
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
上游石油工业安全特别工Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety
中和neutralisation To make a solution neutral by adding a base to an acidic solution, or an acid to a basic solution (为了得到中性溶液,则加碱到酸性溶液中或加酸到碱性溶液中。)
乳化emulsification The process of dispersing one liquid in a second immiscible liquid (液体在另一个不相容液体中散布的过程。)
二碳光合C2 photosynthesis
人文环境相互用理论environment interaction theory of personality
传统耕系统traditional agriculture
传统耕系统traditional farming system
运转情况working conditions
物生态学crop ecology
物育种plant breeding Raising a certain type of plant by crossing one variety with another to produce a new variety where the desired characteristics are strongest (通过与别的品种嫁接,得到期望特征的新的品种。)
健康与安全工法案Health & Safety Work Act
催化catalysis A phenomenon in which a relatively small amount of substance augments the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed (一种现象,在这种现象中,某种少量的物质加速了化学反应,而它本身却没有被消耗。)
C2光合C2 photosynthesis
光合photosynthesis The process by which plants transform carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and other compounds, using energy from the sun captured by chlorophyll in the plant. Oxygen is a by-product of the process. Photosynthesis is the essence of all plant life (autotrophic production) and hence of all animal life (heterotrophic production) on the planet Earth. The rate of photosynthesis depends on climate, intensity and duration of sunlight, available leaf area, soil nutrient availability, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, and soil moisture regimes (这个过程所产生的二氧化碳和水直接转化成碳水化合物和其它化合物,太阳能驱动光和作用。叶绿素氧是光和作用过程产生的一种副产品。光合作用的本质是一切植物生命(自养生产)的来源,因此地球上所有的动物都是异养生产。光合作用的速率取决于气候、阳关强度和持续时间、叶面积、土壤养分有效性、温度、二氧化碳浓度、土壤水分等因素。)
废弃物crop waste Any unusable portion of plant matter left in a field after harvest (收割后弃于田地间、没有任何使用价值的农作物部分。)
物保护crop protection The problem of crop protection has changed dramatically since 1945. There is now a whole arsenal of chemicals with which to combat agricultural pests and diseases, but this development has itself many drawbacks. Such sophisticated techniques are available only to a minority of farmers; in most parts of the world the standard of crop protection remains abysmally low. In addition, modern crop protection methods have been criticized for relying too heavily on chemical control. Biological controls, both natural and contrived, have been neglected. In some cases involving misuse of agricultural chemicals, crops must be protected from the very measures intended for their protection. Meanwhile previously localized pests and diseases continue to spread worldwide (自从1945年以来,农作物保护问题发生了巨大的变化。现在我们有许多化学试剂用以对付农作物害虫和疾病,但这种发展本身也存在着许多不足。例如,成熟的技术仅能被少数农民所利用;在世界范围内,农作物保护的标准仍然很低。此外,现代的农作物保护措施也因为过多依赖化学手段控制而受到指责。生物手段控制,无论是自然的还是人工的都被人们所忽略。在误用农用化学试剂的情况下,需要采用适当的方法来包括农作物。与此同时,先前存在的重害病仍在世界范围内传播。)
物生产crop production The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption (为家畜或人类需求而从事生产农产品的行为或过程。)
物虫害infestation of crops Invasion of crop by parasites. Among vertebrate animals, many crop pests are mammals, especially in the order of rodents and birds. Among invertebrates, certain species of gastropods and a large number of roundworms from the class of nematodes harm crops. The most varied and numerous species of crop pests are arthropods-insects, arachnids and some species of millipedes and crustaceans. Diseases vary from viral, bacterial, and nutritional to fungal, environmental and non-specific. The FAO has estimated that annual worldwide losses done by plant pests and diseases amount to approximately 20-25% of the potential worldwide yield of food crops (农作物遭受寄生虫的侵害。在脊椎动物中,许多的作物害虫为哺乳动物,尤其是啮齿目动物和鸟类。在无脊椎动物中,某些种类的腹足动物和数量颇大属线虫纲的迴虫也会对作物造成危害。种类最多和数目最大的作物害虫为节肢昆虫、蛛形纲动物和某些种类的节肢动物和甲壳纲动物。病害随著病毒、细菌、真菌、覃菌类营养和环境而异。FAO (联合国粮农组织) 估计每年全世界植物病虫害的损失约占全世界食用作物产量的20~25%。)
