
Terms for subject Commerce containing 你方 | all forms | in specified order only
一俟可以报盘,我方将优先办理你方询盘As soon as we're in a position to offer, we'll give precedence to your enquiries
一俟新货到来,我方即与你方联系As soon as new supplies arrive, we'll lose no time to communicate with you
一俟有货可供,我们将一定向你方报盘As soon as supplies are available, we'll make you an offer without fail
一俟有货我们即告你方We'll cable you as soon as the goods are available
一旦有新的货物,我们将马上与你方联系As soon as fresh supplies are available, we'll contact you right away
不要忽略你方四月十日来函中所作的承诺Don't ignore what you have promised in your letter dated April 10
你方账户nostro account; our account
也许你方会感兴趣We make you this offer on the chance that you may be interested
买主无意接受你方报盘The buyer is not inclined to accept your offer
你方为受益人的信用证已经开立The L/C has been established in your favour
价格为每吨122 美元,包括你方3%佣金The price is US $122 per M/T, your 3% commission included
价格内含你方佣金Your commission is included in the price
作为你方指导For your guidance
你方上月二十八日来函Your letter of 28th ultimo
你方不可单方面取消合约You can not cancel the contract unilaterally
你方为推销这类商品付出的努力将获得成功Your efforts to promote this line will be rewarded by success
电报你方五日函收到。We acknowledge your letter dated 5th.
你方五日来函Your letter dated 5th
电报你方五月五日函收到。We make acknowledgement to your letter of May 5
你方五月十二日致我总公司函件已转我公司处理Your letter of May 12 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention
你方五月十五日函收到We're in possession of your letter dated May 15
你方五月十日函件收到We acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of May 10
你方仍欠我方120美元余额款项There is still a balance of US 120 owing to us
你方仍欠第一批装运货物的货款You still owe for the first shipment
你方何时可发运寄售货物?When will you ship the goods on consignment?
你方信函亦缩为 YLYour letter
你方信息电报your message
你方信用证与合同不一致Your L/C is in disagreement with the contract
你方信用证与合同有岀入Your letter of credit is at variance with the contract
你方信用证与销售合同不符Your L/C is not in correspondence with the s/c
你方信用证必须标明支取贷款时可有百分之五的增减幅度Your L/C must reflect 5% more or less in drawings
你方信用证所开金额不足Your letter of credit is insufficient in amount
你方信用证的延误使货物装运受阻The delay of your letter of credit held up the shipment
你方信用证规定应与合同中的规定相符The stipulations in your L/C should be in accordance with those in the contract
你方信用证金额少开250 美元There is a deficiency of US $250 in your L/C
你方八月二十日函收到,但缺少所提及的附件Your letter dated August 20 has come to hand, but the enclosure mentioned is wanting
你方八月二十日来函已按时收到We have duly received your letter dated August 20
你方函件your letter
你方四月五日函收到We have for acknowledgment your letter dated April 5
你方四月五日函收到We have for acknowledgement your letter dated April 5
你方四月五日函收到We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 5
你方四月四日函件已收到Your letter of April 4 has been received
你方在这一方面的进一步支援将使我方不胜感激Your further support in this respect will be much appreciated
你方市场报告很有作用The report on the market situation at your end is a great help
你方建议在支付条款上是行不通的Your proposal is impracticable in terms of payment
你方必须从信用证中删去提及的条款It is necessary that you delete the clause mentioned from the L/C
你方必须立即发运货物It is imperative that you should ship the goods immediately
你方必须给我方5%的装运数量机动幅度You must allow us 5% quantity latitude in shipment
你方必须详细说明质量要求It is necessary for you to particularize your requirements in quality
你方报盘完全不能成交Your offer is entirely unworkable
你方早日答复我方将不胜感激Your early reply will be obliged
你方有必要详细说明自己的要求It is necessary for you to go into details of your requirements
你方未能及时开立信用证We regret to say that you failed to establish the L/C in time
你方本月三日函收到Your letter of the 3rd inst. is to hand
你方本月二日函收到,内容已详阅We're in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., contents of which have had our due perusal
你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件已转至我处Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us
你方本月十日函件收到We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th, inst
你方本月十日来函已悉We are in receipt of your letter dated 10th inst
你方条件太苛刻Your terms are too harsh to accept
你方汇票见票即付Your draft will be honoured on presentation
你方电报your telegram
你方亦缩为 URyour
你方亦缩为 YRYour
你方的东西来信亦缩为 YRSyours
你方的声明与先前所作的承诺相抵触Your statement is in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously
