
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一副老式帐房日常工的腔调样子green eyeshade
一般咨询及支援工小组General Advisory and Support Working Team
"三农"工work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers
三角财政合triangular financial financing co-operation
上海合组织Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (简称"上合组织",是中华人民共和国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦六国组成的一个国际组织)
不合国家及地区non-cooperative countries and territories
个人工卡片cost sheet
《中华人民共和国中外合经营企业法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
中外合经营企业Sino-foreign co-operative joint venture
中外合经营企业Sino-foreign contractual joint venture enterprise
中央合银行Dz Bank (德国的一家经营多种业务的银行,具有公共法人性质,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第79位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第335位)
中央经济工会议Central Economic Work Conference
中美城市经济合会议U.S. -China Initiative on City-level Economic Cooperation
代码:XAF中非金融合法郎// 中非金融合作法郎法语原文是"franc de la Coopération Financière en Afrique Centrale"是中非关税和经济同盟 Customer and Economic Union Of Central Africa 6 个成员国喀麦隆、中非、刚果、加蓬、赤道几内亚与乍得共同使用的官方货币,也是法国和中非6国之间金融和经济合作的重要工具,辅币为 centime (分),1 XAF =100 centimesCentral African CFA franc BEAC
为信贷secure a creditor
互利合mutually beneficial co-operation
亚洲-太平洋经济合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (简称"亚太经合组织",成立于1989年,是亚太地区最具影响力的经济合作官方论坛)
以债务抵销use a claim for set-off
以实物资产抵押security in physical assets
优先权的保卫hedging with options
会计为一种信息处理系统accounting as an information system
会计工电子计算机化accounting by EDP (electronic data processing)
会计的accountant’s role
估价工assessment mission
业帐户activity account
为挡板期权的银行banks as barrier options
为生产要素的货币money as factor of productions
costing (cost finding)
价买卖market making
为 M give security (for M)
假帐manipulation of accounts
出义务承诺的资金obligated fund
实买卖价firm bid and ask quotations
废支票spoiled check
现金出纳keep the cash
用制度credit system
红字记录表示冲减数make a red entry
纯益to the good
供销合supply and marketing cooperatives
保险合insurance cooperative
《保险商品销售前程序业准则》Regulations Governing Pre-sale Procedures for Insurance Products
信用合社世界理事会World Council of Credit Unions (世界性的信用合作社同业协会及服务组织,是国际信用合作社体系的最高组织)
信用合组织credit cooperation organization
修理工repair production order
停机时之工out-cycle work
储蓄及信用合thrift and credit union
充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性make full use of the basic role of the market in allocating resources
充分发挥货币政策的give full play to the role of monetary policy
全面战略协伙伴关系Comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination
全面经济合框架framework of comprehensive economic cooperation
公债抵押的票据贴现discount of bill with government bond as collateral
公证人成汇票拒绝承兑或拒绝付款的证书noting and protest
共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合伙伴关系work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
具增值用的收购项目accretive acquisition (能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目)
再融资操refunding operations
再融资操refinancing operations
物保险crop insurance
农业与合信用银行agriculture and cooperative credit bank
出口汇票担保的贷款利率interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill
分区价制度Zone system of pricing
利率杠杆的调节role of interest rates in resource allocation
加强务实合strengthen practical cooperation
加强区域和国际经济合strengthen regional and international economic cooperation
加强协调与合strengthen coordination and cooperation
加强协调与合enhance coordination and cooperation
加强南南合strengthen the South-South cooperation
加强合strengthen cooperation
加强合increase cooperation
加强同联合国在发展领域的协调和合intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development
加强国际协调和合enhance international coordination and cooperation
加强国际合reinforce international cooperation
加强国际金融监管合step up international cooperation in financial regulation
加强宏观经济政策沟通与合strengthen macroeconomic communication and cooperation
加强研发合strengthen cooperation in R&D
加强经济技术合strengthen economic and technical cooperation
务实合practical cooperation
成本比较表comparative statement of operation cost
区域合机制mechanisms for regional cooperation
区域合的长远目标long-term goal of regional cooperation
区域货币合regional monetary cooperation
卓有成效地合work productively together
