
Terms for subject Economy containing 作出 | all forms | in specified order only
主席对此新闻作出积极反应The chairman reacted to the news positively
买主声称短缺20件,我们只好作出是你方过错的结论The buyers claimed a shortage of 20 pieces, and we are forced to the conclusion that it was your fault
他们将为基金的管理作出适当的安排They will make appropriate arrangements for the administration of the funds
他们当然会对经济制裁作出反应They will, of course, respond to the economic sanctions
他可以同其他人共同作出技术改良和创造发明He may make some improvements and inventions jointly with others
他必须遵守公司代表所作出的任何指示,而不得提出上诉He has to comply without appeal with any direction of the company's representative
他正作出努力以获得争执的解决He is endeavour-ing to secure the settlement of the dispute
以收入抵作支出set off receipts against expenditures
任何时候,受害方有权要求对其权益作出公正的裁决At any time, the aggrieved party is entitled to a judgment in equity
传讯被扣押者出庭作证令habeas corpus ad testificandum
作为普通剩余报酬的出租rent as generalized surplus return
作些试验,找出破裂的原因,这样做是可取的It would be advisable to have tests made to locate the cause of the breaking
作出arrive at (决定)
作出决定shape a decision
作出决定make a decision
法院就自己的管辖权作出决策rule on one's own jurisdiction
作出give make a ruling
作出最后判决give a final ruling
作出结论bring to a conclusion
作出最后裁决give a final ruling
作出裁决find a verdict
作出责成被告具体执行判决enter a judgment providing for specific performance
作巡回演出be on tour
作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price
供出口的农作物agricultural export crop
停止作出裁决stay one's ruling on
关于地点的选择问题将由董事会作出最后决定The final determination of location will be made by the board of directors
出勤到工但无工作可做的工作日工资call-in pay
出口作物shipping crop
出国服务的工作人员expatriate staff
出版工作publishing work
美国制止非法出口操作Operation Exodus
卖方作出的转包合同vendor-maked subcontract
可作剩余的出租rent as surplus
回信应对每一索赔分别作出相应解释The reply letter shall be construed to be severable as to each claim
在与客户商谈之前,他们还不能作出决定They cant come to a decision until they have talked with their clients
在实施这一条款时出现的任何争议,将以仲裁作为一种解决办法Arbitration will be an approach to settle any dispute arising from the operation of this clause
在被告缺席的情况下作出的仲裁裁决award rendered in the absence of the respondent
如果技术员对工程师就任何设计所提出的异议有争执,这类争执可提请总工程师作出裁决If the technician disputes the disapproval by the engineer of any design, such disputes may be referred to the chief engineer for decision
如果这类记录不准确或不充分,就作出修改Amendments shall be made if such minutes are inaccurate or insufficient
所交货物的瑕疵作出补救remedy defects in the goods (delivered)
案件的是非曲直作出裁决decide on upon (the merits of the case)
就实体法问题作出有约束力的裁决decision binding on the merits (of the claim)
就案件中的实体作出的裁决adjudicate on the merits
工作时数与产出hours of work and output
必须作出的有约束力的决定an entailing binding decision
我们从利润中留出一万美元保留款作为机动Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use
我们会作出一切必要安排按时交货We will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time
我们认为有必要作出这些减免We are obliged to make these abatements
我方已收集了足够的资料,可据以作出结论We have gathered adequate mate on which our conclusion is based
拨出一笔款清偿债务appropriate an amount of money to (a payment of claims)
拨出一笔款基建appropriate a sum for (capital construction)
拨出一笔款作基本建设用appropriate a sum for capital construction
按事由作出的实体法方面的决定determine the case upon its merit
提出质量问题作为理由allege the quality as a reason
提出…作为理由allege... as a reason
提出债权作为抵消assert a setoff
未收到你方耒货,请就此事立即作出说明Having received no delivery from you, we ask you for an immediate explanation
根据书面证据作出决定decide on upon (the basis of documentary evidence, 或判断)
法院作出"案情不明拒绝受理"的裁定bring in a finding of non liquet
金银流出的双重作用double action of drains
由于计算机出了故障,你只好手工制作保险单You have to make the insurance policy manually because the computer has broken down
算作支出account to give
董事会已剥夺了他作出重大业务决策的权利The board of directors has deprived him of the right to make major business decisions
请注意我方建议对本协议作出修改Please note that we suggest modifications to the agreement
这一机会确有利于我们作出一项重要的决定This opportunity does favour our making an important decision
这一机会确有利于我们作出一项重要的决定This opportunity does favor our making an important decision
进出口合作方案import-export cooperative programme