
Terms for subject Athletics containing | all forms
一连串反射动reflex pattern
主动动灵活性active mobility
制动动braking action
前腿进攻动lead leg attack
剪腿动scissors kick
跳跃中剪腿动scissors kick
分析器athletic performance analyzer
参数movement parameter
定型movement stereotype
技能的大致形式rough form of a skill
特正movement characteristic
纠正movement correction
范围range of movement (ROM)
连贯性smoothness of movement
连贯性movement smoothness
速度action speed
错误movement error
顺序sequence of movements
掷铁饼单足旋转动pivot rotation
反动跳跃counter-movement jump
伙伴组成partner formation
后续维持平衡动follow-through movement
向前转肩终点动forward shrug finish
向心动concentric action
周期性动cyclic movement
周期性动速度cyclic velocity
垂直于地面的反用力vertical ground reaction force
快速动whiplash movement
快速动quick action
手臂动arm motion
手臂动arm action
手臂鞭打动whiplash arm action
扒地动claw-like action
三级跳远扒地动pawing movement action
三级跳远扒地动pawing movement
扭转动torque motion
投掷动throwing motion
投掷动throwing action
摆动动swinging motion
支撑动bracing action
模拟跨栏动inverted hurdling
滚动动rolling action
爆发式动explosive movement
电计时操electrical timing operator
直体动unbowing action
肌肉离心动eccentric muscle action
空中动action in the air
简单动simple movement
终点动形式finish style
终点摄影工人员photo-finish clerk
仰卧肩肘倒立模拟跨栏动练习inverted hurdling
脚冲击动foot strike
脚扒地动pawing foot movement
脚扒地动pawing foot motion
脚扒地动pawing foot action
脚的前伸扒地动reaching and pawing action of the foot
脚的滚动动rolling action of the feet
脚跟-脚掌着地动heel-to-ball plant
脚跟落地过渡到前脚掌动heel-ball-toe motion
脚部动主导foot dominance
脚部快速动练习quick feet drill
脚部快速动练习fast foot drill
腿部动leg action
落地动损失loss on landing
计时员工timekeepers' stand
跳远走步动treading motion
走步动treading motion
起跳的单臂动single arm action at takeoff
跑步动running action
蹬地动leg thrust
跳远落地时身体从两脚之间穿过的动between -the -feet action
身体的鞭打动body whip
连续动action series
连续技术动action series
连贯动flowing motion
速度性动dynamic movement
钟摆动pendular motion
间歇工intermittent work
非周期性动acyclic movement
非周期性动速度acyclic velocity
鞭打动whiplash movement
鞭打动whip-and-flail action
鞭打动whip-like motion
鞭打动whipping action
领先腿进攻动lead leg attack
髋前伸动leading action of the hip
髋部动hip action