
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
不受版权保护著works in public domain
专家著scholarly works
专家著academic works
美国专著合编目项目Bibliographic Cooperative Program
世界著权公约Universal Copyright Convention
中国高等教育文献保障系统联机合编目中心CALIS Union Catalog Center
中美数字化高校图书馆合计划China-American Digital Academic Library
中美百万册书数字图书馆合项目China-American Digital Academic Library
中美百万册书数字图书馆合项目中美数字化高校图书馆合作计划China-American Digital Academic Library
美国主题规范档合项目Subject Authority Cooperative Program
美国主题规范档合项目成员手册SACO Participants' Manual
书画刻印graphic materials
从属著related works
从属著dependent works
佚名著anonymous works
品聚集算法work-set algorithm
者检索search by author
其他相关other related works
规范手册style manual
风格writing style
出版社品号publisher's number
出版者品号publisher's number
place of manufacture
者附注credits note
动手操实践hands-on practice
动手操实践课hands-on practice session
动手操练习hands-on practice
动手操练习课hands-on practice session
匿名anonymous works
技巧collaboration skills
编目cooperative cataloging
馆藏发展coordinated collection development
即时写instant writing
版本附注original version note
参考咨询工reference work
参考工统计reference statistics
可靠的操表现reliable performance
作品works of joint authorship
保存模式collaborative preservation system
出资funded jointly
参考咨询collaborative reference
参考服务cooperative reference service
美国数字参考咨询服务Collaborative Digital Reference Service
编目cooperative cataloging
美国编目项目Program for Cooperative Cataloging
虚拟咨询collaborative virtual reference service
采访cooperative acquisition
采购cooperative acquisition
馆藏发展cooperative collection development
合编著joint works
合编著composite works
合著集体composite works
合著集体joint works
美国名称规范合项目Name Authority Cooperative Program
美国名称规范合项目成员手册NACO Participants' Manual
团队合team collaboration
图书上架前的整理工technical processing
图书上架前的整理工physical processing
图书馆协联盟library consortium
图书馆合与信息资源共享武汉宣言Wuhan Declaration of Library Cooperation and Information Resources Sharing
图书馆工人员library staff
图书馆工人员library clerk
图书馆推广工library outreach
图书馆推广工library extension
图书馆日常工daily operation
图书馆馆际合library cooperation
OCLC在线资源合编目Cooperative Online Resource Catalog 【OCLC】
OCLC;在线资源合编目Cooperative Online Resource Catalog
家文集汇编omnibus book
者合著diffuse authorship
多卷目著multi-volume works
多著者著multi-author works
委托commissioned works
学术著scholarly works
学术著academic works
实际操hands-on practice
导读工finding aid
论文工作文稿working paper
开放互操环境open interoperable environment
开放协open and collaborative
开放文档元数据互操协议Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
operational level
整体性工integrated workflow
文学家卡特号literary author Cutter number
无版权著works in public domain
汇编works of compilation
派生derivative works
派生deductive works
演绎derivative works
演绎deductive works
盲文著Braille works
相关著related works
相关著dependent works
网络合online cooperation
美国标引工者学会American Society of Indexers
美国档案工者协会Society of American Archivists
联机资源合目录Cooperative Online Resource Catalog 【OCLC】
联机资源合目录Cooperative Online Resource Catalog
艺术品描述类别Categories for the Descriptions of Works of Art
权呈交本legal deposit copy
规范工authority work
认定attributed author
认定supposed author
跨行业部门协cross-sectional collaboration
开支operating expense
预算operating budget
美国连续出版物在线合编目项目Cooperative Online Serials Program
美国连续出版物在线合编目项目编目手册CONSER Cataloging Manual
美国连续出版物在线合编目项目编辑指南CONSER Editing Guide
附加者款项author added entry
集体joint works
集体composite works
集体著joint works
集体著composite works
集体著joint works
集体著composite works
馆际合library cooperation