
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 作 物 | all forms | in specified order only
一年生作物annuals (annuales)
一年生作物辐射育种radiation breeding of annual crops
一年生夏作物annual summer crops
一年生覆盖作物指绿肥annual cover crops
一年生豆类作物annual legumes
一年生饲料作物annual forage crops
作物three-crop system
作物轮作制three-crop rotation system
不耐寒作物nonhardy crops
不耐旱作物drought susceptible crops
严重阻碍作物生长crop smothering
中性作物neutrophilous crop
中性作物neutrophil (neutrophilus)
中日性一年生作物day-length-neutral annuals
中耕作物tilled crops
中耕作物tillage crop
中耕作物row crops
中耕作物intertilled crops
中耕作物intertillage crops
中耕作物hoed crops
中耕作物hoe crops
中耕作物cultivated crops
中耕作物row crop
中耕作物栽培cultivation of tilled crops
中间作物intermediate crop
丰产作物bumper crop
作物summer crop
作物principal crop
作物primary cultivated plant
作物main season crop
作物品种main crop variety
作物收获main harvest
作物栽培summer cropping
主季作物first main season harvest
主季作物first main season crop
主要作物在轮作中占主要地位money crops
主要作物staple crops
主要作物main crops
主要作物leading crops
主要 季节作物summer crop
主要 季节作物main season crop
主要二年生作物essential biennial crops
主要农作物chief field crops
主要大田作物chief field crops
主要粮食作物staple food crop
乔林与大田作物混作法combined system of field crops and high forest
乔林大田作物间作artificial regeneration of forest with the aid of field crops
优良作物品种better crop varieties
作物secondary crops
低产作物lower yielding crops
低洼地作物lowland crops
作物与土壤间的相关性correlation between crop and soil
作物与气候间的相关性correlation between crop and climate
作物专业工作人员crop specialist
作物专家crop specialist
作物中间行interior crop row
作物传感装置crop-sensing device
作物估产crop yield estimation
作物分布distribution of crops
作物分布图crop distribution map
作物分类classification of crops
作物field in crop
作物多样化diversification of crop
作物多样化栽培crop diversification
作物多样化栽培法crop diversification
作物小册子crop bulletin
作物引种introduction of crop
作物感病性crop disease susceptibility
作物成熟crop maturation
作物成熟度crop maturity
作物持久性农药crop persistent pesticide
作物支架plant stake
作物改良crop improvement
作物改良breed improvement
作物改良协会Crop Improvement Association
作物改良常设委员会Standing Committee on Crop Improvement
作物改良的遗传机制genetic mechanism for crop improvement
作物改良课题计划crop improvement program
作物机械收割mechanical handling of crops
作物杂草竞争crop-weed competition
作物标本example of crop
作物株间撒药crop space application
作物根系crop roots
作物根系生理学physiology of crop roots
作物栽培crop cultivation
作物栽培crop culture
作物栽培arable farming
作物栽培agronomical culture
作物栽培plant husbandry
作物栽培crop husbandry
作物栽培crop growing
作物栽培agriculture (agricultura)
作物栽培园田化gardenization of crop production
作物栽培学crop culture
作物栽培学crop growing
作物栽培学crop production
作物栽培学agronomy (agronomia)
作物栽培学体系crop production system
作物栽培学定义definition of crop production
作物栽培学教本textbook of crop production
作物栽培机械化mechanization of crop production
作物栽培法crop cultivation method
作物栽培的专家知识expert knowledge of crop production
作物栽培的专家经验expert experience of crop production
作物植株crop plant
作物植株密度crop stand
作物植株营养crop plant nutrition
作物植物体crop plant
作物植物体再生crop plant regeneration
作物植物体无病毒原种crop plant virus-free stock
作物植物体病毒消失crop plant virus elimination
作物植物体离体繁殖crop plant propagation in vitro
