
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
不存在工人员住房问题no housing problems for staff
临时性工temporary work
主要协key associates
但十全十美的工组是可能的nobody’s perfect-but a team can be
业估算测定法predetermined elemental time standard system
业工程学work engineering
业规划operational planning
业规则operating rules
业规定operating rules
修补工专家patchwork specialist
发展中国家间技术合工作组Working Group on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
各国经济权利和义务宪章工Working Group on the Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States
项目cooperated projects
国际海洋资料交换工委员会Working Committee for International Oceanographic Data Exchange
国际经济合宣言问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on the Questions of A Declaration on International Economic Cooperation
国际统计方案和协调工Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Coordination
国际航运立法工Working Goup on International Legislation on Shipping
国际货物销售的时限及限制时效小组Working Group on Time Limits and Limitation prescriptions in the International Sale of Goods
国际货物销售问题工Working Group on the International Sale of Goods
在项目中起的role within the project
场地工site work
塑胶制机器plastic injection moulding machines
审查联合国行政和预算程序工小组Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations
对外经济技术合economic & technical cooperation with foreign countries
小型工业问题工Working Party on Small-Scale Industries
人员福利楼staff welfare buildings
人员鉴定表staff appraisal form
完成记录报告recording and reporting of work accomplished
指示的程序job instructions procedures
方案work design
网络图activity network diagram
计划the work programme
设计work design
工业发展合咨询委员会advisory committee on cooperation in industrial development
工程结算前对错误工的改正correlation of work before final payment
建厂plant installation
总承包为施工经理general contractor acting as construction manager
施工前工pre-construction work
日工一览表schedules of day works
欧洲经济合组织Organization for European Economic Co-operation
现场工人员site staff
生产业进度示意图schedule diagram
研究试制工R&D efforts
科技交流合scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation
科技协合同agreement on scientific and technological cooperation
粮农组织特设工Ad Hoc FAO Working Party
经济及社会理事会议规则特设工小组Ad Hoc Working Group on the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council
经济合和发展组织the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
联合国方案和预算机构工Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery
联合国方案和预算机构特设工Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery
计日工daywork schedule
设计工类型types of product design work
设计工责任制responsibility system in designing
试验厂的设计与操pilot plant design and operation
采用系统边际价法introducing system marginal costing
深度研究的准则criteria requiring in-depth study