物防治crop treatment Use of chemicals in order to avoid damage of crops by insects or weeds (用化学物质防止农作物被害虫和杂草所伤害。)
农地耕cultivation of agricultural land Cultivation of land for the production of plant crops. Agricultural land may be employed in an unimproved state with few, if any, management inputs (extensive rangeland), or in an intensively managed state with annual inputs of fertilizer, pest, control treatments, and tillage (为了农作物生产的土地耕作。农业土地可能以未改良的状态下、几乎不加管理的使用,或者可能以一种每年施肥、防制病虫、控制处理以及耕种等高度管理的状态被使用。)
农药的互用性interaction of pesticides The enhancement of activity of pesticides when they are used in combination with others (与其它药物合用时,本农药的活性增强的特性。)
药物等起到的side effect Any secondary effect, especially an undesirable one (一些继发效应,特别是指非期望的作用。)
化学吸收chemisorption The process of chemical adsorption (化学的吸收的过程。)
协同synergism An ecological association in which the physiological processes of behaviour of an individual are enhanced by the nearby presence of another organism (一个生态协会,其中一个人的行为的生理过程是由附近的另一种生物的存在而得到增强。)
协同用的有毒物质synergistic effect of toxic substances 1. A state in which the combined effect of two or more substances is greater than the sum of the separate effects. 2. An effect whereby two toxic substance together have more of an impact than anticipated (1. 在一个国家里,两个或两个以上的物质结合效果总和比单独作用的效果强。 2. 作用,使两种有毒物质具有一个共同的影响比预期的更强。)
印刷工printing work The art, process or business of producing reproductions of written text or images in multiple copies, in book, periodical or newspaper formats, or in other similar formats (艺术、工艺或生产的书面文字或图像的多个副本复制业务,包括书籍、期刊或报纸的复制。)
危险分析hazardous operations analysis
危险可操性研究hazard operability studies
可持续土地耕sustainable land husbandry
原则co-operation principle
政策co-operation policy Political course of action aiming at establishing trade agreements among the states (以制定各国之间贸易协定为目标的政治方针。)
同化assimilation Conversion of nutritive material to living tissue (营养物质对活体组织的转化。)
喷嘴操nozzle operator
固氮nitrogen fixation Assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by a variety of microorganisms which live freely in soil. Once the nitrogen has been captured by one of the microorganisms, there are many different routes by which it is handled. Some is retained in the soil as decomposing plant matter, waiting to be released and taken up by new crops as a nitrate. That nitrate is produced by nitrifying bacteria living in the soil that thrive on ammonia, which is produced by decaying plant and animal material. In processing nitrogen the nitrifying bacteria produce nitrate that can be absorbed by the roots of plants (土壤里自由存在的多种微生物对大气中氮的吸收。一旦微生物已经捕获到氮,有很多不同的路线来处理。一些像分解的植物那样被保留在土壤里,等待作为硝酸盐被新的庄稼吸收。 硝酸盐是通过生活在土壤中的细菌硝化而产生的,靠氨旺盛生长,这些氨是由腐烂的植物和动物材料而产生的。)
国际合international co-operation The collaboration between governments, businesses or individuals in which it is agreed to work together on similar objectives or strategies, particularly in research or in setting industrial standards (政府、企业或个人的合作,在为相似的目标或战略共同工作上达成一致,尤其是研究或制定行业标准方面。)
块根农root crop Plants which store edible material in a root, corm or tuber; root crops used as food vegetables or fodder include carrots, parsnips, swedes and turnips; starchy root crops include potatoes, cassavas and yams (根、球茎或块茎且能食用的植物;块根农作物作为食物、蔬菜或草料包括胡萝卜、欧洲防风草、甘蓝和萝卜;淀粉块根作物包括马铃薯、木薯和红薯。)