你方的违约显然违背了商业合作的精神Your breach of the contract is obviously contrary to the spirit of business cooperation
你方确认必须于本月十五日前到达我方,否则该项交易被视为取消Your confirmation must reach us before the 15th of the month, failing which we'll consider the deal off
你方第100 号订单不久将执行完毕Your Order No. 100 will soon be completed
你方第55 号订单不可在此阶段予以取消Your order No. 55 cannot be countermanded at this stage
你方第九号与第十号索款通知重复了Your Debit Notes No. 9 and No. 10 overlapped
你方答复旨在逃避责任Your reply is an evasion of responsibility
你方订货仅制造出一部分The manufacture of your order is only partially finished
你方订货正在生产中Your order is in the course of manufacture
你方询盘不具体Your enquiry is in want of specifics
你方询盘与我方报盘同时发出Your enquiry coincided with our offer
你方询盘已转交有关公司Your enquiry has been transmitted to the appropriate corporation
你方询购货物暂时告缺The goods you are enquiring for are temporarily out of stock
你方账户vostro account (与我方账户 (nostro account) 相对)
你方迅速答复将不胜感激Your prompt reply will be appreciated
你方首次发货给用户留下极为深刻的印象Your initial shipment has made a very strong impression upon the users
你方作为指导原则for your guidance
你方存档for you file
你方考虑for your consideration
俟有货可供,我方立即与你方电传联系As soon as the fresh supply available, we will contact you immediately by telex
假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C
关于你方信件re your letter
关于你方函件refer to your letter
关于你方函件referring to your letter
关于你方本月十日电报re your cable dated 10th inst
关于你方电传电报refer to your telex
关于你方电传refer to your telex (telegram)
关于你方电传referring to your telex
关于你方电报refer to your cable
关于你方电报referring to your telegram
关于你方referring to your
关于你方通知referring to your advice
兹寄去你方所要保险单更改批单We are sending you herewith the requested indorsement to the insurance policy
兹寄去你方所要保险单更改批单We are sending you herewith the requested endorsement to the insurance policy
兹收到你方20,000美元支票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst
兹附去800美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date
兹附目录本与价目表各一份供你方参考Herewith we enclose a catalogue and a price list for your reference
因为你方所需商品暂时无货可供,所以我方目前无法向你方报盘Owing to the temporary unavailability of the articles needed, we're not in a position to make you any offer at present
在这方面我们不能答应你方要求We regret to say that we cannot oblige you in this respect
在这方面我方主张无法与你方一致We cannot reconcile out position with yours in this respect
你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
如果你方价格具有竞争性,我方相信可做大量交易If your price is competitive, we trust we can do substantial business
如果你方价格适当,我方将向你方订购一大笔货物If your price is moderate, we'll place a substantial order with you
如果你方保证经常供货,我方将乐于向你方大量订购If you can assure regular supplies, we're ready to place substantial orders with you
如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船期Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
如果你方信用证本月底不能抵达,我们将被迫取消这一定单If your L/C fails to arrive at the end of this month, we shall be compelled to cancel the order
如果你方年交易额超过500,000美元,我方将付给你方1%超额佣金If your yearly turnover exceeds $500,000, we'll pay you an overriding commission of 1%
如果在四月装运我方可接受你方报盘We'll accept your offer provided that shipment is effected in April
如目前你方不能供应 A 型,B 型亦可If you cannot supply Type A at present, Type B will do
你方大力推销我方商品We wish to express our appreciation for your great efforts to push the sales of our commodity
你方代表要求We're sending you the standard samples at the request of your representative
你方要求,现寄来我方产品的目录本与价格表In response to your request, we're sending you the catalogue and price list covering our products
很难答应你方要求It is difficult to grant your request
得知你方未获许可证We regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the licence
必需的进口许可证一经签发,我们将向你方去电要求报实盘On the issuance of the necessary import licence, we'll cable you for your firm offer
急需你方详细的装船要求Your shipping instructions in detail are urgently needed
情况既如此,我方目前不能向你方报盘Such being the case, we regret we're not in a position to make you an offer at present
感谢你方thank you
我们不得不要你方对所受损失负责We have to hold you liable for the loss sustained
我们不得不要求你方将信用证展期We have to request you to extend the relevant L/C
我们不得不要求你方补偿损失We have to ask you to make good the loss
