
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
不稳floating action
不能工时间disabled time
主要业表master schedule
二次secondary action
用效应interaction effect
交互与电网interaction (with grid)
交互interaction effect
交流工电压working voltage alternative current
伺服servo action
业持续时间activity duration
物气候crop climate
用中心action center
用力applied stress
用力acting force
用力示意图force diagram
用区active region
用半径operating range
用压力actuating pressure
用时间action time
用盘actuator disc
用面acting surface
保护safety action
偏心wobbler action
偏心eccentric action
冲击percussion action
减震damper damping action
减震cushioning effect
切齿操gear cutting operation
fabrication drawing
制动braking effect
制动brake action
制动用力braking effort
剪切shear effect
secondary action
时间actuation time
动力dynamic action
升力用点lift center
用的single acting
back action
用力reactive thrust
用力reactive force
用力reaction force
用力counter force
用平衡reaction balance
取样动sampling action
困难工条件hard service
埃尔兹伯里风荷载实验Aylesbury collaborative experiment
外力epigene action
大气atmospheric process
安全工safe operating area
安全工area of safe operation
安全操safe operation
安装工installation work
定向动directive action
实际工压力actual working pressure
容许工压力allowable working pressure
小功率工状态light duty
屏蔽screen action
屏蔽safety action
介质working medium
原理principal of operation
参数working parameter
周期length of working cycle
周期duty period
寿命operation life
寿命operating life
循环期length of working cycle
性能service behavior
抽样检査activity sampling
效能task performance
条件working condition
母机machine tools
duty cycle
流体working fluid
流体特性working fluid characteristics
特性task performance
特性performance characteristic
特性图performance chart
状态operating mode
状态operating states
状态character of service
环境operational environment
负荷operating load
面通风face ventilation
面风流速度face air velocity
风速working wind speed
齿面working flank
工程设计协engineering design collaboration
平均mean effort
平均工负荷average work load
平均误动间隔时间mean time between malfunction
平流层耦合stratospheric coupling
平行操parallel operation
平衡poising action
延时动作time lag action
延时动开关delay action switch
延时动按钮delay action push button
延时动继电器delay action relay
延迟delay action
开闭动open and shut action
开闭动on-off action
弱相互用状态weak interaction regime
resultant action
感应inductive action
感应induction effect
揉搓kneading action
原理principal of operation
operating table
application drawing
方法operating method
日程operation schedule
特性operating characteristic
程序sequence of operation
程序operating program
经验operational experience
范围operating range
装置operating device
装置operating apparatus
要求operational requirement
规程working specification
负荷service load
负荷operating duty
费用operating cost
过程operating routine
过程operating process
顺序计划assembly order/operational sequence planning
放大amplified action
整流rectified action
无人操unmanned operation
无定向动floating action
无故障工failure free period
日维修工制度daily task system of maintenance
最佳操optimum operation
最大容许工压力maximum allowable working pressure
最大工寿命maximum service life
最大工温度maximum working temperature
最大工负荷maximum working load
最大无故障工时间maximal time between faults
最大许可操温度maximum allowable operating temperature
最小用量least action
有效工时间available time
桁架truss action
正常工寿命normal operating life
正常工条件regular service condition
每日工daily work
每日维修保养工daily maintenance task
气动力用面aerodynamic surface
气动力相互aerodynamic interaction
气海air-sea interaction
气海相互atmosphere-ocean interaction
涡流eddy effect
液压功筒hydraulic cylinder
现场工性能field performance
直接direct action
直接用的direct acting
直流工电压working voltage direct current
相互用系统interactive system
磁屏蔽magnetic screening action
磨床工grinder bench
磨损abrasive action
磨损量过大的工状态rugged duty
稳定工温度stabilized operating temperature
稳定操stable operation
精密工precision work
维修操细则maintenance operating instructions
维护工maintenance effort
缓冲deadening effect
缓冲damping effect
缓释动slow release action
自净self purification
自净natural purification
自动操automatic operating
自动操系统automatic operating system
艾尔兹伯里风载荷实验Aylesbury collaborative experiment
表面surface action
装配工fitting work
触发trigger action
试制工development work
试验室工laboratory bench
诱导induction effect
质量用定律law of mass action
超负荷工状态hard service
车床工lathe bench
辅助气动用面auxiliary aerodynamic surface
通一断on-off action
采样sampling action
采样动sampling action
重新调整动reset action
钻床工drilling machines bench
键盘操key operate
闭式工段回流风洞closed jet return flow tunnel
间歇工方式intermittent duty
防护sheltering effect
防护safety action
防锈antirust action
防震antihunt action
阻塞choking action
阻尼damper damping action
阻尼antihunt action
集肤surface action
非工齿面non-working flank
非正常工试验abnormal operation test
非直接性生产工dead work
非线性相互nonlinear interaction
额定工电压rated operational voltage
额定工电流rated operational current
风干wind desiccation
风弥散wind dispersion
风洞工时间flow duration
风洞工段有效面积effective throat
风蚀aeolian erosion