美国科拉罗多州立大学大气层研究协研究所Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
区有害物质信息系统Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
场所workplace Any or all locations or environments where people are employed (人们就业的所有地点或环境。)
守则code of practice A systematic collection of procedures outlining the established method of application of all relevant laws, rules or regulations to a specific endeavor (应用相关法律、规则或法规,有系统的收集建立程序概述的方法,以有效完成工作。)
时间working hours The time devoted to gainful employment or job-related activities, usually calculated as hours per day or per week (有酬工作或与工作有关活动的时间,通常是按每天或每周小时数来计算。)
使用条件working condition
条件working condition All existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace, including job hours, physical aspects, legal rights and responsibilities (工作场所中影响工作的所有因素,包括工作时间、物质方面、法律权利和责任。)
的组织organisation of work The coordination or structuring of work practices and production processes in order to influence the way jobs are designed and performed in the workplace (协调工作实践和生产过程,从而影响工作流程的设计和执行。)
工业有机体、生物, 用于工业上的栽种作物,例如棉花、亚麻、大麻(纤维)、花生等。industrial plant Plants employed in industry, e.g. cotton, flax, hemp, peanuts, etc.; organism
工业原料industrial crop Any crop that provides materials for industrial processes and products such as soybeans, cotton (lint and seed), flax, and tobacco (任何一种可供工业生产和加工原料的作物,如大豆、棉花(棉絮及种子)、亚麻和烟草等。)
工程工engineering work No definition needed (无需定义)
干旱光合drought photosynthesis
废料为原料的利用use of waste as material
废料为能源资源的利用use of waste as energy source
建筑拆解demolition business The activity of reducing buildings or other structures to rubble (将房屋或其它结构物破坏并转变成碎石的活动。)
开发合development co-operation
志愿工voluntary work Unpaid activities done by citizens often organized in associations, to provide services to others, particularly to elderly and poor people, handicapped, etc. (市民以协会组织的方式所做的无酬活动,为别人提供服务,特别是老人和穷人、残疾人等。)
托附desorption The process of removing a sorbed substance by the reverse of adsorption or absorption (经由吸附或吸收的逆反应移除被吸附之物质。)
抗旱drought-tolerant crop
拮抗antagonism The situation in which two chemicals upon interaction interfere in such a way that the action of one partially or completely inhibits the effects of the other (两种化学物质间的交互干扰作用,某一物质部分或完全抑制另外一物质发生效果的状况。)
数值天气预报工numerical weather prediction operational grid
有害业物质hazardous working material A poison, corrosive agent, flammable substance, explosive, radioactive chemical, or any other material which can endanger human health or well-being if handled improperly (一种有毒的、有腐蚀性的介质、易燃物、易爆物、放射性化学品或其他任何若处理不当则可危及人类健康或福祉的物质。)
有害废物业和应急对策Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
毒性toxic effect A result produced by the ingestion or contact of poisonous materials (摄取或接触到有毒物质而产生的结果)
毒性物质的拮抗antagonistic effect of toxic substances
气象卫星研究合研究所Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
气象卫星研究合研究所地区同化系统Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies regional assimilation system
气象卫星研究合研究所地区同化系统CIMSS regional assimilation system
沉积deposition The process by which polluting material is precipitated from the atmosphere and accumulates in ecosystems (污染物质从大气中沉降,因而堆积于生态系统的过程。)
泌盐recretion (recretio)
混合complex formation Formation of a complex compound. Also known as complexing or complexation (混合物的合成,也称为混合或混合作用。)
地球大气层的温室效应greenhouse effect
灾害清除工disaster cleanup operation A course or procedure of activity designed to clear the debris or remove harmful substances left by an ecological calamity, natural or human in origin, in a given area (一套行动方案或流程,用于清除残骸,或消除由于自然或人类因素引起生态灾害所留下的有害物质。)
