
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市准备工完成lists closed
omit to do
不利adverse effect
不可转移的职能/non-delegable functions
不对称密码操asymmetric cryptograph operation
不对称的杠杆leverage asymmetry
不知情合blind pool partnership
不起no effect
不逆行情操don't fight the tape
专项股票空倾斜指数dedicated short bias index
专项股票空倾斜策略dedicated short bias strategy
业务运business operation
中国人民银行外汇储备运中心央行上海分部Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC
中国人民银行黄金储备运中心央行上海分部Gold Reserve Operation Center PBC
中外合企业sino-foreign contractual joint venture
中文译本审核工小组Chinese Translation Review Working Group (香港联交所)
主动型公开市场操dynamic open market operation
交割期套interdelivery or intramarket spread
交易操trading operation
交易操dealing operation
交易运trading operation
人工撮合操manual matching operation
人工配对操股票交易manual matching operation
代客操discretionary account operation
代理人所的通报notification by agents
以主事人身份为交易的一方party to transaction as principal
以保险箱保的股票交易against the box
以应收款抵押的贷款non-notification loan
以有价证券担保pledge securities as collateral
以股票为红利发放dividend in specie
以证券担保stock deposit
以资产调整为防止收购的手段assets adjustment as a takeover defense
以鞋带buying on shoestring (以最少的保证金购买证券)
估值valuation function
业标准operational standards
业账户activity account
为合伙人的投资银行investment firms as partners
为外国公司的美国公司US corporation as foreign corporation
为对冲基金投资者的公司corporations as hedge fund investor
为投机风险的基础as basis for risk of speculation
为抵消的债权claim for set off
为担保品的资产assets pledged as collateral
为担保物的票据bill deposited as collateral security
为流动资产的投资investments classifiable as current assets
为美国公司的外国公司foreign corporation as U. S. corporation
为融资手段的债务与权益互换debt-equity swap as financing technique
为资产收购的股票收购stock acquisition as asset acquisition
为资本市场投资工具的股票stock as capital market instrument
价交口market making
会议记录keep minutes of a meeting
出质押安排create a pledge
废支票canceling check
废的条例repealed ordinance
废股forfeited share/stock
废证书表certificate revocation list
投机交易play the matter
投机生意play the matter
抵押的资产charged property
担保用存人的证券securities deposited as collateral
担保用的证券securities received for guarantee
用滞后impact lag
证人attesting witness
依据充分信息出的决定properly informed decision
依靠市场参与者的积极合relying on active co-operation of market participant
倒操operating in reverse
停止操lay off
全国人大常委法制工委员会中国Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee
全国金融工会议National Financial Work Conference China
全权委托投资管理运discretionary investment management operation
公共有限合企业此类公司股票由经纪人公开出售并且在监管部门注册public limited partnership
公开市场操央行上海总部Public Market Operation Department
公开市场运open market operation
公认运方式generally accepted practices
关于合的决议国际证监会组织 IOSCO, 1989年6月通过的Resolution On Cooperation
关键vital roles
具有增值用的收购accretive acquisition
出售的准备工setting stage for sale
分类操sorting operation
利益冲突的conflicting functions
制止braking effect
制止过度炒行为curb excessive speculation
剩余资产reevaluate remaining assets
加强和改善证券期货监管工enhance and improve the supervision on securities and futures
加强国际证券合International Securities Cooperation Act
互补性synergistic complementarity
经营协议networking arrangement
过程cooperating process
银行associated bank
即刻操指令immediate operation instruction
反向挤压操利用加工业务进行的一种期货价差交易方式reverse crush
反向操清理闲置资金operating in reverse
反复操iterated operation
贷款担保的证券eligible security for collateral for a loan
tie up
企业collective firm
安排国际证监会组织-IOSCO 通过的Cooperative Arrangement
监管声明国际证监会组织Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision
cooperative bank
银行bank for cooperatives
合并后的协同merger synergy
合并增效用产生的价值value of synergy
同步操程序synchronized processing
后台机构工人员back-office staff
后台机构的back-office function
后市运after being listed
向上稳定upward stabilization
向上稳定价格upward stabilization
回流backwash effect
固定正常运资本fixed regular working capital
国家资产价人股conversion of state assets into state shares
国际证券执行合美国 SEC于1998年6月向美国国会提交International Securities Enforcement Cooperation Act
土地价投资land counted as investment
在股市中对投资者威慑having deterrent effect on investors in stock market
外卡操期货买卖中以收盘价交割的权利wild card play
多头空股票投机商bull seller
大势操momentum player
股票stock for margin trading
威慑deterrent effect
完成交易与合并后的整合工closing and postmerger integration
伙伴assignment associate
寿命质量quality of work life
底稿work sheet
指令job order
工程计划工project planning
市场价制度market making system
市场中介监管的第3号工小组Working Party 3 on Supervision of Market Intermediaries IOSCO (国际证监会组织)
市场操market operations
市场自动按时操装置market timer
市场运market operations
市场运机构market operator
市场间套交易intermarket spread trading
带手机和笔记本电脑赴现场工的人remote office home office
年度基金运费用annual fund operation expenses
并行运市场parallel market
延期出决定defer a decision
开放市场收购操open market purchase operation
弄虚practicing fraud
拥有权益deemed interest
影响分配的稳定stabilizing to effect a distribution
心脏病发市场市场对艾森豪威尔总统1955 年心脏病发作的反应,当时道・琼斯工业平均指数下降了 6. 5%heart attack market
成本/价格用机制cost/price dynamic
执行和信息交换法规的第4号工小组国际证监会组织Working Party 4 on Enforcement and Exchange of Information IOSCO
投资investment function
