeal joint
阴道穹窿lateral vaginal fornices
青年型脊柱juvenile scoliosis
面部facial profile
颈外囊肿lateral cervical cyst
偏盲temporal hemianopsia
方指标刻度calibration for lateral adjustment
偏盲nasal hemianopsia