
Terms for subject Planning containing | all forms
业时间activity duration
业计划operating schedule
业计划体系operation-planning system
计划cooperation plan
单件小批生产业计划job & small batch operation schedule
名目dummy activity
后续业列叭work in next queue
后续业列队规则work in next queue rule
大量生产业计划mass production operation schedule
催查follow-up (follow-on)
力平稳问题work force smoothing problem
命令shop order
整体work package
通知单job time ticket
年度工计划annual working program
并行parallel activities
延迟工日报表daily delay report
成批生产业计划batch production operation schedule
最少留剩fewest remaining operations
最少留剩业数规则fewest remaining operations rule
月度生产业计划schedule of monthly production
松弛时间/留剩业规划slack/remaining operations rule
生产业计划operation schedule
生产协计划plan of cooperative production
管理业系统术management operation system technique
虚设dummy activity
计划工planning work
计划工机构planning of organ
用的综合functional integration