投资交易工trading workstation
投资管理的第5号工小组国际证监会组织Working Party 5 on Investment Management IOSCO
投资管理者合声明Declarations of Cooperation on Investment Management Persons
投资者市场操的参考market operation reference for investors
投资银行和商业银行在企业兼并中的role of investment and commercial banks in M&A
拥有为合伙人的利益owning a partnership interest
拨人资本账红股派发的数额amount capitalized on the free script issue
持仓待机炒holding a position for chance of profitable stock deal
指数运标准index operation standards
接受有价证券为抵押take in
推动上市公司治理工boost listed companies' governance
推迟出决定defer a decision
撤销前手操cancellation of previous holdings
在交易大厅专门从事特定证券交易的行为running book
规定operational rules
费用handling expenses
错误error of performance
风险operating risk
收益协同revenue synergy
收盘前工时间安排scheduling of pre-closing tasks
新兴市场emerging role
无效和null and void
暗箱操underhand operation
最佳资源配置的市场market's function of optimal resource allocation
有意胡非为wilful misconduct
期末工底稿有关验证期末余额的档案year end file
期货式操futures style operation
柱形图制creation of bar charts
核准的业务运permission to carry on business operation
核心监管工core regulatory activity
正向有利的杠杆positive leverage
正常业务运过程ordinary course of business
每日操决策daily operating decision
没有担保free from security
流通市场监管的第2号工小组国际证监会组织Working Party 2 on Regulation of Secondary Markets IOSCO
清算操clearing operation
speculate and manipulate
in play
in and out
热门工hot job
独立拍卖人的neutral auctioneer role
理财运financial operation
担保的证券securities in pledge
交易中掩护的人或物straw man
用保证金方式运的账户margined account
用票据抵押证券bill on deposit
电脑运computer operation
资本的收益earning retained as capital
监管合备忘录memorandum of regulatory cooperation
盲目合blind pool partnership
短线炒in and out of the market
确保证券市场进行稳妥运ensure proper conduct within the securities markets
离岸金融中心工1999 年 4 月由国际金融稳定论坛成立Offshore Financial Centre Task Force
稳定市价操stabilizing manager
稳定股票市场价格的操operations for stabilizing the stock market price
空头操running in the shorts
空头操bear operation
筹资操funding operation
筹资操financing operation
管理团队与财政伙伴的协management and financial partner coordination
管理层的准备工收购计划组成部分management readiness component of acquisition plan
管理工审查management audit
系统运时间system available time
经济合和开发组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济运economical operation
经纪活动工broker activities working team
结算操程序settlement run
结算运程序operational clearing procedures
网上工流程electronic workflow
网下银行业务操offline banking (由于互联网的不安全性,为了防止网上转账时可能出现的偷窃,而建立一个网下脱机的银行业务操作程序)
联邦储备公开市场操Federal Reserve open-market operation
股份合joint stock partnership
股份合企业joint-equity cooperative enterprise
股份合shareholding cooperative system
股份合system of joint-stock and cooperation
股份合joint stock cooperative system
股份要约的role of stock offer
股市炒speculate in the stock market
自动票据结算操系统ACH operator
董事会运的效率efficiency of directorate operation
融资操financial operation
衍生产品操风险derivative operating risk
衰竭动failure swing
竞争的人by bidder
已付信贷deemed paid credit
持有执照的公司deemed licensed corporation
转让deemed disposition
计件by the job
证券买卖操buying and selling operation of securities
证券交易所业务/运stock exchange operation
证券发售事宜工小组securities offering issues sub-group
证券市场诚信运honest operation of the security market
证券投资基金运管理办法证监会制定Administrative Measures on Operation of Securities Investment Fund
评估assets valuation
负向不利的杠杆negative unfavorable leverage
负面adverse effect
财务上的协同financial synergy
财务传动financial gearing
财务工financial work
财务操欠妥financial irregularity
资产价人股搞联营turn the assets into shares
合营企业中 资产价人股convert the assets into shares (in the joint venture)
资产剥离的操operation of stripping off
资本运capital operation
资深金融专家工workstation for senior financial experts
资源配置中利率调节role of interest rates in resource allocation
资金运funding operation
hold good
起到振奋心理股市上deliver a psychological boost
起稳定用的买人stabilizing purchases
跨国信息披露及会计事宜的第1号工小组国际证监会组织Working Party 1 on Multinational Disclosure and Accounting IOSCO
跨时区操世界各地证券交易所之间的操作cross time zone operations
转变为股份合制的小企业small enterprises changed into shareholding cooperatives
转让证券为贷款担保transfer of securities as security for a loan
工具operating instrument
指令working order
股市上投资的目标operating target
的资产active assets
程序operational procedures
良好的市场market healthy
资本operating capital
资本比率working capital ratio
违反了招股书中所的陈述contrary to representations made in prospectus
违规交易操abusive trading practice
违规操股市中operate against rules
证券市场 违规操irregular operations
逆向操flip side
逆向操going against the crowd (股市上与大盘走势相反的操作)
逆向操reverse operation
逆向操doing the reverse desk
逆市操countertrend trade
逆市操fading the market
逆市操fighting the tape
逆市操fading the paper
逆市操buck the trend
金融工financial specialist
金融行动特别工金融稳定论坛成立的反洗钱机构Financial Action Task Force
银行接受担保的票据eligible paper
销售点电子转账electronic funds transfer at point of sale
防御型公开市场操defensive open market operation
隐形合基金blind pool fund
非不动产信托投资合伙伴Non-REIT partners
非经济合及发展组织国家的证券市场non-OECD stock market
顾问advisory function
顾问的role of counsel
预期合伙伴prospective partners
黑市操black market operation