
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一体化区域合integrated regional cooperation
只有一方当事人在场时所的仲裁裁决ex parte award
一般生产合联合会general co-operative union
三角财政合triangular financial co-operation
受保之资产non-admitted asset
不派股利的盈余surplus not for dividend purposes
与…合作take part with
专利条约1970 年 6 月 19日Patent Cooperation Treaty
专利合条约patent co-operation treaty
专门委派的工ad hoc assignment
世界知识产权组织发展工业产权合常设规划署WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property
业务工magnitude of the operation
个人与个人之间的合internal collaboration
中国轻工业对外经济技术合公司China Light Industrial Corporation for Foreign Economic & Technical Co-operation
为求得更多的保障起见而成的拒绝承兑证书protest for better security
主管项目工人员projects staff
互惠合mutual benefit and collaboration
亚洲区域合统一发展战略strategy for the integrated development of regional cooperation in Asia
亚非经济合组织Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation
交易工底稿transaction work sheet
产业合co-operative society
产品间合interproduct co-operation
产地价法farm price method
以... 抵押筹措款项raise money on
以债务抵消usea claim for set-off
以工代替付款的协定mutual terms
以旧换新的旧物trade-in value
以有价证券为抵押获得贷款take up loan on securities
以某笔款项拨清偿债务之用appropriate an amount of money to the payment of claims
以毛东北小红豆100吨,以100公斤新麻袋单独包装,以毛作净gross for net North-East small red beans, 100 metric tons packed in single new gunny bags of about 100kgs, each gross for net
以毛gross for net
以筹资人仓库存货抵押的资助field warehousing
以股票红利share bonus
以船抵押的借据bottomry bond (or contract)
仲裁问题特设工小组Ad Hoc Working Group on Arbitration
会计习惯accounting conventions or practices
传统的合资企业式工业合traditional joint venture type of industrial co-operation
传统的联合企业式工业合traditional joint venture type of industrial co-operation
低一级的企业合microlevel of enterprise co operation
低产low yield crop
业内容job contents
业扩展多样化job enlargement
业的试验performance testing
业设计job design
票据上的保证good as aval
为... 的担保in security for
为共同海损予以补偿的损失loss made good as general average
为共同海损得到的补偿loss allowed as general average
为共同海损得到补偿的损失damage made good a general average
为共同海损得到补偿的灭失、损害和费用loss made good as general average
为共同海损的损失loss allowed as general average
为共同海损的补偿allowances charged to general average
为共同海损补偿的损失allow make good a loss as general average
为共同海损补偿的金额amount to be made good as general average
为恩惠ex gratia
为抵消的债权claim for set-off
为抵消而提出的债权claim made by way of set-off
为警告in terrorem
为资本支出的费用capitalized expense
交易transact business
making a price
make a price quotation
准定本authentic and definitive text
出口贸易be engaged in export
出最后裁决give a final ruling
出裁定give a ruling
图插补法graphic interpolation
break of an engagement
void (null and void)
stand void
null and void
废支票馈券voided checks bond
废股forfeited stock
息时间表time schedule
成仲裁裁决书render an award
成判决enter a judgement
成拒付或拒绝承兑证书的期限time limit for notice of dishonor
成拒付证书或拒绝承兑证书的期限time for protest
成责成被告完成具体行为的判决enter a judgement providing for specific performance
投机或放款发财的人money spinner
投机买卖play the matter
拿房屋抵押on mortgage
拿房屋等抵押on mortgage
股票投机gamble in stocks
肯定否定回答answer in the affirmative (negative)
bear testimony to
资信调查make credit enquiry
例行商业customary business practice
供销合supply and marketing cooperative
依据公平合理原则成的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
法院依职权非依申请出的裁决ex officio
促进发展中国家间合的部门中心sectoral center for co-operation among developing countries
保证良好操guarantee of good working order
保险合insurance co-operative
信用合credit co-operative society
信贷合银行co-operative credit bank
倒流feedback effect
停止出裁决stay one’s ruling on
停止出裁决stay one ruling on