我们不得不谢绝你方本月十八日报盘We regret that we have to decline your offer dated the 18th instant
我们不想让你方负担不必要的费用We don't want to involve you in unnecessary expenses
我们不能不管其他买主而只给你方报盘We cannot confine our offers to you to the exclusion of other buyers
我们不能完全满足你方询盘We cannot meet your enquiry to the full extent
我们从你方本月二日来信中获悉你方对我方的土产品感兴趣We note from your letter of the 2nd inst. that you are interested in our native produce
我们以下列理由拒绝你方索赔We should refuse your claim on the following grounds
我们保证妥善执行你方订单We assure you of the proper execution of your order
我们向你方保证加快装运We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite the shipment
我们告知你方此种可能性以便你方提前有所准备We are advising you of this possibility to the effect that you may be prepared in advance
我们将感谢你方对市场形势的澄清We'll appreciate your clarification of the market situation
我们就此大意致电你方We are cabling you to this effect
我们已将这笔金额记入你们的贷方We have placed the sum to your credit
我们已按此金额记入你们的贷方We have credited this amount to your account
我们已收到你方本月十八日函We're in receipt of your letter dated 18th inst. under the caption of S/C No. 2022
我们已经收到你方金额为20,000美元的贷记通知书We have received your credit note for US $20,000
我们希望你方与我方协调一致地予以合作We hope you'll cooperate with us in perfect harmony
我们希望你方信用证早日到达We hope your L/C will reach us in good time
我们希望你方努力推销这一新产品We hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product
我们希望你方注意你方包销地区的变化并随时告诉我们We hope that you'll observe changes in your territory and keep us advised
我们希望今后继续向你方订购这类商品We hope to place further orders with you in this line
我们希望在推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
我们希望有机会在交易会上见到你方代表We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair
我们建议你方购买少量试用We recommend you to buy a small quantity for trial
我们感谢你方的友好姿态We appreciate the goodwill gesture on your part
我们抱歉不能同意你方贸易条款We regret we cannot agree to your trade terms
我们推测你方已开立信用证We presume that you have already established the L/C
我们有几家客户对你方产品感兴趣We have several clients interested in your products
我们期望你方立即办理此事We expect you to give this matter your immediate attention
我们毫不怀疑你方将尊重合同义务的严肃性We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obligations
我们猜想你方对我方餐具感兴趣We assume that you are interested in our tablewares
我们相信你方将在汇票提示时照付We trust you'll honour our draft on presentation
我们相信可以供应你方所需的任何适当数量We believe we can supply any reasonable quantity you require
我们相信货物质量将得到你方认可We believe the quality will meet with your approval
我们获悉你方已提交了进口许可证的申请We note that you have handed in your application for import licence
我们要求你方对此事予以立即考虑We request you to take this matter into prompt consideration
我们要说你方的要求是不合理的We would observe that your request is unreasonable
我们遗憾地得悉你方为获确定递盘的努力未获成功We regret to note that your efforts to gel firm bids have proved futile
我们预期不久将完成你方订货We expect to fill your order very soon
我方不同意你方信中的言外之意,即言我方对你方要求未予重视We don't agree with your implication in your letter that we ignored your requirements
我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested
我方不胜感激你方立即办理我方1122号订单的货物装运Your immediate attention to the shipment of our order No. 1122 will be much appreciated
我方不能向你方报盘In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer
我方了解到你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附上我方第2511号报价单,以供你方参考We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration
我方保证一直向你方供货We can assure you of consistent supply of the goods
我方免费向你方寄送样品We're sending you the samples free
我方可以接受你方订单We may accept your order provided partial shipments are allowed
我方可以满足你方需求的任何合理的数量We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity
我方对你方建议的接受须经我总公司批准Our acceptance of your proposal will have to be ratified by our Head Office
我方将尽力满足你方需要We'll try our best to satisfy your needs
我方已为你方保留100公吨货物We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
我方已从你方竞争对手接到更为合理的报盘We've received more reasonable offers from your business rivals
我方希望你方对此事重加考虑We hope you will take this matter into
我方希望你方首先在你方市场推销这一新产品We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market
我方建议你方试订一批货We suggest your placing a trial order
我方很高兴接受你方1,000公吨花生的订货We're pleased to have booked your order for 1,000 M/T peanut