南南合框架framework of South-South cooperation
参与国际经济合和竞争participation in international economic cooperation and competition
友好合条约treaty of friendship and cooperation
双边合bilateral cooperation
反向操doing the reverse desk
反洗钱金融行动特别工Financial Action Task Force On Money Laundering (1989 年成立于巴黎,是目前世界上最具影响力的国际反洗钱和反恐融资领域最具权威性的国际组织之一,其成员国遍布各大洲主要金融中心)
发扬同舟共济、合共赢的精神promote solidarity, cooperation and win-win spirit
发扬同舟共济、合共赢的精神demonstrate the spirit of standing together in times of adversity and pursuing win-win cooperation
发挥关键play a critical role
发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性give play to the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation
发挥建设性play a constructive role
发挥引领play a guiding role
发挥政府play the role of government
发挥更大的国际play a larger international role
发挥核心play a core role
发挥独特play a unique role
发挥积极play a positive role
发挥货币政策逆周期调节play the role of making counter-cyclic adjustments
发挥重大play a sizeable role
发挥重要play an important role
发挥重要play a key role
发挥重要的建设性play an important and constructive role
可归成本之费用inventoriable expenses
伙伴partners in co-operation
伙伴关系cooperative partnership
信贷银行co-operative credit bank
加强国际贸易和金融机构cooperate to strengthen the international trade and financial institutions
意愿willing to cooperate
机制cooperation mechanisms
的发展cooperative development
社受益红patronage dividend
社银行banks for cooperatives
金库co-operative bank
金融corporate finance
银行co-operative bank
项目cooperation projects
合会储蓄放款协会,信用合saving-and-Ioan association
合并工底表consolidated work sheet
合并收益表工底稿consolidated income sheet work sheet
向世界释放合谋共贏的强有力信号send a strong signal of pursuing win-win cooperation to the world
国际贸易和投资合进程process of international trade and investment cooperation
在全球性问题上协调合work in concert on global issues
在国际经济事务中发挥更大play a bigger role in international economic affairs
在应对危机中发挥重要play a key role in crisis response
在程工job in process
在防范危机上加强合strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention
坚持在合中谋求共赢pursue win-win outcome through cooperation
垫付普通基金款项充预算支出advance to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure
垫付款项充临时及额外费用advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense
城市合银行urban cooperative bank
城市合银行municipal united bank
增强监管机构的国际合intensify international cooperation among regulators
增进合advance cooperation
央行公开市场操central bank open-market operations
奥地利中央合银行RZB Austria
孵化器incubator role
完成工之计划预算planned cost of work completed
实行平等互利、合共赢的对外开放政策implement equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win opening -up policy
审核工人员staff auditor
审计工总结报告summary report of auditing
审计工材料audit working papers
审计工责任制work responsibility of auditing
密切合intensify cooperation
密切合closely cooperate
对外经济合企业会计accounting of foreign economic cooperation enterprises
将抗击通胀列为工重点prioritize the fight against inflation
人员付的保证金guarantee money from employee
人员福利基金staff benevolent fund
生产单位折旧法depreciation-service output method
job card (work ticket)
定单work order (work sheet; work ticket)
底稿之留档filing of working paper
底稿程序working paper procedures
成本制度operation cost system
成本制度operating cost systems
成本单job sheet
支配员order of work clerk
时数摊销标准productive hours
时数折旧depreciation-working hour
时间折旧法depreciation-working hours method
能力operating capacity
费用working cost
通知单work order (work sheet; work ticket)
通知单分类帐work-order ledger
拒付证书的应收票据note receivable protested
拒付证书的应收票据notes receivable protested
拒付证书的应收票据note receivable protested
市场调节regulation role of market
建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合伙伴关系build a cooperative economic partnership of mutual respect and mutual benefit
建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合伙伴关系build a cooperative economic partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
开动时之in-cycle work
形成优势互补、分工协、均衡协调的区域开放新格局form a complementary, coordinated, balanced and coordinated regional opening a new pattern
战略合伙伴关系strategic cooperative partnership
扩大经济技术合expand economic and technological cooperation
技术合协定technical cooperation agreement
把…当作替scapegoat sb.