偿还技术合活动资助费用reimbursement of support of technical cooperation activities
"免除成拒付证书义务"的发票人声明stipulation "sans protest", stipulation "without protest"
免除成拒付证书义务的声明stipulation without protest
免除成拒绝证书sans protest
全日工full time workers
全日工职位full-time jobs
八小时工eight-hour system of labour
公证人成汇票拒绝承兑或拒绝付款的证书noting a protest
关税合理事会Customs Co-operation council
具体工specific job
农业销售合agricultural sale society
农村信用合rural agricultural credit cooperatives
凭借债权为抵消rely on a claim for the purpose of set-off
分批工制造通知单job order
刺激对外贸易对国民经济其他部门的波及效果spread effect
劳务合labour cooperation
包干工lump work
区域合发展regional cooperation for development
区域合税收制度regional cooperation tax system
区域性合regional cooperation
区域经济合regional economic co-operation
区域间合interregional co-operation
outside manufacture
国家partner country
贸易cooperating trade
危险工津贴danger money
双方交易business done
双边和多边经济合bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation
发展中国家的技术合technical cooperation among developing countries
发展中国家间的技术合technical cooperation among developing countries
发票人免除成拒绝证书义务的声明stipulation "retour sans frais"
召人call to witness
两用a deux fins
共同海损的损失damage allowed as general average
可用支付股息的利润profit available for dividend
保险co-operative insurance
办理职业教育计划partnership vocational education project
商场co-operative super
商店exchange ex. ;change
商店co-operative shop
国家partner country
契约articles of co-partnership
投标joint tendering
法受益股利patronage dividend
生产production cooperation
生产协议co-production agreement
百货商店cooperative department store
的桥梁contact gateway
co-operative society
经营joint operation
经营co-operative management
经营contractual joint venture
经营joint venture
许可证occupancy permit
设施pooling facilities
贩卖社co-operative sale society
贸易cooperative trade
部门sectors of operation
银行bank of cooperatives
银行cooperative bank
销售joint marketing
名义nominal allowed price
商业协commercial coordination
商业操技术business operation technique
回波backwash effect
国际合international co-operation
国际合总署International Cooperation Administration
国际合计划international joint venture
国际客运操手册international passenger manual
国际工业合international industrial cooperation
国际技术合international technological cooperation
国际经济合international economic cooperation
国际经济合会议conference on international economic co-operation
国际营运international operation
在仲裁程序进行中所的非最后裁决interlocutory award
在工时间外工作work overtime
在程工jobs in process
在被告缺席情况下成的仲裁裁决award rendered in the absence of the respondent
地方合local market co-operative
城市信用合urban credit cooperations
基地消费合base exchange
基本农basic crops
堆场业计划图yard plan
增加贸易的trade creation effect
备忘动照相术memo motion photography
夜间工working night
太平洋地区经济合委员会Pacific Basin Economic Co-operation Committee
完成工所需人的条件job specifications
完成工所需人的条件job specification
完整工clear days
审计师致证券包销商工完成通知书comfort letter
对外私人投资特别工Task Force on Private Foreign Investment
对所交货物的瑕疵出补救remedy defects in the goods delivered
对时间的利用不硬性规定make the use of time less rigid
对货物的瑕疵出补救remedy defects in the goods
就一方的辩论所的判决judgement rendered by default
就案件的事实出判决adjudicate on the merits
就案件的是非曲直出判决decide on upon the merits (of the claim)
人员指定受益人staff member beneficiary
人员搬迁费津贴staff relocation allowance
人员津贴staff allowance
人员结构系统staff structure
人员薪资税staff assessment
人员补偿基金staff compensation fund
兼训练方案work-training programs
work ticket
同 work ticketsjob cards
单位work unit
单位每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
job cards
及材料条款work & materials clause
命令job order
activity charts
学习计划work-study program
安排organization of the work
学习完毕后after hours
市场job market
