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深水跳潜no-deep jump-dive
东部业区Eastern Operating Area
串联tandem operation
业中心master operating center
主操中心master operations center
主操控制器master operational controller
美国休斯敦业模拟技术Houston operations simulation technique
业区work space
业协调中心operations coordination center
业和时间控制系统job and time control system
业处理机job processor
业平衡线评价activity balance line evaluation
业指令work order
业控制中心operational control center
业控制中心operations control center
业步控制模块job step control block
业等待限制job wait limit
海军救援用业系统成套设备work system package
业组装区job pack area
业者集团委员会Group Operators Committee
业记录operation record
允许工扬程allowable working lift
先进操设施advanced operating facilities
先进的远程业系统advanced remotely operated work systems
全天候业小组All Wether Operations Panel
动力定位船操员协会dynamic positioning Vessel Operators Association
动力定位船操员协会DP Vessel Operators Association
美国北极地区石油业者协会Arctic Petroleum Operator Association
卡里加利一特里顿业公司Carigali-Triton Operation Co.
可供潜水员选择的业系统diver alternative work system
可变式远程业系统alterable remotely operating system
zone of cooperation
区范围zone of cooperation area
回收recovery operation
固定业路线fixed path of operation
国际工船展示会International Workboat Show
大气一海洋相互air-sea interaction
美国奥蒂斯公司海底钢丝绳操服务Otis subsea wireline operating service
水压working water pressure
work load
常压观察操atmospheric observation manipulative bell
常驻式远程操运载器resident remotely operated vehicles
平均工深度average working depth
美国得克萨斯海上业协会Marine Services Association of Texas
手工操manually operated
打捞业专家系统fishing operations expert system
准备平台operational readiness platform
operation post
operating base
员工作台operator workplace
控制台operational control console
美国斯库里地区峡谷礁业者委员会Scurry Area Canyon Reef Operators Committee
无人操的深潜器deep unmanned submersible
美国普鲁德霍湾区块西部业区Prudhoe Bay Unit Western Operating Area
暂停suspensions of operation
最低预期工温度lowest anticipated service temperature
有人操的工作室manned work enclosure
机械手操系统manipulator-operated system
极地Arctic services
柔性遥控阀操flexible remote valve operator
美国水下业委员会Committee on Man's Underwater Activities
水下 沉没submerged work chamber
水下工管道与水下应急阀subsea work-pipelines, subsea intervention valves
水下工系统underwater work system
水下无人业系统unmanned underwater work system
浅海业用合成材料Composite Material for Offshore Operations
浅海大陆架业通知申请continental shelf operations notice
浮力用式吊放回收升降装置buoyancy actuated launch and retrieval elevator
海上油井Maritime Well Service
海上穿梭marine shuttle operations
美国海外通信合协会Overseas Communication Cooperation Association
海底业船seabed operations vessel
海底图系统seafloor mapping system
海底实验室工员维护生命的设备consolidated aquanauts vital equipment
海底工围栏subsea work enclosure
海底工subsea work chamber
海底油井修理subsea well intervention services
澳大利亚海洋业中心Marine Operations Center
海洋系统ocean system operations
液压操的工作平台hydraulic operating work platform
深水业计划deep water operation plan
深海业船deep ocean work boat
潜水业承包商协会Association of Diving Contractors
潜水业系统diving work system
潜水业船diving-service vessel
潜水工submersible work chamber
爱尔兰近海业协会Irish Offshore Services Association
英国爱尔兰近海业者协会Irish Offshore Operators Association
石油业部Petroleum Operations Division
移动式远程操mobile remote manipulator unit
等待业船waiting on workboat
系缆式远程操运载器tethered remotely operated vehicle
维修操maintenance console
联合joint operation
联合combined operation
联合业中心Joint Operation Center
联合业合同joint operation contract
联合业委员会Joint Operation Committee
联合业条款joint operating provisions
联合业组Joint Operating Group
联合业船joint operating body
联合业规程joint operating procedures
自升式工平台self-elevating work platform
航运与浅海石油业安全自动化Automation for Safety in Shipping and Offshore Petroleum Operations
英国海上业者协会United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association
英国海上业者协会UK Offshore Operators Association
西部业区western operating area
西部业区west operating area
计算机辅助平台操computer-aided platform operation
载人工manned work enclosure
运动补偿甲板操系统motion compensation deck hand ling system
近海业和设备联营offshore services & equipment pool
美国近海钻井业者委员会Offshore Operators Committee
近海石油业者委员会Offshore Operators Committee
远程操运载器remotely operated vehicle
远程无人业系统remote unmanned work system
英国阿伯丁业控制中心Aberdeen Operating Control Center
陆上业单位land service unit
隔水立管操系统riser handling system