
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一切规则皆有其omnis regula suas patitur exceptions
与其他债权人按比得到清偿不享受优先权的普通债权人rank ratably with
与生产规模成比的收益returns to scale
专卖税和无形财产税条franchise and intangibles tax
交易所惯exchange customs
交易比ratio of exchange
仲裁与和解条rules of conciliation and arbitration
会计惯conventional accounting
伪造条adulteration acts
外保证exceptive warranty
外条款exceptional items
外条款saving clause
外条款exception clause
外清单exception list
外管理management by exception
外项目exceptional items
<-> exempli gratia
e.g. for example
应完税subject to duty
行商业作法customary business practice
行商业做法customary commercial practice
行条款routine provision
行查核routine check
行的平价变动routine parity changes
行磋商customary consultation
依照比的成分proportionate part
信用证统一惯uniform customs for credits
免责条not responsible clause
公司条companies ordinance
公司条articles of incorporation
公认的国际惯established international practice
共同海损比general average proportion
典型实之概略清单non-exhaustive lists of typical examples
兽医条veterinary regulations
净收益对资本净值比ratio of net income to net worth
出口价格条definitions of export quotations
出口条export regulations
judicial practice
案件test case
judge made law
卖方惯seller's usance
原产国家证明条country of origin identification regulations
反倾销惯anti-dumping practices
反对谷物条同盟anti-corn law league
司法判judicial precedent
司法惯juridical practice
合同惯contractual practice
合同惯contractual usage
商业惯usage of trade
商业惯commercial usage
商业惯commercial practice
商业惯commercial customs
商业惯commercial custom
商业惯trade usage
商业惯customary commercial practice
商业惯customary business practice
商业惯business practice
商业银单信用证统惯习惯与做法uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credits
商品交换比commodity terms of trade
国家惯state practice
国际判international case-law
国际惯international usage
国际惯international practice
国际惯international conventions
国际条Edge Act
国际贸易惯customs and usages of international trade
坎伯尔条Lord Campbell's Act
基本惯fundamental conventions
处理条rules of practice
外汇管制条exchange control regulations
外汇管理暂行条provisional regulation on exchange control
外汇管理条currency regulations
存款放款边际比marginal deposit-loan ratio
定数比折旧depreciation proportional on fixed base
实用specimen letter
小海损与船长谢礼惯多用于提单内average and primage accustomed
工业资本赠予条capital grants to industry acts
折扣customary discount
规费customary dues
库存销售比指数index of inventory-sale ratio
use and wont
customs and usages
免赔率customary average
决算表conventional form
折旧conventional depreciation
成本加比报酬合同cost plus percentage fee contract
成本加比报酬合同cost-plus-percentage-fee contract
押汇信用统一惯与实务uniform customs and practice for documentary credits
拨款较快的项目的比share of faster-disbursing projects
按总值比加权法proportion of total value methods of weighting
按某种比降价scale down of prices
按比减低proportional reduction
按比分保contributory reinsurance
按比分配pro rata distribution
按比均摊pro rata average
按比注销pro rata cancellation
按比的部分proportional part
按港口惯航速with customary dispatch
按滑动比支付使用费sliding royalty scale
按照惯as customary
按照惯according to usual practice
按英里程比分配mileage prorate
按英里计算的比分配mileage proration
按递远递减比计算的运价表tariff on tapering scale
收买条procurement regulations
收费比scale of charges
without exception
无先可循have no precedent to go by
暂行条provisional regulation
生效有效日期effective date of regulations
生效日期effective date of regulations
标签条labelling regulation
标签条labeling regulation
研究法case method
调查case work
检验暂行条provisional regulations governing the inspection testing
棉花条cotton duty act
准备公积法proportional reserve method
准备制proportional reserve system
分担条件condition of average
分摊联合运价prorated joint rate
增减协约sliding-scale agreement
抽样proportional sampling
proportional tax
税率proportional rate of tax
税率proportional tax rate
课税proportional taxation
资本proportional cost
民航条Civil Air Regulations
没有先可援have no precedent to go by
法令条的允许程度discrimination and controls
海事惯customs of the sea
海关卫生检查条sanitary customhouse regulation
海关条customs regulations
海关检疫条sanitary custom-house regulation
海损条averaging clause
海难外条款peril of the sea exception
海难外条款perils of the sea exception
"海难"外条款perils of the sea exception
港口惯customs of the port
特定货运惯usage of the particular trade
相对价值比scale of relative values
确定的惯established custom
等级外运费率exception rate
约束性的惯binding effect of usages
统一惯uniform customs
统一销售条uniform sales act (laws)
维也纳惯rules of Vienna
美国出口报价及其缩写条the US Export Quotation & Abbreviations
航海条navigation law
航海条navigation act
航海条navigation acts
船员雇佣条ship's articles
船旗优惠惯flag preference practice
薪水比payroll scale
规则和惯rules and practices
规范性的惯normative usages
谷物条corn laws
货币计价惯.money measurement convention
贸易促进条Act for the encouragement of trade
贸易惯trade custom
贸易惯trade customs
贸易惯customs of trade
贸易惯customs of the trade
贸易惯custom of trade
贸易惯法审查委员会Trade Practice Act Review Committee
贸易条trade regulations
赌博条gambling act
输出比export ratio
进出口贸易的行手续routine of import and export trade
连锁比chain relatives
连锁比调整adjustment of chain relatives
通融办理让步,作为stretch a point
速动资产对流动负债比ratio of quick assets to current liabilities
遵照过去判stare decisis
金融条financial regulation
银行惯usual bank practices
银行惯banking practice
限制性商业惯restrictive business practices
限制性惯restrictive practices
限制性贸易惯英国Restrictive Trade Practice Act UK