底稿working papers
成本job costs
成本job cost
成本比较表comparative statement of operation cost
报酬business consideration
抽查activity sampling
文件working document
日报单daily work report
日程program of work
时数折旧depreciation working hour
时间折旧法working-hours method of depreciation
时间日报单job time report
时间日报单daily time report
权利法Right-to-Work Law
研究work study
竞争labour competition
竞赛labour competition
能力operation capacity
work sheet
规则work rules
计划program of work
评定job evaluation
说明书job specification
说明书job specifications
质量低劣poor workmanship
情况进展报告progress report
进行中jobs in process
进行中job in process
通知单work order
通知单分类账work-order ledger
重复率低low job repeat rate
work load
operation capacity
量最大时期peak workload period
错误error of performance
项目working item
工业协安排industrial collaboration arrangements
工业合方案industry cooperative programme
工业生产协industrial coordination
工人消费合商店cooperative worker’s store
工人消费合cooperative worker’s society
拒付证书的应收票据notes receivable protested
市场力量自由发挥free working of market forces
市场外的outside market dynamics
平均工average workweek
广播合协定agreement concerning cooperation in broadcasting service
开始工come into go operation
当地雇佣工人员local staff
总价格aggregate price effect
总工时间net cycle time
成套工work package
我方上次报价supersede our previous quotation
批发合cooperative wholesale society
找工来给人做make work
技术协technological cooperation
技术合technical cooperation
技术合投入technical cooperation input
技术合补助grant technical co-operation
把…当作摇make one’s market of
押品carrying value
拆箱deconsolidation service
拿..... 抵押借款raise money on
按件计价工price work
按件计价的工priced work
按晴天工weather working day
按晴天工日计算,星期日及节假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
提出债权为抵消assert a set-off
援引自己的时效期满的债权对原告诉权的辩护set off a barred claim in defense of an action
援引债权为抵销rely on a claim for purpose of set-off
上的缺点operational defect
手册service manual
研究operations research
支援技术合计划backstopping of technical cooperation projects
改进扩展工improved extension
放弃成拒付或拒绝承兑汇票证书的要求waive protest
政府间工inter-governmental group
救助salvage operation
救援salvage operation
整体工小组working group of the whole
整理估算并出简介coordinate estimate and complete summary sheet
文化合协定agreement on cultural cooperation
新合主义new corporatism
日益增多的工expanding workload
W.W.SHE晴天工weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
晴天工weather working days
暂时丧失工能力temporary disability
替代substitution effect
最好的商业best business practice
成拒付、拒绝承兑证明failure to protest
本年度农物的一般质量average quality of the prevailing harvest
机械操之包装场mechanized packing lot
杂货break bulk operations
杂货break-bulk operations
根据书面证据所的裁决render an award on documentary evidence
根据和解出的仲裁裁决award upon settlement
欧洲合与发展组织Organization for European Cooperation and Development
欧洲合集团the European Co-operation Grouping
欧洲工科学协会European Work Science Federation
欧洲经济合组织Organization for European Economic Cooperation
欧洲经济合组织委员会Council for the Organization for European Economic Cooperation
欧洲货币合基金组织European Monetary Cooperation Fund
每日每适合工舱口装卸……吨数tons per workable hatch per day
毛重净重gross weight for net
气候良好工weather working days
汇票已成拒付或拒绝承兑证书supra protest
法院出"拒绝受理"的裁定bring in a finding of non liquet
法院成强制执行判决令grant leave to issue execution
法院尚未出判决pending action
法院就自己的管辖权出裁决rule on one's own jurisdiction
流水线操pipe line operation
海关合理事会customs cooperation council
海关合理事会税则目录customs cooperation council nomenclature
海外工总署foreign operations administration
海外工总署foreign operation administration
日本海外经济协基金会Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
消极negative influence
消费合consumptive co-operation
