
Terms for subject Horticulture containing | all forms
一年生annual crops
严格的连年保产稳产strict annual sustained yield system
主要dominant crop
主要块根staple root crops
主要季节main season crop
主要根用staple root crops
优势dominant crop
传统物栽培等traditional crop production
interplanted crop
secondary crop
mixed crop
companion crop
垄法listing method
管理决策支持系统management decision support system of crop
长相分析analysis of crop growth phase
物产量crop production
物产量生理crop-yield physiology
物产量预报crop yield prediction
物保护crop protection
物信息服务系统crop information service system
物历crop log
物历crop logging
物反射波谱reflectance spectra of crop
物地理适应性geographic adaptiveness of crop
物地理适应性分析crop analysis of geographical adaptation
物密度density of crop
物小气象学crop micrometeorology
物年度crop season
物年度cropping season
物形态发生crop morphogenesis
物形态模型morphological crop model
物数据库crop database
物数据库技术crop database technology
物智能决策支持系统crop intelligence decision support system
物智能化生产的空间信息系统spatial information system of intellectualized crop production
物智能教学intelligent crop instruction
物智能教学crop intelligence instruction
物智能栽培intelligent crop production
物智能栽培intelligent crop culture
物智能栽培展望prospect for intelligent crop production
物智能栽培的服务系统servicing system of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培的量化为作物智能栽培学基本特征之一quantization of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学intelligent crop culture
物智能栽培学的产品化为作物智能栽培学的基本特征之一productization of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的信息化为作物智能栽培学基本特征之一informatization of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的动态化为作物智能栽培学基本特征之一dynamicization of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的可视化为作物智能栽培学基本的特征之一visualization of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的基本特征basic characteristics of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的形成formation of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的模型化modelization of intelligent crop production
物智能栽培学的研究内容research contents of intelligent crop production
物智能生产intelligent crop production
物智能生产的决策系统decision system of intelligent crop production
物栽培crop production
物栽培决策系统crop culture decision system
物栽培科学crop production science
物栽培科学crop culture science
物栽培高效管理highly effective management of crop culture
物模型crop model
物模型库crop model base
物模拟模型crop simulation model
物理想株型ideal crop plant-form
物生产crop production
物生产信息化informatization of crop production
物生产信息系统crop production information system
物生产决策系统crop production decision system
物生产成分crop productive composition
物生产数据库crop production database
物生产数据库与信息系统crop production database and information system
物生产数据库系统database system of crop production
物生产环境crop production environment
物生产环境和状况crop productive environment and situation
物生产的智能决策与管理intelligent decision and management of crop production
物生产的智能化信息系统intellectualization information system of crop production
物生产的智能化信息网络intellectualization information network of crop production
物生产的高产量high yield of crop production
物生产的高效率high efficiency of crop production
物生产知识工程knowledge engineering of crop production
物生产科学化scientification of crop production
物生产规范化normalization of crop production
物生态生理学crop ecophysiology
物生态生理过程ecophysiological process of crop
物生态调查图示法crop log
物生态调查图示法crop logging
物生育指标crop index of growth and development
物生育规律regularity of crop growth and development
物生育过程process of crop growth and development
物生长与发育指标crop index of growth and development
物生长与发育过程process of crop growth and development
物生长发育动态dynamics of crop growth and development
物生长模型crop growth model
物生长状况crop growth state
物生长的动态过程dynamic process of crop growth
物生长的可视化visualization of crop growth
物生长系统crop growth system
物生长调控crop regulation and control of growth
物生长调节与控制crop regulation and control of growth
物生长预测与监测系统crop growth prediction and monitoring system
物田间小区地理分布图geographical distribution map of crop field plot
物知识库crop knowledge base
物研究的有效手段effective means of crop investigation
物空间信息系统spatial information system of crop
物空间信息系统information system of crop space
物管理决策crop management decision
物管理决策技术crop management decision technology
物管理学crop management
物管理措施crop management practices
物管理措施crop management measure
物系统模型指作物生长模型,农业气象模型,养分利用模型,水分平衡模型,病虫草害模型和农业经济模型等的总称crop system model
物系统模拟模型simulation model of crop system
物绿色度crop degree of greenness
物网络技术crop network technology
物记载description of crop
物高产理论与技术highly yielding theory and technology of crop
信息科学工information scientist
农业生产的精耕细intensive cultivation of agricultural production
secondary effect
动画制成套设备animation kit
single cropping area
地带single cropping area
面积single cropping area
double cropping
块根块茎root and tuber crop
备荒crops tolerant to unfavorable (conditions)
夏季一年生summer annuals
多次连multiple replanting
天然单指天然纯作,只有一个作物栽培natural pure culture
密植dense crops
当地粮食物生产local food crop production
指导物生产管理directing crop production management
救荒crops tolerant to unfavorable (conditions)
旱地rainfed crop
旱地rain-fed crop
智能农管理指定时,定位的intelligent farming management
智能化农体系intellectualization farming system
智能化的农制及生产管理决策farming system and production management decision of intellectualization
未收割的standing crop
根用root crops
栽培crop plant
橡子acorn harvest
橡子acorn crop
次要secondary crop
正常物农事历normal crop calender
mixed cropping system
diversified production
特种specialty crop
特种speciality crop
特色specialty crop
特色speciality crop
用于制泡菜的油橄榄olive for pickling
监控物生长monitoring crop growth
短期temporary crop
秧田nursery work
rice cropping
精确农业操accuracy agriculture operation
精确农业的耕为主要措施之一tillage of accuracy agriculture
综合温室物生产integrated greenhouse crop production
综合计算机辅助物栽培integrated computer aided crop production
编辑动画制edit animation
耐冷cool season crops
花生耕groundnut cultivation
苗圃nursery work
苗圃工园艺nursery work
薯类root and tuber crop
虚拟virtual crop
虚拟fictitious crop
虚拟物的技术路线technical route of fictitious crop
蛋白质protein crop
诱虫trap crop
诱集trap crop
谷类物栽培cereal cultivation
repeated cultivation
continuous culture
量化quantization role
量化用规律regularity of quantization role
作物interplanted crops
间混作物mixed crop
间混作物interplanted crop
间混作物companion crop
青贮silage crop
青饲草green crop
非谷物non-cereal crops
预测物产量forecasting crop yield
预测物的阶段发育phasic development of forecast crop
高价值high value crop