
Terms containing 作用荷载 | all forms | in specified order only
bridg.constr.与所施加的荷载同时作用的风荷载wind load acting with imposed load
bridg.constr.与附加荷载同时作用所施加的荷载imposed load acting with additional load
tech.作用于拱顶的集中荷载point load at the crown
bridg.constr.作用的可变荷载applied variable load
bridg.constr.作用荷载applied load
hydroel.st.作用荷载useful load
eng.geol.作用荷载work load
bridg.constr.作用荷载working load
bridg.constr.作用荷载imposed load
tech.作用荷载applied loading
bridg.constr.作用荷载的偏心eccentricity of applied load
bridg.constr.作用荷载的偏心对偏心平面中对应截面尺寸之比ratio of eccentricity of applied load to corresponding section dimension in the plane of eccentricity
space作用载荷working load
space作用载荷applied load (可能受到的静、动和热载荷)
transp.作用载荷useful load
tech.周期荷载作用下应力强度范围stress intensity range under cyclical loading
proj.manag.垂直杆件则借悬臂作用产生和拱挠度相等的悬臂挠度、 来承担足够的荷载Vertical elements carry sufficient load through cantilever action to produce cantilever deflections equal to arch deflections
tech.垫片荷载作用位置处的直径diameter at location of gasket load reaction
bridg.constr.局部作用的集中荷载locally applied concentrated load
qual.cont.恒定作用载荷constant-acting load
auto.恒定作用载荷continuous load
bridg.constr.承受随时间变化作用的侧向荷载的加劲板梁stiffened plate girder subjected to time-dependent applied lateral load
avia.机载电子-光学专用操作有效载荷airborne electro-optical special operations payload
bridg.constr.材料承受荷载作用的能力capacity of material to resist the effect of load
tech.水平荷载反作用horizontal load reaction
bridg.constr.直接作用荷载direct acting load
bridg.constr.荷载作用平面level of application of load
tech.荷载作用时间duration of load
met.荷载作用点load point
tech.荷载作用点point of loading
bridg.constr.荷载作用点load applying point
bridg.constr.荷载作用点applying point of load
bridg.constr.荷载作用点point of load application
tech.荷载作用点loading point
tech.荷载作用的平面loaded plane
tech.荷载作用系数coefficient of load applied
tech.荷载分布作用load distribution action
tech.荷载反作用制动器load-reaction brake
tech.荷载重复作用次数number of load repetitions
auto.载荷作用下变形的温度temperature of deflection under load
space载荷作用点load point
tech.长期荷载作用long-term load action
tech.附加荷载作用effect of surcharge