
Terms for subject Water resources containing 作物 | all forms | in specified order only
两相生物甲烷化作用biphasic biomethanation
临时作物种植面积temporary crop area
作物单产crop yield
作物水分生产率crop water productivity
作物水生产力crop water productivity
作物灌溉crop irrigation
作物灌溉需水量crop irrigation water requirement
作物耗水量crop consumptive water use
作物耗水量crop water use
作物被淹没drowning out
作物需水量duty of water
作物需水量water duty
作物需水量crop water requirement
参考作物蒸散量reference crop evapotranspiration
多年生作物perennial crops
水浇地作物harvested crops under irrigation
污染物 -沉淀物相互作用pollutant-sediment interaction
河流生物自净作用river biological self-purification
深根作物deep-rooted crop
灌溉作物产量 作物名称irrigated crop yield name of crop
灌溉作物收获总面积harvested irrigated crop area: total
灌溉作物收获面积 作物名称harvested irrigated crop area name of crop
物理净化作用physical purification
物理自净作用physical self-purification
生物硝化-反硝化作用biological nitrification-denitrification
营养物级联相互作用trophic cascading interaction