把扩大内需为经济发展的长期战略take expanding domestic demand as long-term strategy for economic development
投资运investment operation
拿宝石抵押借钱borrow money on jewels
按晴天工日计算weather working days
损坏工报告spoiled work report
损坏工汇总表summary of spoiled work
探索新的合机遇explore new cooperation opportunities
接受债券为抵押品accept bonds as collateral
推进人民币资本项下可兑换工press ahead with making the RMB convertible under capital accounts
推进全面经济合promote comprehensive economic cooperation
推进更为广泛的经济合promote more extensive economic cooperation
弹性operational flexibility
费用比率expense ratio
新兴资本合伙伴emerging capital partners
日本国际合银行Japan Bank for International Co-operation
有效工预算effective working budget
有自主决定权的投资管理操discretionary investment management operation
期中工底表interim work sheet
未完工job in operation (job in process)
本外币对冲操sterilization operation
本着建设性、合性和互利性的态度in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
本着建设性、合性和互利性的态度积极解决双边投资争端work proactively to resolve bilateral investment disputes in a constructive, cooperative, and mutually beneficial manner
本着相互尊重和合的精神in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation
机器工报告machine work report
杠杆leverage effects
杠杆操leveraged operation
查帐工底稿audit working paper
查帐工底表audit working sheet
标准工standard operation
次区域合sub-regional cooperation
次等废弃defective work
欧洲经济共同体合储蓄和信贷机构协会Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Institutions of European Economic Commodity
欧洲货币合基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
欧洲货币合基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund (欧洲经济共同体国家于1973年4月建立的政府间经济联合组织,总部设在卢森堡)
欧洲货币合基金Composite Monetary Cooperation Fund
positive side-effects
正常投资操normal investment operation
正杠杆positive leverage
每日工量报告daily work report
没有用抵押free from security
流程图flow charting
《海峡两岸经济合框架协议》Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (2010年6月29日由海协会与海基会签订,其内容涵盖两岸间主要的经济活动,包括货物贸易及服务贸易的市场开放、原产地规则、早期收获计划、贸易救济、争端解决、投资和经济合作等,目的是建立两岸经济合作机制,推动两岸经贸关系正常化)
海湾合理事会Gulf Cooperation Council (由沙特阿拉伯、科威特、卡特尔、阿联酋、巴林和阿曼等6个波斯湾沿岸国家于1981年成立的区域性国际经济合作组织)
消除操sterilization operation
深化了解、互信与合deepen understanding, trust, and cooperation
深化互利合deepen mutually beneficial cooperation
深化全球供应链合deepen the global supply chain cooperation
深化区域合deepen regional cooperation
深化双边合deepen bilateral cooperation
深化双边和多边合further deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation
深化合议程deepen cooperation agenda
深化国际金融监管合deepen cooperation in international financial regulation
深化在金融部门投资和监管领域的双边和多边合deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation on financial sector investment and regulation
深化在金融领域的合deepen cooperation in the financial sector
深化多边双边经贸合deepen multilateral and bilateral business cooperation
深化多边合deepen multilateral cooperation
深化宏观经济合deepen macroeconomic cooperation
深化宏观经济、财政、金融和结构性问题合deepen cooperation on macroeconomic, fiscal, financial, and structural issues
深化绿色增长合deepen cooperation in green growth
牢牢掌握经济工的主动权keep a firm grasp on the initiative in our economic work
现有对话和合机制existing mechanisms of dialogue and cooperation
理事会多年工计划Council's Multiyear Programme of Work
理事会多年工计划Council MYPOW
理事会多年工计划Council's Multiyear Programme of Work 2010-2013
理事会多年工计划Multiyear Programme of Work of the Council
理财业务投资运investment operation of the wealth management business
抵押品的股票hypothecated stock
电子化工流程electronic workflow
相互尊重、互利共赢的合伙伴关系cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
离岸操offshore operations
积极合全面的关系positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship
积极开展地方层级经济合actively develop sub-national economic cooperation
稳定价格操stabilizing manager
紧密合close cooperation
紧密的宏观经济合close macroeconomic cooperation
经常工standing order
经常工帐户standing job accounts
经济合与发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1961年9月成立,由加拿大、美国及欧洲经济合作组织等共20个成员组成,简称"经合组织")
经济合协定economic cooperation agreement
经济合机制economic cooperation mechanism
经济合议定书protocol on economic co-operation
经贸金融合economic, trade and financial cooperation
缩减工reduction of working day
股份合企业joint-equity cooperative enterprises
股本equity cushion
荷兰合银行Rabobank Nederland (又称"拉博银行",是荷兰的第二大银行,自2001年起曾连续被全球金融杂志评为全球十大最安全的银行之一,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第27位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第314位)
荷兰合银行Rabobank Group (又称"拉博银行",是荷兰的第二大银行,自2001年起曾连续被《全球金融》杂志评为全球十大最安全的银行之一,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第27位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第314位)
权信托copyright trust
计算成本控制工making cost control work
让市场力量发挥更大give freer rein to market forces
让自动稳定机制产生let automatic stabilizers work
记账工recording work
负杠杆negative leverage
财务分配financial gearing
财务工financial performance
财务杠杆financial gearing
货币的能动dynamic function of money (除交易媒介外)
贷放loaning operation
资金供需的相互interplay of demand and supply of money
进行中的工job in operation (job in process)
远期业负债future performance liabilities
远期操forward operations
通力合,共度时艰tide over the difficulties through concerted efforts
银证合silver card cooperation
长期丧失工能力的生活保险long-term disability income insurance
非洲合储蓄和信贷协会African Cooperation Savings and Credit Association (成立于1968年9月,秘书处设在肯尼亚首都内罗毕)
非财务杠杆negative financial leverage
顺利运smooth running
鼓励区域金融合encourage regional financial cooperation