环境工environmental occupation Gainful employment or job-related activity pertaining to ecological concerns, including the preservation of natural resources and the integrity of the ecosystem (受雇或工作在与生态相关的活动,包含维护自然资源与健全生态系统。)
美国环境科学研究协研究所Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
现场操指南field operating guide
矿化mineralisation The process of fossilization whereby inorganic materials replace the organic constituent of an organism (化石化现象,使无机材料代替有机体的有机组成部分的过程。)
硝化nitrification The process by which ammonia compounds, including man-made fertilizer and the humus provided by organic matter or plant and animal origin, are converted into nitrites and then nitrates, which are then absorbed as a nutrient by crops. Excess nitrate can be leached into surface waters and groundwaters, causing pollution. Excess nitrate may also be converted by microbes back into gaseous nitrogen, which is an important greenhouse gas, and released back into the atmosphere. The ultimate source of nitrogen in the ecosystem is the molecular nitrogen in the atmosphere. To a very limited extent, some dissolves in water. However, none is found in rock (氨水混合物,包括人造肥料、由有机物或者动植物源提供的腐殖质,被转换为亚硝酸盐而后是硝酸盐,其被吸收作为庄稼营养物的过程。过量硝酸盐可浸入地表水和地下水而引起污染。过量硝酸盐可能通过微生物转变为氮气,它是一种重要的温室气体,并且释放进入大气。生态系统中的氮的重要来源是空气中的分子氮。在有限的程度之上,一些溶解在水里。不过,没有在岩石里发现氮。)
南美洲福克兰群岛环境治理工Falkland Islands Environmental Task Group
科学合scientific co-operation
空气-水相互air-water interaction The physical processes at the air-water interface: momentum, heat and mass transfer across the air-water interface, mixing of surface water by wind stress and wave breaking, directional wave spectra and wave forces on offshore structures. The air-water interaction is measured by the turbulence and gas exchanges resulting from the mixing of the water column by wind (在空气与水的分界面上的物理过程:动力、热量和块状物质穿过空气与水的分界面,由风力和碎波引起的水面混合,使方向波谱和波力作用于海上结构物。空气—水相互作用通过风引起的水柱混合所产生的乱流和气体交换进行度量。)
空气海洋联合相互joint air-sea interaction
等高耕contour farming The performing of cultivations along lines connecting points of equal elevation so reducing the loss of top soil by erosion, increasing the capacity of the soil to retain water and reducing the pollution of water by soil (沿着相同海拔高度的点连线耕作,这样可以降低表层土壤的侵蚀,提高土壤的保水能力,同时降低土壤造成的水体污染。)
繁殖操reproductive manipulation The technology involved in altering in some prescribed way the genetic constitution of an organism. Typically "useful" genes, i.e. very short sequence of DNA, are isolated from one organism and inserted into the DNA of a bacterium of yeast. These microorganisms multiply rapidly and can be cultured easily, enabling large quantities of the gene product to be obtained. Reproductive manipulation has been used for the large-scale production of antibiotics, enzymes, and hormones (e.g. insulin). Organisms into which foreign DNA has been artificially inserted are called "transgenic organisms" (一种改变组织基因的技术。特别是"有用"的基因,如:将从一个组织分离出来的,很短的DNA序列片段植入酵母菌的DNA中。这些微组织可以很快地被培养,从而得到大量的基因产物。繁殖操作已经被应用于大规模抗体生产、酶的生产和激素的生产(如胰岛素)。接受移植的载体叫做"转基因组织"。)
经济工业原料industrial crop