作物植物学botany of crop plants
作物模型crop modelling
作物气候限界climatic limits of crop
作物水分胁迫crop water stress
作物灌水率crop duty
作物生产力yielding capacity of crop
作物生产力crop producing power
作物生产因素crop-production factor
作物生产态势crop production situation
作物生产性能分类crop classification performance
作物生产智能决策intelligent decision of crop production
作物生产水平crop-production level
作物生产潜力potential crop
作物生产田园化gardenization of crop production
作物生产的管理决策management decision of crop production
作物生产系统crop production system
作物生产量crop-production level
作物生态型agroecotype (agroecotypus)
作物生态生理过程crop ecophysiological process
作物生物量crop biomass
作物生理学crop physiology
作物生长crop growth
作物生长crop growth rate
作物生长动态crop-growth dynamics
作物生长势潜力crop growth potential
作物生长后期追肥additional application of fertilizer at a late stage of plant growth
作物生长因素crop-growth factor
作物生长情况crop development
作物生长环境crop growth environment
作物生长相crop growth phase
作物田间管理tending of crop
作物研究crop research
作物耐病性crop disease endurance
作物耐肥性crop response to fertilizer
作物耐虫性crop insect endurance
作物耕作crop cultivation
作物耕作法crop cultivation method
作物耕种机具crop cultivation implements
作物脆弱性crop vulnerability
作物草田轮作crop-glassland rotation
作物营养crop nutrition
作物营养试验crop nutrition experiment
作物种植crop row
作物退化crop degeneration
作物通报crop bulletin
作物需水量water requirement of crop
作物需肥量fertilizer needs of crops
倒伏作物扶茎器laid grain lifter
倒伏作物拨禾轮laid grain reel
倒伏谷类作物laid grains
倒伏谷类作物laid cereal crop
先锋作物forward crops
先锋作物volunteer crops
先锋作物pioneer crop
克隆作物前景prospect for clonal crop
制米作物groats crops
刺激料作物stimulant crops
作物指同一土地上一次栽培的作物preceding crop
作物foregoing crops
作物previous crop
作物fore crops
作物栽培previous crop growing
作物栽培previous crop culture
作物栽培previous crop cultivation
作物栽培fore culture
作物耕作previous crop farming
作物耕作previous cropping
作物耕作previous crop cultivation
作物耕作历程previous cropping history
作物耕作技术previous cropping practices
作物耕作过程previous cropping history
前茬作物指两季稻的早稻first season crop
前茬作物first crop
半休闲作物half-fallow crops
单一作物pure crop
单一作作物single crops
单季作作物single crops
单季栽培作物single crops
单宁 作物tannin crops
单期作作物single crops
单株作物individual crop plant
各个作物individual crop plant
作物ensuing crop
作物last crop
作物latent crop
作物following crop
作物subsequent crop
作物succeeding crop
作物栽培following crop cultivation
后茬作物afterreap crops
向阳作物heliotropic crops
含淀粉的根块作物starchy roots
吸烟料作物smoke crops
商品作物commercial crops
商品作物cash crops
商品作物trade crops
商品作物commercial crop
商品园艺作物market garden crops
商品蔬菜作物truck crops
商品蔬菜作物栽培truck crop production
商品蔬菜作物生产truck crop production
地下根茎作物subterranean crops
块根作物root crops
块根作物拖拉机root-crop tractor
块根作物播种机root seed drill
块根作物收获机root-crop harvester
块根作物栽培root-crop cultivation
块根作物肥育fattening on root crops
块根作物育种root-crop breeding
块根作物装载斗root-crop bucket
块根作物间苗机root thinner
块茎作物tuber crops
块茎与块根作物potatoes and root crops
作物summer crop
作物summer crops
作物main season crop
夏季覆盖作物summer cover crop
夏季谷类作物summer grains
夏播薯类作物summer potatoes
夏播谷类作物summer cereals
夏谷类作物summer grains
夏谷类作物summer grain crops
外国传人的蔬菜作物vegetables native to western countries