我方想了解你方是否可以为这一商品找到销路We'd like to know whether you can find outlets for this commodity
我方抱歉不能答应你方要求,将货物保留到许可证签发下来We regret to say that we can not grant your request for retaining goods pending the issuance of licence
我方曾数次就此事给你方写信We've written to you about this matter on several occasions
我方有理由要求你方及时装运货物We have reason to request you to effect shipment in time
我方正期待着你方的装船通知We're looking forward to your shipping advice
我方目前可以向你方提供所要求的货物We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required
我方相信你方将按时开立有关信用证We trust you will establish the relative L/C in time
我方相信你方的巨大努力将产生预期效果We believe your great efforts will yield the desired results
我方给你方报此盘We make you this offer on the chance that you may be interested
我方非常感激你方在这方面的合作I'm greatly indebted to you for your cooperation in this respect
所以对你方报盘未能取得任何进展We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you
你方意愿可接受也可拒收货物You may take or reject the goods, according as you prefer
你方限价We can't work at your limits
按照你方要求As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit
接受你方十日电报内容。Your cable of 10th is accepted.
收到样品后请告知你方意见Upon receipt of the samples, please inform us of your comments
本报盘内包括你方3%的佣金The offer is inclusive of your 3% commission
根据你方市场报告according to your market report
根据你方要求,我方将把货物分等量的三批装出Pursuant to your request, we'll ship the goods in three equal lots
此项安排须经你方同意方能成立The arrangement is made subject to your approval
汇款包括至今应付你方的一切佣金在内The remittance covers all commissions due to you up to date
没有迹象表明买主准备接受你方条件There is no indication that the buyer is ready to accept your terms and conditions
特此通知你方We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required
甚至微小瑕疵也会有损于你方商品的声誉Even minor defects may impair the good name of your commodities
由于你方未指明必要的细节We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars
由于别的竞争人售价低于你方We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you
由于缺货,我方暂不能给你方报盘Owing to short supply, we cannot make you an offer for the time being
目前我方只能向你方报盘1,000公吨At present, we can only offer you 1,000 metric tons
竞争对手出价高于你方Competitors are outbidding you
等待你方取得进口许可证We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
而是由于你方信用证未及时抵达我方The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit
虽然碰到舱位拥挤的困难,我方仍设法将你方订购的货物准时装出Although handicapped by the congestion of shipping space, we've managed to ship the goods ordered in time
计算错误你方未注意到The error in calculation has escaped your notice
请告你方新的货源情况Please inform us of the fresh supply of goods in that case
请告知你方买主是否赞同这些图案Please advised us whether your buyers approve of these designs
请告知你方是否对这些商品感兴趣Please advise us whether you're interested in these articles
请告知你方的具体需求Please advise us of your specific requirements
请寄回经你方签署的合同一份Please return one copy of the contract, completed with your signature
请寄送你方报盘项下的货样Please send us samples covering your offer
请将你方信用证中的保险条款与销售合同中的一致起来Please bring the insurance clause in your L/C into correspondence with that in the S/C
请将你方信用证改为允许分运与转运Please amend your letter of credit so as to allow partial shipments and transhipment
请将你方1122 号信用证修改为"允许分运"Please amend your L/C No. 1122 to read "partial shipments allowed"
请招揽你方买主订单Please canvass your buyers for orders
请放心你方订单将准时予以执行Please rest assured that the order will be punctually fulfilled
请放心,我们将按商定的条款执行你方定单Please rest assured we'll execute your order as per the terms agreed
请确定你方何时可以供货Please ascertain when you'll be in a position to supply
请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进口许可证Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence
请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证Please instruct your bankers to amend the letter of credit by cable
贸易的巨大发展归功于你方的密切合作The great development of business is creditable to your close cooperation
这一货物与你方样品最为接近This is the closest match to your sample
这是因为你方在合同中的规定不清所致This is due to your failure to be explicit in your stipulations in the contract
这笔汇款是支付迄今为止欠你方的佣金The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date
问题要点在于你方准备订购货物的最低数量The gist of the question is the minimum quantity of the goods you are prepared to order