经济cash crop Crops that are grown for sale in the town markets or for export. They include coffee, cocoa, sugar, vegetables, peanuts and non-foods, like tobacco and cotton. Huge areas of countries in the developing world have been turned over to cash crops. Those countries with no mineral or oil resources depend on cash crops for foreign money, so that they can import materials do develop roads, for construction, or to buy Western consumer goods and, indeed, food. However, critics argue that cash crops are planted on land that would otherwise be used to grow food for the local community and say this is a cause of world famine. Cash crops, such as peanuts, can ruin the land if it is not left fallow after six years of harvests. Moreover, if the best agricultural land is used for cash crops, local farmers are forced to use marginal land to grow food for local consumption, and this has a further dramatic effect on the environment (供市场出售或出口而种植的农作物。包括咖啡、可可、糖、蔬菜、花生和非食用作物,如烟草、棉花。发展中世界的很多国家已经转向了种植经济作物。那些没有矿产、石油资源的国家依靠经济作物来获取外币,以使它们能够在建筑方面通过进口材料来建设道路,或者购买西方消费产品以及食物。然而,有评论说,经济作物种植在了那些可以供当地居民种植食物的土地上,这是导致世界饥荒的一个原因。经济作物,例如花生如果在收获之后不休耕六年就会毁坏土地。再者,如果最好的农耕土地用来种植经济作物,当地农民不得不用边际土地来种植食物以供当地消费,这将进一步影响环境。)
耐旱drought-tolerant crop
耐旱drought-resistant crop
方法cultivation method Any procedure or approach used to prepare land or soil for the growth of new crops, or to promote or improve the growth of existing crops (一种过程或方法,用于处理农田或土壤使其适合种植新的农作物,,或促进和改善提高其原有农作物的生长。)
系统cultivation system Any overall structure or set-up used to organize the activity of preparing land or soil for the growth of new crops, or the activity of promoting or improving the growth of existing crops (一种全面的组织结构,用于组织、处理农田或土壤使其适合种植新的农作物,或促进、改善、提高其原有农作物的生长。)
职业健康与工环境occupational health and working environment
脱氮denitrification 1. The loss of nitrogen from soil by biological or chemical means. It is a gaseous loss, unrelated to loss by physical processes such as through leachates. 2. The breakdown of nitrates by soil bacteria, resulting in the release of free nitrogen. This process takes place under anaerobic conditions, such as are found in water-logged soil, and it reduces soil fertility (1. 经由生物处理或化学方式去除土中含的氮。 是一种汽化式的散失,而非经由物理过程如渗漏的流失。 2.经由土壤中的细菌分解硝酸盐而释放出自由氮。 此种过程常发生于厌氧环境下,如浸泡在水中的土地;会降低土中养份。)
脱硫desulphurisation The removal of sulphur, as from molten metals or petroleum oil. Sulphur residues in fuels end up as sulphur dioxide when the fuel is burned causing acid rain (从熔融金属或石油中移除硫。 残留在燃料中硫在燃烧后会变为二氧化硫,造成酸雨。)
自然的自净natural self-purification
自然的自净self-purifying capacity
蒸腾transpiration The loss of water vapour from a plant, mainly through the stomata and to a small extent through the cuticle and lenticels. Transpiration results in a stream of water, carrying dissolved minerals salts, flowing upwards through the xylem (植物水蒸汽的损失,主要是通过气孔,少许通过角质层和皮孔。蒸腾作用会产生水流,它含有矿物质盐,并经由木质部位向上流。)
计划合planned cooperator
计划合fire cooperator
起健康healthy functioning
农作物crop rotation
crop rotation An agricultural technique in which, season after season, each field is sown with crop plants in a regular rotation, each crop being repeated at intervals of several years. Crop rotation minimizes the risks of depleting the soil of particular nutrients. In rotation systems, a grain crop is often grown the first year, followed by a leafy-vegetable crop in the second year, and a pasture crop in the third. The last usually contains legumes; such plants can restore nitrogen to the soil. Notwithstanding, high yields tend to depend upon the continued addition of chemical fertilizers to the soil (一种农业技术。在各季节间,每块土地都会被有规律的播种和种植农作物,每种农作物都会在间隔几年后被重复种植。轮作可以将土壤特殊养分被耗尽的危险性降到最低。在轮作系统中,榖类作物一般在第一年种植,接着的第二年是多叶蔬菜作物,第三年是放牧作物,最后是豆类作物,因为这类作物可以恢复土壤中的氮肥。 尽管如此,高产量向土壤中连续投加额外的化学肥料。)
辐射radiation effects
防洪工flood protection
降雨侵蚀rainfall erosion
青年工youth work Job opportunities and employment for adolescents, either for financial reward or educational enrichment (为青年人提供工作机会,包括经济上的资助或提供教育培训。)
非高峰时间工off-peak working
饲料forage crop Cultivation of crops for consumption by livestock (供牲畜消费而栽培的农作物。)