外来作物alien crop
多年生作物perennial crop
多年生作物辐射育种radiation breeding of perennial crops
多种作物multiple crops
多种作物栽培multiple crop cultivation
多种作物栽培diverse cropping
多种作物轮作multiple- cropping rotation
多种作物轮作制multiple crop rotation system
多行作物旋转中耕机multi-row-crop rotary cultivator
大尺度物理作图long-range physical mapping
大田作物agronomic crops
大田作物agronomic plants
大田作物farm crops
大田作物ground crops
大田作物field crop
大田作物中耕机field cultivator
大田作物农场agronomy farm
大田作物喷雾器ground crop sprayer
大田作物栽培growing of field crop
大田饲料作物栽培field forage growing
大秋作物late fall crops
大面积作物估产试验large area crop inventory experiment
大面积栽培作物extensive crops
大面积的作物长势监测指遥感技术的优点crop growth potential monitoring in large area
头茬作物first crop
作物companion crop
套种作物relay crops
X 射线的生物学作用biological action of X-rays
作物minor crops
作物orphan crop
作物minor crop
谷类作物small grains
谷类作物small grain crops
谷类作物small grain crops
谷类作物品种small grain variety
谷类作物栽培small grain growing
谷类作物育种small grain breeding
谷类作物育种圃播种机small grain nursery planter
小季作物的收获off-season crop
小粒谷类作物small grains
小粒谷类作物small grain cereals
小谷类作物minor cereal crops
异花受精作物cross-fertilized crops
异花授粉作物cross pollinator
异花授粉作物cross-pollinated crops
引进作物introduced crop
当前种植作物current crop
当地食用作物种子繁殖local reproduction of food crop seeds
作物面积total crop area
成土作物soil building crops
成熟作物ripening crop
指示作物indicator crop
挥发油作物esteroil crops
捕虫作物trap crops
支撑作物trellised crops
支撑作物supporting crops
收倒伏作物拨禾轮grain saving reel
收获作物指时间harvesting crop
放牧作物pasture crop
放牧作物grazing crops
救灾作物emergency crops
救荒作物famine-relieving crops
救荒作物emergency crops
作物spring crops
春夏两熟作物spring-summer double-season crop
春播作物spring-seeded crops
春播油料作物spring oil crops
春禾谷类作物spring cereals
春禾谷类作物spring crop cereals
春谷类作物spring grains
春谷类作物spring corn
春谷类作物spring cereal crops
晚熟作物late crop
晚熟作物late maturing cropland
晚熟谷类作物late grains
最后一季宿根作物指甘蔗final ratoon crop
最敏感作物指对气候,肥料等most sensitive crop
有病作物diseased crop
木本作物tree crops
木本作物arbor crops
机械化作物栽培mechanized crop production
机械化作物生产mechanized crop production
机械化栽培作物cleaning crops
杂粮作物miscellaneous grain crops
树脂料作物resin crops
根用作物栽培root-crop cultivation
根菜类作物root vegetable crops
栽培作物growing crops
栽培作物cultivated crops
栽培作物面积acreage under crop
栽培作物面积area under crop
栽培大田作物growing field crop
栽培行播作物cultivated row crop
栽培采种作物growing seed crops
植物代谢作用plant metabolism
植物光合作用photosynthesis of plants
植物病理工作者plant pathologist
植物群丛 [的]光合作用photosynthesis of plant stand
次要作物secondary crops
次要作物orphan crop
次要作物minor crops
次要作物minor crop
次要作物subsidiary crop
次要粮食作物minor alimentary crops
欧洲经济共同体谷物合作社联合仝Cereals Agricultural Cooperative Group of the EEC
歉收作物safeless crops
气候与作物的关系climate in relation to corps
氮芥子气的生物学作用biological action of nitrogen mustards
水生植物 [的]光合作用photosynthesis of aquatic plant
水生绿肥作物aquatic green manure crops
水田作物paddy field crop
水田作物lowland crops
永久作物permanent crop
洪灌作物floodplain crop
洪灌作物flood recession crop
浅根作物shallow-rooted crops
浆果作物soft fruit crops
浆果作物berry crops
清耕作物cleaning crops
温室greenhouse plant
温室glass-raised crop
温室glasshouse plant
温室作物glasshouse crops