消费合co-op store
消费合co-operative society
消费合consumer's cooperative
潜水diving operation
特别工ad hoc task
理货工日报表daily report of work
理赔协条款claims cooperation clause
琼斯法案和海运业中发生死亡事故法案Jones Act and High seas Death Act
生产合productive producer’s cooperation
生产合producer cooperative
生产合cooperative society of producers
生产合producer's cooperative
抵消的债权claim used for set-off
畅销书best author
码头工longshore work
码头工dock work
示范demonstration effect
离国服务的工人员expatriate staff
科伦坡经济合发展计划Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economic Development in South and South East Asia
科学技术合协定agrement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
空中磁质探测工aero magnetic
竞争的合competitive cooperation
签字cancel a signature
简化国际贸易程序工Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures
粮食物改良foodcrop improvement
精耕细intensive farming
紧固terminal operation
细节上已必要的修正mutatis mutandis
终点合terminal market co-operative
经济合economic cooperation
经济合及开发组织的工商业顾问委员会Business and industry advisory committee to the OECD
经济合发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合开发组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合总署Council for International Economic Cooperation & Development
经济合条约treaty of economic cooperation
经济合白皮书actual condition and production of economic cooperation
经济合行动纲领action programme for economic co-operation
给予技术合grant technical co-operation
缉私工preventive service
美国国际合总署U.S. International Cooperation Administration
美国广吿的经营方式Madison Avenue
联合国促进全球经济合的新机构new United Nations Structure for global economic co-operation
联合国发展合周期United Nations Development Coopertaion Cycle
联合国经济合行动计划署United Nations Action Programme for Economic Cooperation
联营合affiliated society
船舶装卸stevedoring operations
船运和海洋运费率工Working Party on shipping and Ocean Freight Rates
草拟报告调查等报告make report
营业合business cooperation
营业杠杆operating leverage
intellectual property
补偿compensatory action
装卸terminal operation
装卸loading and unloading operation
装卸业区stevedoring district
装卸区堆场操transfer charge
装卸区操管理费terminal handling charge
要求出裁决ask for a ruling
计人星期日.倒假日的晴天工计入装卸时间weather working days, Sundays and holidays included
计量技术合计划quantitative technical cooperation projects
货物的搬运和操manipulation of goods
货物装卸cargo handling operation
贸易合组织organization for trade cooperation
贸易和支付问题工Working Party on Trade and Payments
贸易限制或贸易反常trade restrictive or trade-distorting effect
贸易限制或贸易反常trade-restrictive or trade-distorting effect
起消灭债务用的付款payment which operates as a discharge
起立法用的合同law-making agreement
超过当事人的申请所的判决take a decision ultra petite
较高级别的工人员higher-level staff
输出export operation
运输协transport coordination
运输合transport cooperative
进出口商品检验工细则rules governing the inspection of export and import commodities
进行中工jobs in operation
连续24小时晴天工weather working days of 24 consecutive hours
连续工running working days
连续工日计running laydays
通融办理让步为例外stretch a point
部分合partial cooperation
部长级经济合会议ministerial council for economic cooperation
部门性合方案sectoral co-operation programme
部门性支助工sectoral supporting services
采购purchasing operation
采购合purchasing guild (or association)
采购合purchasing association
重复工repetition work
鉴定工surveying work
银行可接受担保的证券eligible papers
销售合sale association
长期起用的不利趋势long-run adverse trends
除去星期日,倒假日的晴天工人日不计入装卸时间weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
除去星期日、假日的晴天工weather working day holiday and Sunday excepted
集装箱货运站CFS operation
雨中rain work
非减让性资金流动问题特别工Task Force on Non-Concession Flows
顾主提供的工与材料client furnished services &materials
默认repeal by implication