温室 栽培 作物glass-raised crop
温室栽培作物greenhouse-grown crop
温带作物temperate crops
温带禾谷类作物temperate cereals
灌溉地作物irrigated crops
灌溉地饲料作物irrigated forage crops
灌溉粮食作物irrigated food production
灌溉粮食作物irrigated food crop
球茎作物播种机bulb and corm planter
甘蓝类作物cole crops
生物反硝化作用biological denitrification
生物学作用biological action
生物学工作橱biological cabinet
生物学工作者biologist (biologistus)
生物操作biological manipulation
生物相互作用biotic interaction (interactio biotica)
生物脱氨作用biological denitrification
生物退化作用biodeterioration (biodeterioratio)
生物除臭作用biological deodorization
田间作物布局crop ratio
留茬地作物stubble crops
留茬地填闲作物stubble catch crops
留茬地抢种作物stubble catch crops
稻田作物winter crop of paddy field
第二次收获作物afterreap crops
编席料作物matting crops
编席料作物mat crops
耐寒作物hardy crop
耐旱作物drought tolerant crops
耐旱作物drought tolerant crop
耐旱作物品种drought-tolerant crop variety
耐水作物crop tolerating excessive water
耐盐作物salt-resistant crop
耐盐作物salt-tolerant crop
耐酸作物acid tolerant crop
航空作物栽培学aeragronomy (aeragronomia)
茎用作物stem crops
茎秆纤维作物stem fiber crops
茬地作物栽培cultivation of stubble crops
茶园种植绿肥作物tea garden planting of green manure crops
草地作物sod crops
草本作物herbaceous crops
草本作物herbage crops
草本作物herbaceous crop plant
营养丰富的作物nutrient-rich crop
蔓生作物vine crops
蔬菜作物vegetable crops
蔬菜作物allotment crops
蔬菜作物vegetable crop science
虚拟作物生长调控的可视化visualization of growth regulation and control of virtual crop
蜜源作物honey crops
蜜源作物bee crops
蜡料作物wax crops
行栽作物row crops
行间作物row crop
谷物贮存合作社cereal stockpiling cooperatives
谷物贮藏操作grain storing operation
谷类作物corn crops
谷类作物white straw crops
谷类作物cereal crops
谷类作物grain crops
谷类作物cereal (ceres)
谷类作物全蚀病take-all of cereals
谷类作物农药cereal chemicals
谷类作物品种grain crop variety
谷类作物害虫cereal insects
谷类作物栽培grain farming
谷类作物栽培grain growing
谷类作物栽培grain husbandry
谷类作物栽培cereal culture
谷类作物栽培cereal growing (学)
谷类作物栽培cereal cropping
谷类作物栽培地grain field
谷类作物栽培学grain growing
谷类作物栽培学cereal culture
谷类作物栽培者grain farmer
谷类作物生长cereal growing
谷类作物种子grain seed
谷类作物种子cereal seed
谷类作物耕作制cereal farming system
谷类作物耕作制cereal cropping system
谷类作物耕作措施cereal farming practices
谷类作物育种grain breeding
谷类作物育种cereal breeding
谷类作物育种学grain breeding
谷类作物育种学cereal breeding
谷类作物育种家cereal breeder
谷类作物育种工作者cereal breeder
谷类作物育种计划cereal breeding projects
谷类作物诱发突变induction of mutation in cereal crops
谷类作物除草cereal weed control
谷类作物除草剂cereal herbicides
谷类作物面积area of cereal crops
豆科作物black crops
豆科作物leguminaceous crops
豆科作物bean (复)
豆科绿肥作物leguminous green manure crops
豆类作物leguminous crops
豆类作物pulse crops
豆类作物blackstraw crops
豆类作物legume crops
豆类作物bean cultures
豆类作物收割脱荚机cutter vine
豆类作物栽培bean culture
豆类作物联合收获机cutter vine
适宜作物指适于要栽培的地区suitable crops
适旱作物xerophilous crop
适温作物thermophilous crops
造土作物soil building crops
造纸料作物paper-making crops
造纸料作物paper making
造纸料作物paper crops
酒精原料作物alcoholic crops
阻遏物相互作用repressor interaction
需果作物fruit and grain crops
需果作物fruit and seed crops
需果作物指生产果实与颖果的作物fruit and grain crops
需肥作物well-fertilized crops
需花作物flower crops
青刈作物soiling crops
青刈作物作青饲或绿肥green crops
青贮作物ensilage crops
青饲作物soiling crops
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